Why do leftists hate this man so much?

Why do leftists hate this man so much?

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They do?

Does anyone actually give a fuck about De Gaulle these days?

Do they? I thought they reserved the brunt of their contempt for Pétain

French do

Pétain is the True man who make leftists butthurt, not Général Micro

petain was a fucking cuck and deserved death


Without Pétain France would have been fucked in WW1.

>Why do leftists hate this man so much?
>commies try to take over
>De Gaulle shuts that shit down HARD
I may not like the man on the whole, but he BTFO commies harder than any other Frenchman could even dream.

He was shamelessly pro-france and pro-french while leftists only care about brown people.


He was a Religious Catholic(Who are blamed for everything wrong with France nowdays) French Nationalist (Which pisses off Leftists)
Remmeber that Leftism in France is far different than Leftism in the Anglosphere, They are far more radical if not straight up more action taking

My grandpa says he was the best statesman of his time, and we're not French.

Read this.

This too. De Gaulle was an unapologetic patriot who loved France above all and, as is evident in my quote, saw the French identity as deeply connected with the Catholic faith (which it is).

Literally every problem France has today could be solved by De Gaulle, but the modern Frenchman WANTS these problems.

He also had plans for a French-led EU that his incompetent successors fucked up beyond imagination. They handed it over to Germany on a silver fucking platter, with their own balls as a side dish.

That's not remotely true, don't be a child

A man blinded by Patriotism to the point where he spat on his allies after the war, the one where we liberated them.

My family shall never forgive that cunt for the Quebec speech.

>to the point where he spat on his allies after the war
He spat on those who spat on him. Let's not forget that Roosevelt blocked any attempts De Gaulle made to do anything because he believed he had the makings of a dictator, to the point where he offered France a seat at post-war negotiations on the sole condition that De Gaulle was not there. Or Churchill, who cooperated with Roosevelt by not offering the Free French any strategic information on D-Day and post-war stated that he would always choose America over France. The problem was that De Gaulle wanted an independent France, and Roosevelt and his cronies an American vassal. It's normal to ask gratitude (which the French had in spades), it's not normal to ask someone to bend over and spread his buttcheeks.

>My family shall never forgive that cunt for the Quebec speech.
Yeah, how dare he claim that those who are treated like second rate citizens in their own country should desire independence? It took the threat of separatism for them to actually be taken seriously.

Wasn't anywhere as diplomatic with the Algerians who he had no issue butchering without caring what class of citizen they were.

As for the end of the war and the dictatorship, yes he was a bloody madman that needed to be contained again see what happened to the Algerians and Vietnamese under his rule.

Wow, it's almost like you're a fucking retard who has no idea what he's talking about.
De Gaulle wasn't in charge at the time
De Gaulle was brought back to power to solve the conflict, which he did by pulling out. He had no interest in having 40 million Muslims on French soil with access to the mainland, and he got exclusive rights to oil and gas (as well as the guaranteed safe return of the pieds noir I think) in return.

England translation please :)

you're an idiot. typical leaf

>It's very good that there are yellow Frenchmen, black Frenchmen, brown Frenchmen. It shows that France is open to all races and has a universal vocation. But on the condition that they remain a tiny minority. If not, France would no longer be France. We are after all above everything a European people of white race, Graeco-Latin culture and Christian religion.

In the 60s this was progressive. Today this is racist.

Quebec is a fucking parasite and Britain should have deported all of them instead of just the Acadians

>Quebec is a fucking parasite
You'd think you'd be in favor of a Quebec Libre then, wouldn't you?

Quebec bashing makes no sense. It looks like these idiots want some kind of Schrödinger's Quebec, which remains part of Canada while at the same time being independent. Or maybe they just want genocide, because as we all know a call for genocide is entirely justifiable if the population to be genocided is white.

Thank you sir. Unfortunately I think in the likes of France and holland the damage is irreversible as muslims seem to breed like rabbits, here in Ireland we got a good mix of migration, no too much not too little, that way at least they integrate into the nations culture.

Mediocre general who often hid his lack of talent by trying to always be center of attention and taking credit for other people's efforts. It's obvious he used his role in the war to try and catapult himself as the ruler of France and had no problem badmouthing anyone who saw through his bullshit.

that's literally what I'm advocating
Canada and France would both be better off if Britain treated the Quebecois to the ol' Cape Town hotel and then sent them back to France when the French and Indian War ended

>Literally admitting to advocating genocide because you personally don't like a few people
I want you to turn off your computer and rethink this statement and its implications.

did I get the get?

Because leftists are faggots

because white people are subhumans

De gaulle was a war hero but a bad president. Fist lets talk about the hero.

In 1937 he warned the french état major about the coming blitzkrieg, he had read the general Guderian writing and policy on how use the tanks in a future conflict and was aware the incoming war will be a movement war. sadly the état major was thinking it will be a position war and keeped the ligne maginot as main strategy.

The 18 june 1940 he called from london, declared himself de facto leader of the france and deligitimed the vichy regime, keep in mind than 342 000 soldiers (123 000 french) was saved and succefully feed to the great britain (dunkerke miracle). the call of the 18 june was a nice move, a really good one. He became de facto leader of the free-french forces and the resistance. I think he had the easy role personnaly (he was safe from the conflict and didn't took risk unlike the resistants and the soldiers) but it was necessary. He was aware the france was lost but smart, he knew and tell about it, it was a world wide conflict, and france was a lost battle.

Keep in minde tough he was a bad stratege, in september he trid to take the Senegal by puttin a short number of soldier on the capital Dakar to make a coup d'état. He totaly fucked it, it was a butchery. He tough the french administration and the locals would join him in the free french forces just after the entry of t(he forces in the capital, but in fact the governor was loyal to the vichy regime and had heavely defended Dakar. He understimate the loyalty of the governor and the administration and the short number of soldier he put on the move was anihilated.

After this he was considered as a fraud and nobody listen him seriously about strategy churchill was heavily critized to have listen de gaulle on the dakar affair.

He kicked all the socialists and communist from the post-war government.
Kind of an all around dick to lefts.

In 1942 he designed Jean moulin to lead the resistance in france, moulin did a good job and created the national concil of the resistance and regrouped 8 resistance movement 6 political party and 2 syndicate. Moulin did a good job and the resistance was effective (most of the resistant was communist in 1942, keep in mind than the far right and the french capitalism was in good term with vich and collabored, its important too understand De gaulle)

You know the rest i'm sure about teh second war, then the President.

De gaulle allowed those who coopered with vichy to be free of charges, tough the CNR (national reistance concil ) was allowed to have a lot of power. They have created the social security and major social changes . They have a project about educating people to politics because after the shoah and the war, it was evident than educated people could prefer facism to the republic. Sadly the project was avorted by the french communist party. There was two main problem with de gaulle along his role in france history and as a political leader .

He was old and conservative. De gaulle when he was in power in 1968 did a politic who was late from 30 years, he was a man of the past and didn't understood the concern of the young and the progressist at the time. The more the time flee, the more his policy was late.

Tu ne sais rien Jean neige.
Seriously learn about the national concil of the resistance, they had a lor of power and was allowed a big amount of power.
The social security was created by a communist, the retreat, making the press independant from the industrials

>He kicked all the socialists and communist from the post-war government.
No he didn't. The Communists were kicked out in May 1947, de Gaulle resigned in January 1946.

Yes, this is 100% true, but then a few years later he kicked them all out.
> Jean Neige
J'ai mis 5 minutes à comprendre. Bien joué.

Leftists don't care about de gaulle but they hate Petain for saving his country from absolute annexation.

>a few years later he kicked them all out
De Gaulle was not in office when they were kicked out see

Merci camarade :^)
Tu es Gaulliste?

>Petain for saving his country from absolute annexation
There is no evidence is what would have happened without Petain. The governments of Norway, Netherlands, Belgium went into exile and they weren't treated any worse than France. The Germans really didn't give a shit about the collabos.

he looks tired and thoughtful in this picture
what thoughts were coursing through his brain in this very moment, captured in time
the moment, not the thoughts

He was a nationalist in all regards.

Gaullists do, most French nationalists do.

Yeah funny to see those who claim his legacy are doing the exact opposite of what he wanted in almost all regards except conservatism.

Only as a vague symbol of nationalism