There are people on Veeky Forums right now that will dispute the man in this image is not a caucasoid.
There are people on Veeky Forums right now that will dispute the man in this image is not a caucasoid
looks Somali/Ethiopian
That's besides the point. We're not discussing nationality.
a stunning example of a pure aryan
Looks like a mulatto
also kys btw
He has caucosoid feautures! He must be a mullato!
>American education
African Horners are caucasoid.
Retards think that dark skin = blacks, when they have totally different origins and cultures.
Somalia is white :^)
Whiter than Finland unironically
fuck off
its obvious that some blacks are actually white
>we iz yuropeanz n shieet
what is superficial caucasoids
mixed groups such as north africans, middle easterners, indians, hispanics (mestizos), amerindians, ainus, east africans, central asian turkics, have all been labelled caucasoid due to weak superficial similarities.
I'd rather not be related to grass-eaters thanks.
Ah yes, the typical Swede.
That's in reverse
Looks positively nordic if you ask me
Here is a revolutionary idea...HOW ABOUT HE'S BOTH. Race is fluid as hell. Migration occurred across many centuries and millennia. People were mixing all over the place. They are no where as Caucasoid as Indians.
While race is categorised in 4 parts, it does not mean that every ethnicity has to be only one, there can be overlapping. This guy looks mostly Caucasoid but indeed with some Negroid influence
Hitler had Ethiopian origins. He was related to the Kings of Kemet and descends from the Pharoah by extension Thanks to white brainwashing, he thought he was Aryan.
Know your roots. Know your greatness
The interesting thing about reality, is that no matter how much you refuse to believe in it, you have no choice but to live in it
Can we please ditch the 3 racial categories thing in favor of the over 20 that used to exist? It's getting old and irritating how people misuse it so much. It doesn't even accurately reflect all the diversity on this planet.
What does your mom being a cow have to do with African ethnicity
This please
East Africans look very uncanny, they're like overcooked white people.