Fate/Grand Order General - /fgog/

Previous: >New Year Campaign
>Retweets for limited *4 CE and QP.
>Guaranteed paid gacha
More details in NEWS.

>Merry Christmas in the Netherworld: Dec 15 - Dec 25
>1/4 AP for Babylonia's main quests
>new welfare Altera the Sun (Archer)
>QoL changes including the option to enlarge a servant/CE's image

Christmas 2017 rate-up: Dec 15 - Dec 25
>Gilgamesh (Caster), Medusa (Lancer) and Ushiwakamaru are always in the rate-up
Ereshkigal: 24-25

>Monthly items: Deadly Poison Stinger, Magic Cerebrospinal Fluid, Dragon Fang


>Farming Guide


>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebins

>Friendlist Spreadsheet (last reset: November 29)
View list docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA

>Materials, experience and event AP simulators

>NP Comparison

>Alternate Servant/CE DB

Other urls found in this thread:


Nobu a CUTE.
This thread is CUTE.

It's Vampire Saber's birthday!
Say something nice about her.

Lewding the letter P.


Cuckomoe a cuckbait.

>not a christmas thread
I love Nobu but here it's dumb

Too skiny




I want to turn Abby into a drunkard so she would stop restricting herself and open the gate!



>how to trigger /fgog/ in one image

I love my mom!

I wish servants wished you a merry christmas like they do for your birthday.

It's not Christmas yet

The trio of shitty paid gacha pulls?

I want to ph'nglui her mglw'naft until she wgah'nagl so loudly Cthulhu fhtagn in R'lyeh.

>not wanting Tenga Nero

Does she really need all those ribbons? What purpose do they serve?



You mean how to trigger one or two miserable people who don't let people like who they like.

>Oh, its christmas?
There you have Parvati's

Nobu is festive! Festive!

>christmas thread
>when the event is almost over

Aside from that, Caster Nero is decent.

>miserable people who don't let people like who they like
you just described this entire site

which Servants would believe in Santa?


>meltfags where reddit this whole time
I'm honestly not surprised.

In the fate universe they better all believe cause he's probably real.

Ibaraki would believe the sky was purple if you told her it was.

I'm not a lolicon

Why does Nero dress up like an onahole?

>that bulge

Could Nursery be Santa ?

but it is

>second sprite

Good taste

>wanting any Nero ever

She can turn into him, but she's not going to be Santa. That's the job for Grand Rider Santa.

Kiara is decent as well but you've proberly never tried her out.

nooooooo bros.....

The sky's fucking black you turd.

Fuck off dumb smelly oni.

so Saint nick?

Is it weird to not like Fate/Zero and Fate/Stay Night but like the other series like Grand Order, Apocrypha and Kaleid because for some reason i enjoy watching Grand Order, Apocrypha and Kaleid and am looking foward to Extra Last Encore but i didn't enjoy Zero and Stay Night is that weird or not just want to hear others opinion on this just curious


>Not having every Nero grailed
Your loss loser

Reminder that there was a single point in time where your parents put you down and never picked you back up again.

>wahh you can't like what I don't like
Can you at least stop being so hateful in Christmas?

same here


Why didn't you like FSN and Zero?

fuck off

>Not liking Zero
This is fine
>Not liking Stay Night
This is not fine
>Liking Apocrypha
Nothing is fine, nothing shall be again

No, it's all lies! The whole world is built on LIES! LIES! LIES! LIES! LIES! But I have seen the truth! I have seen what is behind the curtain! The truth has been revealed to me! The sky is actually

>you'll never be picked up by your mother again

Reddit here, it's completely fine

This is your Christmas servant surprise

You're a cunt.

Best of both worlds

I like how she goes from this cute smile (2nd) to that creepy smug loli (3rd)

> He likes FSN

Literally the worst entry in the franchise. Go jerk off to UBW remixes.

>not Saint Nicholas
Into the trash it goes.

You just have to die early, be cremated, and get stuffed into a little jar.

Reminds me of Go Lion.

Basil or Nicolas?

Why a bara instead of a bishie?

Well done user, I wish I had enough grails.

Even on christmas I have to tell you that you have bad taste

I'd sooner reread cooking scenes than slog through another second of Sieg

>not cumming to UBW remixes

Please be bait.

Why is he so overrated?

Who you used your grails on user?

Reminder that 50% of human DNA is shared with bananas

Here the better dude my friend

The Santa myth is Norse in origin, Saint Nic's a pretty modern addition .

>tfw you actually liked the cooking scenes
I even started to cook because of them.

What's Santa's rank in Presence Concealment?

My dude...


It’s shit

He looks cool but he needs a hat



Ahahaha dude lmao :pppp


He's actually a decent Master and one of the few characters in Apocrypha that aren't fucking shit.

He's literally Kerry Lite

>wanting reddit claus

Because they both use guns? Go Lion isn't an edgy manchild like Kerry.


Using guns doesn't make him a Kerry retard

He actually fights with tpgether his Servant and helps her. His wish is also much simpler.

Did I just get 10 quartz? Were we supposed to get more than the 10 we got yesterday?

>Kerry lite
>Kairi comunicates with his servant and isn't a 300% autist
nice try zeronigger

He's literally nothing like Kerry.