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>Heroes FAQ and Links
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Would /feg/ still like Fae if she's a boy?
Shit OP.
I made my choice
Good OP
Kill yourself raul
GHB when
Are ded poster, dare I say, "DEAD"
Do NOT rape Olivia!
>post made from beaner phone.
+ attack or +speed sealife tome?
No I'm not using blade
>not even a new IP.
Kill yourself. Nobody likes you or the shit characters you spam constantly.
Send home
Never. Enjoy your 100th Navarre rerun.
why is mia worse than ayra?
Shit choice.
Also for picking Manui.
Camilla taking Tharja as her pet!
Should've used this instead.
Regnal Astra
Warriors banner when?
Oh shit I'm raul now
Regnal Astra
This was much easier than I thought it would be, first try.
Sharena did nothing but act as a buff-bot
>double sp weekend ends
>do daily map
>do daily quests
>do all navarre quests, including training one up to lvl 40 and beating infernal
>all without waiting for stamina refill
>nothing to do for the rest of the day
Merry Christmas to all people with good and refined taste
Res for the glow.
Otherwise Spd.
Hopefully never.
It's Nintendo's gift to us so we don't waste our money or time on this anymore.
what IV
I want lewder Naruto damaged art.
>>nothing to do for the rest of the day
Finish up your Christmas shopping! Wrap up your presents! If you're already done with that, bake delicious Christmas foods for your friends and family!
Or, if you don't celebrate Christmas, just prepare something nice for your family and friends tomorrow anyways! They'll appreciate your kindness!
Mommy's milky breasts!
How should i build +spd -res spring mommy? Is she even able to bait lyn and rein with these IVs? I also don't want to blow an exorbitant amount of feathers or stones to refine her egg. Does this pitybreaking bitch have any good budget build?
Sauce please?
Raul and Tharja are cancer but ITharja is still hot
She's coming.
>probably have to endure at least 3 more legendary banners before axzura
>judging by seasonals appearing in legendary banners, next one will be the rest of the SF and BBs, then two more will cover YS and NS, before we finally reach PA and ToD
>currently 270 orbs
>will hopefully save up well over 1000 orbs by the time she hits the banners again
wew, no semen demons shall steal my orbs until then
Dreaming of a white Christmas!
She's ugly.
I like cute boys so yeah.
are you ready for next wave of FE doujins?
Stop giving me boners while I'm at my family's place.
I never cared about those things.
>Elise doujin
Yes please.
Yeah, she is able to take out both rein and blyn in a single turn with TA+Raven, moonbow and Vantage. You need to give her distant defense to make sure she can tank it all since -res. You need goad fliers or a str buff to secure a kill on blyn on counter for the more merged ones.
With a +spd you can also run an aggressive Mommy with darting blow and a blade tome.
>Sakura Blanco
>FGO has a spic list but Fire Emblem doesn't
Why? There's even a fucking spic that basically lives on /feg/ why can't we have one?
Happy Birthday Pieri!
I want Nils so bad
Where was the first wave?
Gingers stick together
Who the hell is that supposed to be? Fae and Nowi?
Fuck off
That's not very nice.
uh, yeah
a cavalier with a javelin slaps you on the ass and then you suddenly hear this song
what do
Got 75k feathers, I want to upgrade so much shit that I have no idea what to do. Please help me decide:
>upgrade atk+ -speed cherche to 5 star and upgrade a raven to give her brave axe+
>upgrade an odin to give s. corrin barblade and moonbow also upgrade an hana to give LnD to the s. corrin
>upgrade hana to give Doot LnD so she can sync with loli tiki and buff her
>upgrade +speed -def hana and upgrade ogma to give her brave sword+
Happy Christmas Eve, user!
It's a Dragon Ball Super meme tier list made by a bunch of spics and spread to other anime and vidya. Here's an example of another series doing it.
After the TMS #FE banner with blue mage Jack Frost Anna
Has anyone else here paired vanilla Ike with B!Ike? Do they work well together?
My wife better be on the next legendary banner.
Post more qt Fire Emblem fuccbois
LaD Doot seems like the best choice. Upgrading your Corrin would be nice too
>Open the video.
>Feel nostalgic.
I want to go back.
Post pessimistic friends who have lost all hope on the eve of joy and togetherness for all of Christ's children
>Peri fags post pictures of her without her personality, completely different than how she is
It's like they only like her for her looks.
Saved. Does anyone have the one with Barst and "Marth"?
>Fir & Pals
There is always hope, user.
S!Corrin wants Fury over LnD.
t. wasted LnD3 on my S!Corrin.
So never, huh?
Yes please
Keep S!Corrins tome and refine it, then give her Fury
>my 2nd oldest whale friend hasn't logged in since the devs said fuck you and reran lucina
Post the 11th pic of your FE folder. I will start.
There is still hope in my list. Except for you
>kill the image limit. I’ll start.
Post Christmas artwork
My well dressed wife and mom!
Eat the stupid cake you double baka.
>le kill the image limit meme
Ugh, you're lucky I'm bored as heck.
uh, yea