swain rework when riot?
League of Legends General /lolg/
xth for my wife Syndra
Merry Christmas lolg, hope you all have a good one.
>meta defined around support protecting ad carry so they feed less
>they just feed doubly hard instead
also nerf draven
its getting real old bot lane feeding 6 kills by the time ive reached level 6 in my solo lane
I like the old logo more than the new one
>tfw no one to wrap me up like a present for christmas
>no eyosongive.us
Hope you're doing good today, /lolg/.
>"""passive""" does ~700 damage if you factor in armor
haha balanced champ lmao just like dodge the tentacles dood
post mains
bot lane needs a serious rework desu.
Hey, cutie pie.
>3 matches in a row my enemy jungler gets obscenely fed
>they got fed off adc and jungler
>because the adc is retarded and wont help an invade
>they act dumbfounded that the idea of the enemy jungler invading is happening
>support notices but support busy protecting adc from feeding
>fights someone 3 levels ahead
You do realize that 1 level gives you about 500 gold worth of stats and buffs some ability?
Why do people like this exist, and why am I always the one who has to play on the same team with them?
>You do realize that 1 level gives you about 500 gold worth of stats and buffs some ability?
is it really that much? SHIEEEET
because their all broken messes that when in the right hands will fuck a nigga up hard
xth for breast metal waifu
No other champion would've been able to 1v3 in that situation.
>complaining about having a 86% win rate morde on your team
why are you bitching about a man with refined taste in champions you filthy meta slave
>ban ezreal
>someone dodges
This is such fucking horseshit.
I'm on 7 dodges in a row right now.
holy shit riot needs to implement a better penalty system for this shit because whatever is in play is not working. fucking IP ban these people from playing on any account until the penalty of dodging 1 is over
>not banning draven every match
lmao what else are you gonna ban?
How does it make you feel this man playing one shitty champion exclusively while feeding his ass off is Challenger while most people rot in Silver for much more work
Being this ahead any Juggernaut would do.
Illaoi works only if you are dumb to fight her in her ult.
I doubt he's actually playing bad.
>that enemy team
for whatever reason this is the only champ i can win with right now
>only silvers lose to this haha
>literally korean masters clip
thats just top lane in [the current patch]
You wrote it like they didn't fight in her ult.
If it's so easy then try it.
55% on 200+ games is decent.
>top lol of leagues stream is a crossdressing asian with fake boobs doing mfc-style bullshit
I was PROMISED the internet would collapse and we'd be rid of this degenerate shit with the repeal of Net Neutrality. What the fuck man did Reddit lie to me??
>mfw trap boxbox eating bananas
>white person on my team
>lose the game
damned honkeys
itd be better if boxbox was a girl dressing up as men
you think ahri has a make-up artist to wrap her as a present? amumu i guess!
Tell me a secret user
What do you want for Christmas?
My new pc already. Im sick of waiting so much for the parts...
it's not even gay because painted nails and looks like a girl
I hit level 30 recently and I'm afraid to do ranked
A Kitsune to cuddle with
> then try it
some people have the dignity to not play champions that cost 250 RP for elo. I'll stick to playing real champions thank you.
Anyone see dekar QSS remove vayne E? How is this possible? Why doesn't it work the same way as other knock ups?
Jhin since my friend bought me Project: Jhin outta nowhere
I'm actually going to try Yorick for the first time later today. Any tips?
aw, user, it's not even a holiday where i live
have to go to work on a cold snowy morning, brr
>being afraid of a bunch of 13 year olds
punish your enemies
>if pantheon jumps on me as urgot the drill goes through him
that is the lamest shit I have ever seen
I guess you can keep losing with dignity then.
not a knock up retard
If Caitlyn could get some buffs for Christmas, it would mean the world. Not too much, she's not too weak but just a little. Maybe buff Lucian too
Colored pens for the next time I journal my acid trips
no one will call you cool for playing baby champions to high elo. You want to be like Yassuo not Annie Bot
So what's a comparable to Vayne E?
I'm more afraid of my team than I am the enemy team
>mid Jarvan
holy shit check boxbox stream right now
Or death
>gnar jungle
You can Cleanse out of any knock-up/back and regain control but unless you use a movement ability you will be stuck in the animation and won't be able to move. As far as I know.
kayn, I unironically like his edge
you can see he really likes crosdressing too
I love him, but I suck dick at playing him.
>Having fun with Zac
>if my team doesn't know how to do damage or take advantage of my revive passive, rounds are awful
He's fun, but man, I wish he could actually do damage.
Please not my status of being cool. I guess I will wipe off my tears with LP.
>morde the only one with 0 kills
You're dragging your team down, Pixel.
Forgot image.
yeah sorry i was going for that dragon and first tower
I even own all her skins
There's a clip on reddit front page of it happening, but not the way you said. Was confused about how it worked.
> no alien champion with psychic powers
i knew playing on christmas was a bad idea
and i still did it
To look EXACTLY like Ahri! Or Sona I guess
to fug a qt support or support main in the butt!
preferably leona or a leona player
Knockups, knockbacks, dashes and blinks are all displacements and displacements override eachother (with the exception of a few unstoppable dashes like malphite ult or shyvana ult).
Enemy displacements prevent you from being able to use your abilities. You can remove that part of a displacement with QSS but that still doesn't stop the displacement itself. It just allows you to use a mobility spell (self displacement), once you use that you override the previous displacement and effectively set yourself free.
You can QSS+flash, QSS+riven E/Q, QSS+vayne Q, QSS+lucian E etc. out of any knockback or knockup.
>he doesn't crossdress whenever he plays a female champion
Cleanse and crucible don't work for this, only QSS does.
Well heya, user
I'm not actually a Leona main but she's usually who I play whenever I have to support I just thought the image would make a funny joke
same hopefully we get our wish
>not also crossdressing regardless of the champ
so hard to estimate the size of the dragon when it is in those barbarian measures >
>Cleanse ... don't work for this
Since when?
thats not how it worked, he just QSSed and it removed Vayne E, no knockback at all.
i know, it's disgusting really. at least there are hex codes so the oclor is ok
Have you been naughty user? Santa might not help then.
As far as I'm aware it never did.
He just timed it frame perfect then, captain jack style.
>inb4 newfags don't know who captain jack is
Oh yeah lolbabs check this out
Fawn poppy is CUTE
I might buy RP for her.
Taric is such a stupid fucking character. Literally just press R and autowin any teamfight. There's fucking nothing you can do unless you're team is somehow way better than them.
i have :(
Am I supposed to prioritize Attack Speed or Attack Damage on Aatrox?
Idk whether I should go like Warrior/Trinity or Devourer/Blade of the Ruined King. He definitely can't afford more than two pure damage items though because unless you build tanky he just jumps in and dies.
what makes you stupid fucking supportbabs try to defend turrets 1v3 when your team is dead
and you waste your exh and ult and die anyway while accomplishing NOTHING
I was mainly getting at- is anything else like vayne e? I guess TF card or whatever but was more talking about knockbacks. Or is vayne e not a knockback? Since dash or flash isnt required?
Me in a nutshell. Explains all those years without a ban.
Crossdressing gives me super strength in lane. Pic related. Happy Hannukah.
how does it feel knowing that at least 4 players in every game are under the age of 15?
ring of repick
Your figure sucks get off my board