How does it feel to be invaded by socialists?
>File: come_to_pol_you_die.png
Fuck off /pol/.
Let them come
I'm out just giving you a heads up guys.
>Remember; if you come, your here forever
>applies to them as well
Rev up those redpills boys
We have enough commies
Go to /pol/ or /int/ to argue about this
>socialist/stalinist/trotzkyst/marxist revisionists trying to push their bullshit
>on Veeky Forums
good luck
great, now anything other than established right wing ideas is going to get immediately written off as part of a raid
>People are going to come to the site and express their views.
Oh the fucking horror.
more people talking about socialism isnt going to suddenly change my views on it, or communism or marxism
i already do my own reading, speak to my own friends and students of the left, more people on a mongolian weaving board talking about it shall not sully my ideals. People who it will shouldnt be on this board
They're welcome, they might learn a thing or 2 if they stick around long enough
But if we all did our reading already, then why come here to discuss? According to you our opinions won't change
we all do different reading, we all have different views, the discussion itself is the thrill of the game, but in the end I still remain where I originally was, buying into no ideals
Be completely honest here: has an user ever made a post that caused you to sincerely question your own views, or offered an actual defense to an argumentwtive attack you make towards them instead of something like "can't handle the bantz" or "you guys are so easy to troll"?
these people are explicitly trying to take control of the board and manipulate it to their liking, not just "expressing their opinions"
of course it will fail spectacularly, but the real damage will be the opposite effect of making those ideas purely associated with such tomfoolery
The only way to control a board on Veeky Forums is to fill it with shitposts, which is what /pol/ does on every other board. When people post anonymously, there is no filtering, no down voting or stealthbanning, no actual control. It's like saying you're in control of a shopping mall because you can yell over the ambient noise.
>these people are explicitly trying to take control of the board and manipulate it to their liking, not just "expressing their opinions"
And the only way they can do that is by expressing their opinions. This is an open board and they have no power here.
Granted shit like this has changed board dynamics before (/pol/ and swarmfront spring readily to mind) but that's just a consequence of having an open board.
One can also fill threads with false-voices, with the intention of forming a local false "consensus", in the hopes of influencing people through peer pressure. This board isn't nearly as active as /pol/, and so it might have some success over time - however, it would fail miserably on /b/ or other hyperactive boards.
I'm an active leftypol user but I came here first desu
This is a monarchist board, they can fuck tge right off.
(Same poster)
Also, in case anyone wants to listen to the drivel that is the Communist Manifesto while they read 4cha, (and as fellow Historically-minded people, I'm sure you'll reach the same conclusions as have I about Marx's "scholarship") here is a link to a recording;
And here is a little gift for you as well. Maybe, at least, some among you might find it useful or interesting.
Trippples of Truth.
As long as they don't shitpost, let them try.