Why is the Nagant so fucking terrible?
It's the only pistol I haven't gotten a service star with, so I thought I'd try to get that done while I'm doing the challenge, but it's absolutely awful.
>5 seconds to reload each bullet
>10 seconds if you've emptied the gun completely
>still 3 shots to kill
>only one extra bullet over the normal revolvers
Am I doing wrong by playing Conquest to try to get these handgun kills? Is there a better mode to try?
Delivering from the last thread
Bullying hillnogs are always a constant source of kills for these challenges. Maybe try Domination or TDM?
I just find that usually there are fewer hillnigs in those modes, and proportionately more autistico/shotgun fags who'll rip you apart
I only have 40 kills to go anyways, so I'll probably just grind out a couple more Conquest matches.
What is your favorite elite kit?
/slashervillain/ here
Oh I didn't phrase that well, those were different options. I know a lot of people go with Dom/TDM to two shot people with the Auto Revolver and such, but the hillnogs part was referring to Conquest.
The ting go SKRRRRRRA
Fuck, wrong picture
Same here, honestly I have a lot of fun revolvering people instead of using the club
Can i claime the login reward battlepacks of the near future via the website/phone app? Don't have access to my gayman pc and id propably kill my 2011 macbook air trying to load the game but i don't wanna miss out on a free superior battlepack.
Ba rum ba bum bump
What are some decent support weapons
I just wanna fuck some people up man
Parabellum Low Weight.
before I used the Parabellum I used the lewis gun. Something about it just feels good.
But you just gotta find a gun and playstyle that you're comfortable with.
Depends on your playstyle. Do you want to lie down and lay waste to everyone with an unending bullet hose? Do you want to run and gun? Do you want to pick people off at long range?
There are several ways of playing support and each one has weapons that are optimal for that playstyle.
I'm pretty sure you have to get it in the game itself, not on the website.
It feels like I'm the only person playing going for this handgun challenge - unless everyone else finished already.
Looks like your macbook is going to have to make the ultimate sacrifice for you
>every time I get a kill with a Scout I have to see "3/3 multikills completed"
What the fuck is wrong with DICE? How hard could this shit possibly be to fix?
I don’t think very many people want it. It looks more “cute” than “cool”. And you know very well that a good chunk of the community wants le ebin dark/gold skin
I'll probably never use it in my life, but I have to collect everything.
>collect everything
That sounds rough. Good luck on your way to getting it.
By the way, did you go for the ugly tank skin a few weeks ago? Your collector mindset leads me to think you did
Alas no, I had three Christmas parties that weekend and couldn't fit something as luck-based as destroying vehicles into the schedule.
>never had frens to play bf1 on ps4
>only caved in and bought a ps4 and bf1 because all my friends were playing it and we'd had so much fun on previous battlefield games
>within a month all of them stopped playing
>always wanted to play any battlefield game with people excluding Project reality
>never had any friends to play within a squad
BFG1 put new life into my play. It's so nice coordinating advances and defenses with people.
do you guys do shit with ps4 or just pc?
if so how do i join it
I play PS4, look for Battlefield General 1 in the Platoon list. We're only at 7 members right now but we're growing and have been playing together.
I really should stop being antisocial and join you guys. But I'm always going for one achievement/unlock or another and feel guilty about subjecting others to my autism.
Is there a /bfg/ xboxfag platoon? Newfag tier question I know
it wouldn't happen to be the one with anime girl right?
i applied it, the one with the anime one correct?
just join nigger, it's only 7 guys
You'll be okay m8e, no worries here.
Yep, that's the one.
i honestly never go for achievements, what's the point of it. i find even grinding kills or points for useless weapons so boring.
Is that kumin-senpai?
it's the chick from chubinyou or whatever
well i applied i'm ErrorShrk
Why the fuck would DICE make the new suppression ribbon 7 suppression assists in the round. Even 5 would have been painful, 7 is damn near impossible. I only get the things when I'm not trying to.
Also I assume that squad suppression assists won't count, because that's the way it's worked for all the medals involving suppression assists so far. This is the worst ribbon ever.
Well, welcome to our 2 new lieutenants. Have fun
do you guys use vc too?
where are you from bfg ?
north carolina, us
Maryland, U.S.
the eternal anglosphere
Dont be afraid to join. I was autistically grinding out my destroyed telegraphs assignment in rush when 2 platoon mates joined me. They made it all much easier and left when they were bored.
There is no judgement here, and nobody expects you to chat or anything.
Welcome friendo
>M1917 MG Telescopic
>Volga River
t. 49/3
both platoons are at 100 can we start up a third?
>I wanted to bitch about something but the thread was dead
every taime
Battlefield General 1 /bfg1/
we should really include it in the OP
they've probably realized that nobody gives a shit about ribbons
>always using the guns i have skins for rather than the ones I dont
>even if im better with the skinless ones
why am i like this
>playing Frontlines
>did nothing but shoot around groups of enemies trying desperately to get suppression assists
>team blows up their objectives when I'm at 6
Just fucking kill me
>Rek with the Model 1900 Slug with no skin
>Get "The Smorgon"
>After I put it on I start playing like shit with it and have to keep it off to use it well
I don't know why, I have it on the Factory and do fine with it there.
Does anyone, anyone at all, have any tips for getting suppression assists?
I have the MG17 telescopic and I'm blasting all around people, and sometimes I get the assist and most of the time I don't. I know that if you actually hit them you tend not to get a suppression assist (except when you do), but apart from that I have no idea why the fuck I can't get this shit done.
It can be tricky but you just want to shoot in the general direction of enemies. As close as you can to their heads without hitting them.
im a class a retard so excuse this question but what do we need suppression assists for again
I think one of the TSNP weapons needed it?
The 2nd LMG of Turning Tides just needs supression points, not assists.
I'm getting on Operations soon my BFG1 m8s
I may play a little below average out of sheer exhaustion
are you guys on console or something?
pic related is all that comes up, unless these are them
Yeah, we're on PS4
goddamn niggers that why
damn was looking forward to memein and shooting
>be me
>christmas eve
>drink beer and play bf1 all day
>no regrets
new joisy
youre alright
support is the patrician's choice
There's 5 new ribbons
>Ribbon of Illumination: 5 spot flare assists in a round
>Ribbon of Counterplay: 5 counter-snipes in a round
>Ribbon of the Damned: 3 multikills in a round
>Ribbon of Suppression: 7 suppression assists in a round
>Ribbon of Poseidon: 5 kills in "sea vehicles" in a round
I've got them all except the last two, and I want them so I have a complete collection again.
Whoops, actually the Ribbon of Illumination isn't new, the other new one is
>Ribbon of Justice: Get 2 Squad Avenger kills in a round
which I was fortunate enough to get in the normal course of play before I had to worry about setting the kills up.
I wish I could join. I’ll be back home and online again tomorrow though. Hopefully I can join some of you then
i got 8 suppression assists in a round and I didn't get shit.
nvm, forgot about the squad supressions ffs
what gun?
parabellum low weight
That's the worst part about trying for it, you have to forgo the benefits of being in a squad to maximize your chances of getting the right kind of assist. I was fucking joining a squad just to spawn and then quitting again when I was trying to do it on Frontlines.
>Join a game
>First thing I hear is "The enemy control all objectives"
>280 - 950
Holy shit how do you lose that bad?
are us xboxfags doomed to be alone
why would anyone even consider playing an FPS with a remote control?
Words hurt user
It's really not /that/ bad. Once you get the muscle memory down it's a breeze. t. somewhere around #75 for melee kills on xbox
i joined a game of Volga River that was 153 - 973.
We were being literally spawncamped by landships and snipers
Because I've done so since Goldeneye and it's still fun as shit.
nevermind im at 58 lol
I unironically wish the challenge for the Barbed Wire Bat had stayed at 200 melee kills because I know I'd be one of the few fags who could actually do it
Is any other (read; not hellriegel) level 10 weapon/ their variant worth the grind?
I love the Selbstlader 1906 Sniper, its my favoruite medic gun. The bipod gives it no recoil when your using it.
The LMG sucks and the Sniper Martini is a meme
Finally got it on Tsaritsin. Took me a couple mire suppression assists than it should have by my count, but it's done. Never even thinking about that ribbon again.
>not being level 50 in every main class
Game just confirmed I got 9 suppression assists that round, the ribbon didn't pop until the last one. Not only a shit ribbon to begin with, but also bugged.
I know it's a breeze since the aimbot pretty much does all your work for you
i'm sorry to blog but
>reinstall the only good & alive battlefield game left, battlefield 4
>have a great time playing on a hardcore server, shooting feels good and on top of the scoreboard too
>tank rolls up to my field of vision, get instantly spotted from across the map with thermal optics and die to laser-accurate coaxial mg fire
>remember that anti-tank weaponry fucking sucks in this game so respawn try to jihad the tank
>get shot from up high by a helicopter
>remember that anti-air weaponry sucks even worse
>quit playing
>launch up the browser and google the issue i'm having
>a bunch of people are pointing out how impossible it is to kill armor in the game but then there's 1 guys who spams the entire thread with "NO VEHICLES NEED BUFFS IF ANYTHING"
>check his profile and he has more kills in a tank than any infantry weapon in the game, and their KDR is like 5 to 10
>one of these guys demanded that it should take 4 c4 to kill a tank when you can only carry 3
i guess this is the fate of all battlefield games, to be ruled by the autistic vehicle whoring 1% with enough free time to out-complain the 99% players who just like to shoot guns and blow shit up
ok i'm sorry to follow up but here's a direct quote
>"No. If anything c4 should take 4 to kill instead of 3.
>It is too easy to take out armour in this game. Why should someone be rewarded for laying down a few pieces of explosives and getting an automatic kill? Mines, slams and c4 should glow bright red like soflam to warn tankers of scrubbery that lies ahead."
and i checked this guy's profile and he has 9.97 KDR and he pretty much exclusively plays in vehicles
how fucking invincible do these guys want to be? 10 KDR isn't enough? what the fuck man
someone help me make sense of this retardation
It reminds me of the "NO LOCKON" severs as people thought it was unfair to shoot down helis.
Cmon man i bought the game less than a week ago
honestly the only thing I miss about BF4 (besides sniping requiring skill) is how easy taking down vehicles was.
lock on missiles for helis and stick on remote c4 for tanks
I'm just kidding. It's worth going for everything though.