Fighting Games General /fgg/
post sniff
Slut times slut equals?
worst mas
Is she still a virgin as of SFV?
>make a nice non-sniff OP with cool art of a great fighting game
>wait patiently to post it
>get sniped 30 posts early by some mentally ill sniffer
I can't take it anymore
Ryu... what's going on big guy?
She wasn't from the moment she met Karin.
Sakura belongs to Blanka
Try not to be quite so early next time. That said, thanks for posting best idol dressed as best succ.
more law enforcement costumes
explain in one sentence how this picture is related to fighting games
I'm gonna find it funny when Karin is barely in Sakura's character story to further piss off you shipperfags. You people have been acting as if Karin and Sakura are integral parts of each other's stories when its been clear Capcom doesn't agree.
bad idea a lot of brown and black people would get ptsd
Post succs.
>No Makoto
Boy Capcom has a death wish
>OP isn't even Christmas related
come on son
Left or right?
who should i play in sfv if i have mental illness
>he unironically thinks kolin is OP
Alex or Juri.
SFV would have been a success if they made the game an all girl fighting game.
should I play Ken or Akuma
I would play Ryu if he wasn't garbage
birdie or abigail
Stick with Ryu. Only 23 days until he is top tier.
Don't play ken only suffering awaits there.
It actually really wouldn't have been.
Guys. Friends. I have a confession to make. I don't actually like Morrigan. I mean, she's okay. She's good, even. But I don't love her. No, I only have one true love, and his name is Brick. I'm sorry I've lied to you all for so long, and I'm sorry you had to find out this way. But I had to come clean. I hope you can forgive me some day. Game on.
the frames that don't knock down have lower blockstun
shut the fuck up shadowcheez
Should I pick up Juri or Alex as a secondary character in Season 3?
What is Cody's function?
*sends positive christmas vibes to everyone itt*
how do zangief players live with themselves
I don't feel it user ; _ ;
Good thing it says that so there was a concievable way for me to know. But thanks for clearing that up user.
*parries them*
Wtf, I hate me now!
>all these people who think juri will be top tier in s3
capcom doesn't care, she will stay bottom mid at best
Baby's first frame trap
Why does SFV Cody always spend meter on wake up?
Ex-Criminal Upper
I carry the Jive with me at all times
Why does jive take so much time to start up every time, it's retarded
Why does it have to apply update 2.090 every single time
Does it have a bottle opener function?
Kaede would be with the other hags though.
>he fell for the ps4 meme
I can't stand square gates.
without ssd it takes 10 seconds longer to load.
I'd buy one of these if it was simply the V without the logo.
what the fuck is donkey kick even for
what's wrong with ken?
She's with me now so it'll all be fine
Alex or Juri
it takes me less time to get into a versus game on sfv than it does in sf4 lmao
It takes at least 30 seconds on the starting screen every time
longer range meterless combo ender that gives a kd
make sure to pre purchase the new ps4 pro ultra pro edition
>long range
sagat has his old tiger knee motion
any pads with a good fucking d-pad out right now? not sure why companies are struggling with them so much these days
works on my PC
imagine being such a pathetic crapcum sucker that you actually believe sfv is even 1/10th as good as iv
I am going to make a bold prediction
this was taken from r*ddit
sagat shitters btfo
post proof
Do you only get the early open beta for DBFZ when you get the digital version?
>recorded on my console before all the performance patches
Leotards, swimsuits, bikinis and buruma for SCVI!
>the most well balanced fighter ever created
>the most advanced training mode ever created
>every online match in the world viewable
>new content every couple months
wtf do u shitters want
20 second combos to watch
growing up means understanding that you can play games other than sfv without feeling guilty
the numbers don't lie
More chun costumes!!!
wish I could feel gllty bros...
every other gate is objectively inferior for fighting games
redpill me on ken's clipping hair
I think she's very cute. No japes.
tfw super bronze ironically
yet every point is true
play blondes
Do I buy Kolin or Akuma
I think Kolin is cute but Akuma is probably more my kind of character
juri is shit because capcom still hates her for being the breakout 4 character and not viper