>turn a corner >See a hanzo aiming at my feet MY LITTLE HEART CAN'T TAKE NO MORE
Jacob Walker
d.va general
Michael Price
Merry Christmas /owg/!
Joshua Watson
Why is bastion allowed to exist man? just have an orisa or a reindhart and some healer like mercy and there is no way you can lose with just that. This is just retarded.
Justin Ortiz
Ian Cruz
>press spacebar >simple geometry flies by
Hunter Morales
I need a drink. >:\
Jason Nguyen
>Junkrat spamming a chokepoint >enemy genji clicks E >I'm the one who dies to his deflected rollers haha man I guess I just got utterly outplayed there by my own teammate
Noah Sullivan
Noah Jackson
Here comes T.Racer... with her wife Widow and their cute baby!
Jaxson Lee
I never noticed those arm things look like a pint of beer on this skin
Lucas Lopez
>just one more win and I'm guaranteed a gold on the 28th >also have somehow managed to climb from 2950 to 3150 in the last week of the season >mfw
Kevin Foster
13st for reaper is a pedophile
Jonathan Watson
Lincoln Sanders
2 weeks, waifu shitters
Alexander Wright
i'm fucking done
Blake Price
40% user is only Silver?
Elijah Jones
Jose Russell
Adam Rogers
no you retard he's a platshitter, he means a gold weapon
Blake Nelson
Please don't call my beautiful wife a tranny.
Lucas Brooks
On a side note, please fucking help me guys
Veeky Forums keeps appearing like that
I have to use fucking firefox
Nathan James
Xavier Robinson
Have fun getting blackmailed by ukrainians in the future ;^)
Brayden Lewis
update your 4chanx
Wyatt Diaz
turn off ublock or adblock.
yeah, really.
Thomas Perry
I need some bloo pits
Gavin Perez
Here comes T.Racer!
Isaac Murphy
Oh my fucking god whyyyyyyy
hiroshimoot fuck off
Thanks user
Gabriel Perry
>turning off blockers lmaoing at you
Jose Allen
>stop playing for a couple of months >come back >quick play is rampant with smurfs >don't want to get into comp on my own >don't want to deal with plat smurfs in quick play
G-Guess I'll go back to not playing then.
Landon Parker
we did it lads
James Ramirez
Send money to Hiro and he'll fix it.
Austin Allen
Jaxson Campbell
Chase Smith
don't turn off your blockers user
Gavin Richardson
>he fell for the cheki breki meme
Daniel Stewart
You will literally get assfucked by malware from the ads if you turn it off
Adrian Green
>shitter buys another acc >its the same rating as his main >another shitter sees low lvl acc >WTF PRO OWL KOREAN 200mg SMURF JEFF WTFFFFFFFFFFF
Wyatt Carter
truning it back on
what the fuck ? How do you guys bypass this ?
Evan Sullivan
She is a Lesbian and wouldn't love you.
Ryder Gutierrez
Gavin Murphy
everytime i want to play the game im reminded that tracer, genji and winston exist and therefore i decide not to play
im not the only one feeling this way, as long as anti-fun characters exist, this game will decline in playerbase and nothing will bring it back
for the sake of the future of the game these heroes should be removed or reworked
Cameron Clark
>going to /gif/ Come on man it's nothing but cuckthreads and tranny threads. /gif/ is trully a disaster compared to what it once was.
Joseph Jackson
whats your rating
Ryder Peterson
Is this the new defense heroes post? If so add mercy.
Oliver Green
My Lena is straight and would love me if she was real.
Brayden Howard
All women love dick, user. They are either straight or bi. True lesbians don't exist
Jonathan Williams
>Be McCree >Predict genji is gonna come round a corner for a health pack
>Crouch and wait for him >He comes round the corner, 190 hp, poisoned from widow mine that just went off >Stun >Shoot him >He instantly deflects, dashes, and spins for a sweet 180 M2 headshot to instantly gib me
Balanced hero
Josiah Perez
>Using a crutch on a crutch hero didn't work classic
Jason Ross
flash headshot melee would've done 195, insta dead if your story is true shitter.
Henry Davis
>Hitscan DPS >Projectile DPS >Tracer main >Main tank >Off-tank >Flex Support >Lucio main
Does this describe all the roles in the pro scene?
Matthew Hernandez
Like dick doesn't make you straight or bi
Chase Hernandez
Literally exactly how I feel
But as says add mercy. And Dva.
Game is fucked in terms of long term fun as long as these heroes dominate and continue being in every single game.
>Lemme list all the roles in the game >All the pros spec like this wtf?
Chase Thomas
Okay, updated Veeky Forums x
What the fuck is hiro doing
Asher Rogers
its not weird for lucio player to go mercy while flex support goes zen
David Jones
Why are mercy mains allowed to be above diamond?
Lucas Bailey
selling us like a jew.
Joseph Thomas
Unfortunately genji's crutch out crutched me
I tried to headshot him but unfortunately the angle made his head tilt back when he got stunned and I hit his neck instead
Ryan Sullivan
How come there's no autistic screeching ? this is fucking awful
Zachary Garcia
>level 11 widow popping off on the enemy team >literally zero co-ordination from the rest of your team >they all file in one by one to her >"wow we're getting smurfed so hard"
Easton Allen
Because they're better than you
Bentley Hill
>performance-based matchmaking
basically if you pick mercy even if you're shit at the game you lose less SR for losing and gain more SR for winning/getting carried because the system favors one-tricking and stat padding faggotry etc. (and blizzard acknowledged this btw which is why they're gonna remove it)
it's getting removed for diamond and above soon so mercy mains will decay to plat in the near future
Adam James
If it's qp I feel a sense of shame being forced to switch to Winston just to counter one player.
Justin Gonzalez
so you're telling me the genji won a duel where 1. you missed a headshot on a still target with your hitscan weapon 2. he has ALL of his abilities 3. he uses them all, then hits 3 projectiles on your head, while he is moving, and also has to do a 180 before he even puts his crosshair on his head.
he successfully pulls that off while you miss a headshot on a still target and you wonder why you lost.
Dominic Cook
and they you realize her grapple has an 8s cd and that doesnt work anymore
David Hernandez
>Projectile dps >Lucio main >Hitscan DPS
I dont think these roles really exist
Hitscan is just Tracer(Soldier very occasionally) Projectile is just genji.
Lucio is irrelevant now with mercy
>Main tank off tank
Aka dva winston players
Ayden Gonzalez
you dont understand i pressed e wheres my free kill blizzard wow flashbang is so buggy and mccree is so bad
Angel Cooper
Remember when mccree could just shred people with right click.
I miss those days.
Sebastian Miller
>teamboogaing about qp
Brody Garcia
you also probably miss 70% of your shots
Dominic Cook
1. Yes 2. When doesnt a genji have all of his abilities while outside of combat 3. You say that as if its a rarity for genji to dash and reflect in every fight he has them available when its his bread and butter style of fighting.
>then hits 3 projectiles on your head, while he is moving
Projectiles dont have small hitboxes in OW. In close range ( had my back to a wall so dashing through me put him directly next to me) he literally just has to centre his camera on my hero model while being slightly above me and its M2 = 3 Star headshot
Jonathan Wood
>mercy mains will decay to plat in the near future Why would they? SOME might, but you need to (at least in theory) be actively throwing to lose as Mercy.
Ryder Taylor
To be fair
Literally every one of Genji's buttons are a free kill and he's a lot easier to play than McCree
Lincoln Edwards
Were you good this year?
Nathan Robinson
To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to play genji
Brayden Taylor
>clicks Q >TEAM KILL big brainers only
Robert Young
Threadly Reminder that Big Daddy Rein loves his brown women
Xavier Jenkins
Well here are some people I had in mind
Projectile DPS >Hydration >Nevix >Memegull
Hitscan DPS >aKm >shitmou >Babybay
Lucio >Zebbosai >Verbo >BigGoose
>Hitscan is just Tracer(Soldier very occasionally) Yeah but you don't see the guys I've listed ever playing Tracer because they have someone who only plays tracer.
>Projectile is just genji. Some Pharah, mostly on Oasis.
>Lucio is irrelevant now with mercy Lucio players are definitely struggling now because they were signed back when Lucio was relevant.
Eli Robinson
My Lena is always with me!
Juan Rivera
Make grandma relevant, nerf mercy.
Hunter Jackson
>its another episode of animefied overwatch ""art""
Easton Young
That ass is longer than Luna Mei.
Parker Collins
make doomfist charge cooldown reset after a kill, like the cocksucking ninja.
There, fixed it.
Brayden Flores
>implying we don't play this shitty game for the waifus
Brody Ramirez
Luis Moore
post non-anime art
Jordan Carter
>playing genji requires the most skill in the game
Jacob Lopez
>Some games I feel like a god on mccree, lining up headshots like its nothing >Be a competitive dps >Other days I just cant seem to find them >Be dead weight
>Pick genji >Mash palm into shift and E buttons >Draw fibbonaci sequence with mouse cursor >Get Play of the Game
Dylan Martinez
Camden Gomez
ok but the damage is reduced to 150 total
Aiden Howard
I actually play it for gameplay, cause I'm not a thirsty 14 year old going through puberty.
Jacob Hughes
Oliver Wright
lolconsole here. Is Blizzworld great or a piece of shit?
Jayden Brown
Noah Richardson
Reminder that Lena "Tracer" Oxton is canonically a lesbian, which means as well as dating exclusively women, she absolutely detests all men.
Not only would you, or any male never have a chance with her, she would also never be your friend, and generally wouldn't care if you lived or died. This is true for any other lesbian out there.