/alg/ - Azur Lane General #79

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Previous Thread: Toot.

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>usually farm 5-1 to try to get gold dd prints
>need some more purple prints to retrofit leander
>farm 4-2
>get 2 gold prints in 3 runs
>go back to 5-1
>3 blues
Every fucking time

Let's pay respects to the botes that likely won't get any porn this Comiket.

Well, Kent is getting porn so I wouldn't count her out

Press X to pay respects


Fox mines? More like everything but YORK TOWN haha

Day 33. Suffering the worst cold I've probably had in my life. As if to kick me while I'm down I didn't even receive a purple BP today, let alone a gold one. I guess I wasn't good enough for Santa this year.

3 more rings to go.

I think it's time to start visiting the medal shop for those gold BPs senpai

Really hoping Tennessee and California get retrofits at some point.

This is my future wife, say something nice about her desu.

Nice hag

Where to best grind affection? Thinking of giving Kaga my third ring today.

Do I stuff my Vestal with cranes or do their effects not stack?

They do not. The ideal setup for them is turning them into AA monsters. Crane/Paw, 2 AA guns then your last 2 slots can work around your setup. If you don't want to give her the SG radar and/or toolbox then 2 AA radars can make your backline untouchable to planes.

Anywhere you want where she can get MVP.

Thank you.

Can I unmarry a boat? I ringed Belfast 5 hours ago because I thought it was already the 25th in Japan but it shows 24th on the certificate

You'll have to scrap her desu.

File a divorce

If you scrap her, whale a belfast dupe, and then grind affection now you can still marry her on the 25th in time desu.

Yes, and then you can use the old and busted belfast to limit break the new one!

Or you can be an autist and have a married belfast in both your fleets at all times.

Or one Belfast and one Smolfast.

Who else uses Belfast gun other than Belfast?


And any BB

fastest/cheapest way is to grind world 1/2. you can also make a bit of money there.

Need some help /alg/~
Just started the game not long ago, does any one know if the Christmas furniture are time limited? If they are, when is the server going to remove them from purchase? Did my best to amass coins but I can't complete the set as a newcomer.

ded game

Christmas furniture is permanent with the exception of the snowglobes. They are at the front of the groups of furniture with a number displaying how much time is left to get them if they are limited.

If furniture is limited it will display a number above it. In this case the christmas furniture is not time limited with exception to the diamond cost snow globe.

hey friends, does Mikasa's thing stack with Hyuuga's thing?
here is the text

>Reborn Combined Fleet Flagship
>4.5% (12.0%) chance to reduce damage taken by 50%. When sortied as the flagship, increases allied IJN (Sakura Empire) ships firepower and reload 5% (20.0%)

>Artillery Command - Backline
>Increases FP of the backline by 5%(15%). Does not stack with other command skills that have similar effect.

Anyone on Brest server? I'm looking for more people for the event friends secretary ship. I'm going to make one of my 100s secretary for the event (probably Big E)
Id: 70760660

How does that work?

I currently only have one person added, is it really important for me to look for more?

Anything that can, Belfast just gets first dibs on it since purple tbts is really easy to get compared to the gold riple 155mm.

The long and short of it is shit stacks as long as it's not the exact same skill, as a example Kagerou's and Jintsuu's torp buffs stack for +40% torp stat to every frontline boat.

okok, thank you


Only worth using on the smoke lady, pretty garbage desu.

Many thanks anons! You are all too kind.

>gets non-H doujin instead

thank you for beta testing

Amazon da

What's the difference between these two?

different plates

>do daily craft
>might as well go big since its Christmas
>finally got pic related
Is this some sort of sign?

save your cubes for the german event in 2 days desu


Which gun is the Belfast gun?

Only been doing one small construction daily, the 'go big' is just one roll in the carrier pool.
I have a decent amount of cubes, I feel like its going to be gold that'll burn fast.
now I'm scared I might've used up all my luck on this daily roll

Golden Triple 155mm HE from Japan boxes.

You have enough cubes but you should start stacking money now desu


which SSR bote deserves some love? i have a zillion super bulins but no one to love

E-chan & Hood

And Tirpitz once the KMS event hits

Big-E, Food, Pudding, QUEEN.

Toot or Hood are nice supports, E-chan or Warspite for damage.

Focus on the Toot desu

really i got enough bullins to love everyone at this point

That gun is bad on everyone except Belfast? What should other CLs be using then, the purple TbtsK?

>That gun is bad on everyone except Belfast?

That's what I thought, but people above said it was bad on everyone except Belfast, so I am confused.

Can you tell more about this event?

>Been farming foxmines for around 3 weeks now
>Finally get Kaga just now
It's a Christmas miracle
I really hope Akagi doesn't take another 3 weeks

So when are Atago and Vampy going to be added temporarily again? During the German event?

Only worth using on Belfast because of the HE damage passive.

Immediately after maintenance in Heavy Construction.

On trash clearing fleet it's strictly worse than tbts for any boat that isn't belfast.

For boss fleet, it's more up in the air, and one is not strictly better than the other.

Given this, and that the tbts is easier to get and costs less plates to upgrade, you shouldn't bother upgrading your extra belfast guns until you've hit rock bottom of things to upgrade.

To the inevitable posts following this disagreeing, they are wrong.

Gold gun is trash, belfastcucks defend this though.

>got enough bullins to love everyone at this point
You can never have enough gold onaholes shikikan, specially when the game chucks dozens of SSRs

I had to reinstall the game to get the update to work but now I can't join my server because it says it's full. I have my bound account info. wtf am i supposed to do

make new account, you're fucked

With belfast that gold gun with sklvl 10 will become 22 x 6 stronger than Tbts and with her skill it will have chance to burn enemy

Make sure to check the right server desu

I'm talking about using it on gunboats in general user, that gun is indeed great on berufasto

California retrofit when?


Button at left bottom before you choose server. Write your bind code here. If theres no button - restart game.

Isn't she already in?


Wait, if the wiki is right, then wouldn't the britbong 152 be the BiS? Is it because it's unobtainable or something?

Maybe it's because of the shitty spread

Makes sense, never seen how it shoots myself

Oh I see, I was so used to mashing past the screen. Code didn't work for whatever reason so rip AL.

I think we don't have it yet in JP?

Technically it should be, if the target are large sized that is, like Tester-Alpha or the massed produced enemy CAs-BBs.

You get to use a friends secretary ship during the event. It's not terribly important but it helps to have more friends.

>tfw not enough gold bullins to max lb all my 3d5s

Should I put my Ayanami Kai or Hood as my secretary for the event?
Both have maxed out skills.

Max reload Hood desu

I have zero friends. Is there no mechanic to recruit them like in other mobages, or is it that you need their code?

I feel like this is going to be an issue.

Are friends actually required or can I just bring all of my ships instead?

Post your server and code and someone will probably add you.

you can add randoms in the friends search tab

it's a pool of like 15 ships and 1 friend secretary.

Where did the day counter for the snowglobe go? Is anyone else seeing this?

it's local time and game thinks you are time traveller

anyone playing on Sasebo(佐世保)?

I have never even seen a time limit on it, was there supposed to be?