Was this the greatest rival of the Roman empire?
Was this the greatest rival of the Roman empire?
On topic, I'd say the Carthaginian empire was. Even though that might be seen as a meme.
But Carthage always lost, while the Sassanids manage to bully Rome's eastern front until they collopsed
Rome never had a psychological enemy on the level of Carthage (excepting maybe the Gauls), but Carthage at its height wasn't as great as Rome at its height, when it was facing greater enemies than during its republican phase.
I see your point, in that the pressures of the Germanic hordes and the Sassanids along with internal strife that ultimately caused their downfall. But the fact that Carthage itself had threatened the young republic at its gates is a big one for me, not to mention 3 wars. One of which was for a stupid island.
While I agree that Carthage at its height isn't nearly as powerful as Rome at its height. I believe that conflicting powers should be measured at the time of the conflicts. And it depends on which century you are talking about, as I hardly consider post third century as the height of Rome anymore.
>Was this the greatest rival of the Roman empire?
I would say the Rashidun caliphate was. BTFO both of those two.
The post-Achaemenid Persia's are really not that impressive desu.
Most Persians/Iranians I meet are all a bunch of closet fags who turn agnostic/atheist the moment they leave EEYRAUN and just wanna take it up the ass and do MDMA.
They are and were too interested in literal faggotry, poetry and mind altering.
Parthian Iran (Parthians weren't Persian) was weak.
Sassanid Persia however became very well organized and a powerful rival to Rome.
Rome started facing problems immediately after the establishment of Sassanid Persia, resulting in the crisis of the third century. In the fourth and fifth century Western Rome was neglected because they needed troops in the East against the Sassanids, many more than what the Parthians required.
The crisis of the third century, fall of the western Roman empire and loss of Egypt and Syria to the Arabs, can all be attributed to the Sassanids.
Rome was only great in the years 146 BC - 224 AD, when the Parthians ruled in the east. When they actually got a powerful enemy, it collapsed.
Rome was its own greatest rival
The Byzantines managed to fight a number of wars with them with the Sassanids not gaining anything out of it, even after Rome was cucked by proto-Genghis and snowniggers.
Germanic tribes were not a rival but a cancer
ugliest bottoms then
furry bottoms
and that's what persians and iranians have always been
>furry bottoms
>persians and iranians
>implying they're different
Someone post the list.
Of what?
1. Sassanids
2. The Caliphate
3. Carthage
4. Gaul
5. Seljuk Turks
6. Ottoman Turks
7. Bulgars
8. Parthia
10. Latins
Really, dont know if you can count the two Turkish groups rivals.
the Christendom
Who's poison addicted guy
Mithridates VI of Pontus
Was he like mythological figure? How does he have immunity to fucking poison?
>Salt store
I'd say it was indeed the greatest rival of the roman empire while carthage was the greatest rival of the roman republic.
Continuous small doses, his wife died though
What's this list about?
*raise hand* did the Sassanid Empire not have any quarrel with CHYNA
Nada. China was too far at the time. Between them are the Himalayas, Ferghana Valley, Steppes, the Tarim Basin, and the Taklamakan and Gobi Deserts.
On the contrary they were bros. T'ang China took in the Persian King & Prince along with many of the Sassanid Aristocracy following the Muslim destruction of the Sassanid Empire. Not only that, they gave em positions in government & the military as well.
>hic sunt leones
In Khosraw I Anushirwan's palace at Ctesiphon, they had empty 3 seats under Imperial throne. Each for Nomad Khagan, Roman emperor, and chinese emperor.
In case they came to the palace as vassals.
So I guess the Sassanids considered themselves stronger then chinks.