/mhg/ - Monster Hunter General

Kula Yaku edition

>Monster Hunter: World
-MH:World is coming out for PS4 and Xbox One Jan 26, 2018, and eventually PC. pastebin.com/Pc4NsdxP
↳PS4 beta is LIVE until Dec 26 12:00 PM EST, does not require PS+
↳Third Fleet Trailer 12/8: youtube.com/watch?v=8RIaU9kpA8Q
↳Paris Trailer 10/30: youtube.com/watch?v=64ql8jQBgsw
↳Weapons: youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_ALSpmx2A8sAdeuYKMnrCt0xCpwPyPbC

>I have a question!
Includes links to the FAQ, weapon guides, charm info, and more.

Database with weapon trees, item locations, drop rates, etc.

Same thing, in application form.

>Where does Veeky Forums play?
Create or find a Gathering Hall
Password: rage (7243 for 3DS)
XX, ターグット: Gathering フィールド採集
Gen, Objective: Gathering
4U, Target: Fishing

Tags: MHWorld, MHXX, MHGen, MH4U, MH3U, Stories, MonHun, /mhg/

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somene post a room


What is the best demo monster and why is it kula-ya-ku



It's fun to say like an autistic sperg

someone redpill me on the mhxx switch demo

Night night friend

Incorrect, it's because he's so weak he knows he needs a weapon, but doesn't even know how to use a rock


Reminder not to ever listen to GaijinHunter.

gaijinhunter? more like waifubeater, amirite?! XD

Those jokes make me seriously worried for his daughter. No pedo

Daily reminder that THE SKY LOOKS THE SAME TO ME


Me as well. He actually named her Yuna what a fucking weeb and apparently he actually hit his wife during one of his streams.


>rathalos in gen 1-4
>distinct roar
>rathalos in gen 5


Because he's gonna burn you immediately after you got stun locked by that roar

He got soar throat


there isn't one because it's a retarded meme

From having Steve stick his chad cock down his throat, right after Steve did the same for slutty Rathian

w-what's he gonna do with that kitten

The fuck do you think?
He's going to put him on his back and they'll become a monster hunting duo

>Practically no rooms on the search list for the beta
Why is it so dead? Did everyone just have their fill last weekend?

It's fun

Lots of people probably traveling for Christmas
Also it's like 2AM here in Burgerland

Huntress thighs

Between the last beta and this one, i have probably spent about 20 hours. I am satisfied with what I have played and am done with it for now, but I'll probably play at least one more time before the beta ends. I can't wait for the full game and wish it was out now so I could go right back in.
The weapons I really enjoyed and will probably use the most are...

>Sword and Shield.
I really underestimated this weapon at first but the versatility of this weapon allows lets me be very aggressive with a quick answer to any of my defensive needs. Very powerful and I will probably use this the most.

Lance is god-like and I'm surprised its not more popular when it seems so damn solid. It's deceptively mobile too, bypassing the sluggish feel of other heavy weapons.

The ranged answer to the Sword and Shield for me. A really fun and mobile weapon with a ton of offensive utility. The mines are way stronger than I thought they would be. There's nothing like going full out commando in this game!

I like the HBG as well but it does feel a little too sluggish for me. it is very powerful though, and just under the LBG for me.
The Great Sword feels pretty strong too but I don't like how immobile I feel with it. I will definitely try to practice with this more to try and offset that weakness.
The Hammer certainly deserves more attention, I will probably use this more as well.
The Bow is alright but I don't like having to charge shots and it feels a little flimsy imo.
The Long Sword also feels too flimsy to me. It's kind of an awkward weapon, I think.

The only weapons I tried that I really didn't like were the Switch Axe, Charge Blade, and Gun Lance. These three weapons are quite flashy and cool but they each have the same problem of seeming a little "overdesigned" and unnecessarily complicated. Maybe I'll warm up to them in the future.

Hunting Horn and Insect Glaive look like total meme weapons and I didn't even try them.

I was searching for rooms several hours ago and would only get like 2 at a time, while the first weekend I got multiple pages. It makes sense since there's very little to do in the beta. I got bored pretty quickly because of how easy the monsters are.

>let's cover everything except for our femoral artery
nargacuga armor makes no sense even for slut armor

Where can I subscribe to your blog?

How dare people discuss video games on the video game discussion board

But also exposed belly, shoulders, cleavage, and exposed back in addition to the thigh window.

yeah, but that's all par for the course with slut armor. it's a surprise she wears pants at all

>it's a surprise she wears pants at all
Well, maybe she shouldn't.

Gotta seduce the monsters somehow

Sadly I don't have any nopan narga huntresses to post.

he does that in every game, though.

>tfw getting addicted to cutting off tails using a heavy bowgun

Slicer ammo is so dumb, I love it

Last jej only used the word hammer 20 times.
I'll get the ball rolling: hammer hammer hammer
hammer hammer hammer hammer hammer
hammer hammer hammer hammer
hammer hammer hammer
hammer hammer



While I'll miss the blademaster/gunner armor dichotomy, I'm glad the biggest barrier of entry to trying new weapons is gone.

Seregios is the real cuck, he ain't coming to MHWorld

Alright, /mhg/, time for Wildspire hoonting.


Anything goes.

Is the Rathalos' poisonous slam a new move or did he got that already in the previous game?
What about the previous subs?

>Rath solo

Well he always had poision claws, you can break them still right?

>try beta with friend
>he never played before, i kinda played the previous beta
>we find diablos
>we decide to fight him
Not a smart idea

Is the beta still up for download? I can't find it



I can understand toning down monster difficulty for the demo but these things were brought down way too much. I hardly want to continue playing because these hunts are just 3 minute button mashing races.

been playing mh since mh2, very hyped for mhw, didint get to play beta1 but I have a free weekend this time. I thought im gonna enjoy beta2 but after an hour i got burned out. something just dont feel right. Gunlance is really fun tho.

I like the changes to almost all the weapons, but the new switch axe bums me out. It was my primary weapon in Tri and 3U, but I really liked using it somewhat like the Lance, staying glued to the monster and mostly using simple vertical sword slashes. Now everything is very flashy, but most of the sword attacks are a much bigger commitment. Also, they took out a lot of the axe mode’s options for some reason. You used to be able to do the overhead chop in many situations, but not anymore.
The phial awakening, or whatever it’s called, is neat but the cling burst can be finicky. Sometimes you stab it into a monster’s leg and then you’re inexplicably bursting his head, and then if the monster does just about any attack you’re gonna eat a bunch of damage and get knocked off.
The overall DPS might be higher, but they really changed everything I liked about the weapon.
I guess it’s okay since so many weapons I didn’t care for are more fun now.

you're expecting too much from a beta

Have you not even attempted fighting Diablos and Rathalos?

Finding the right body part to extract essence from with IG is so fucking annoying holy shit.

The learning curve is pretty quick though.

I may be doing it wrong. I watched a video of a jap god and he was just firing it point-blank for easier confirms, where as I was trying to do it from range. Trying to extract from Anjanath sucks because it just won't stop fucking moving, especially when I believe the speed-boost extract is received from his tiny fucking arms.

I mean when IG was brand new, I found Deviljho a bit tricky. But you really do get it down soon.

Go fight Diablos or Rath and come back. They're not impossible, but they're not easy by any means. They pose a good challenge, and if you still find them too easy, do a naked run.

Sorry Sigrun (if you're here).

Navigating Ancient Forest is such a pain in the ass.

That central maze area should be deleted.

If you really want to go for the awakened phial burst without waiting for an opening just put on the rocksteady mantle.

Keep in mind in the full game you'll be able to upgrade your kinsect and make it much faster, so it'll be easier to use. Base kinsects are always annoying.




How in the name of fuck are you meant to play SnS?
What are some decent combos?
I constantly end up doing like, 4-5 damage a hit which is just pathetic.

Just use lance, then

So I just got in tonight for the first time, I was hunting Anjanath and I cut and carved the tall. The guide mentioned something about returning to camp to upgrade my gear with it, what's going on there? I never really saw an option that looked like it would be that.

It's just something so that new players know what the parts they carve off are used for. The "camp" likely refers to the hub area.

Okay wait, how is this guy firing off his kinsect so fast? He's able to shoot the little bugger without stopping.


The majority of the game's features aren't in the demo, the the base encampment that you use isn't present.

L2 + Triangle just shoots off your kinsect where you're aiming without shooting the bug crap at the monster. The only reason to do L2 + R2 is if you're far away from the monster and you want to make sure the kinsect reaches the right spot.
You can also just press R2 to swing the staff and send the kinsect in the direction ofwhere the staff hit.

Well shit, that actually makes this weapon usable now.

I fucking hate the mini slides that are everywhere.

I thinking of selling my switch and 3ds xl with 21 games to get a used quad pro. Is World worth it?

Nope. Wait for MHXX localisation. It's the better game.

That's nothing compared to all the convoluted paths in Ancient Forest that cockblock you whenever you try to find where Rathalos has flown off to.

It's a fucking labyrinth in there.

>"better game"

Just open up your map and warp to the closest camp he flies to.

Seriously, user


More Monster More Maps Not casualized More Interesting Mechanics Harder

Yes it's better in every possible way.

>Not casualized

>Not casualized


redditfags trying to push their memegame of the month

MHW is trash.

Don't circulate this garbage

Better get as much time out of XX before it's 6 feet under faggot

MHW is already DOA.

pretty sure you can get orange from the tail
in general:
red: head/offensive parts
white: wings/legs
orange: tail/dick

Generations was the first MH game that I didn't run into the ground with playtime. I went back and put more time into 4U than I did in generations. Also
>not casualized
>when adept style exists

Frontier raths have tons of slamming moves.

>not casualized
even p3rd is harder, XXbab


Fully naked hammer only Diablos run, come beat a nigga to death. No armor, no charm, no mantle, no health booster, No palico armor.

Stop deluding yourself grandpa. World is the future, Capcom has gone all in on this. Expanded weapon movesets, streamlined gameplay, improved environments, fun hunts. It's all there. Enjoy your time while it lasts.

>friends wont play cos muh xmas
>they dont solo either

well at least the japs have been good sports

Tail usually gives green, tho