League of Legends - /lolg/

Kid or squid edition



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xth for my wife Syndra

I swear i will die of a stroke due to this game someday

squiddos begone

I'm so fucking pissed at these master smurfs going kayle / Lulu + twitch jungle and just letting twitch freefarm while camping top and cucking my toplaner into oblivion.

There is literally nothing you can do, I'm just glad they were on my team for once unlike the other two times.

is vvvortic /ourguy/ or reddit's guy?

>masters smurfs

Have you tried not being shit and if it's a reoccuring problem just ban those champs or dodge.

Why is this allowed

a few months ago it was kayle building like a support top, and master yi jungle. yi would clear the jungle a few times then come lane top, and it was impossible to do anything against that. is it back?

>stuck in Silver 2
>apparently can only win as Udyr
>go on 5+ game win streaks
>get to Silver 1
>immediately get the dumbest players ever
>or get someone who AFKs/DCs
>demote back to Silver 2
>continue to get subpar players
>go on another win streak
>promote to Silver 1
>get demoted again
>rinse and repeat

Like, I even get matched with gold players and wonder how the hell they even made it to gold. When I jungle I gank as much as possible, steal the enemies red 90% of the time and take their jungle. Hell, most of the time I kill the jungler in the process.

If anyone wants to add me, feel free. I just want to get out of Silvers. If anyone wants to duo with me feel free to add me Master iGREASE

SKT1 Zyra is such an underrated skin. Her ass looks great in it.

she's got the shits and wearing that makes it easier for her to poop on the go.

If you were as good as you think you are you would get out of silver easily. Quit bitching about "MUH TEAM DOE" and figure out what you could have done better/.

reddit's guy to be sure
>that ahri not charming you

>LilyPichu still doing her KOWAII annie-may girl act
Isn't she a bit too old for that now, being 26 years old and all?

>Be Mid
>Be against Zoe
>Zone the shit out of her
>Diligently spend a long ass time poking her down to half her health
>Bitch just stay ten gorrillion miles away and farm with her AOE Q
>Occasionally some huge ass cc bubble came from fucking three screens away
>If i got hit by it then i got barely a third of my HP left
>Still managed to get her to 2/6
>As soon as mid game rolls around bitch is fucking invincible
>She ends game 10/7

Holy fucking shit, this feels like playing against fucking old Nida with her AHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEH TEN GORRILLION DAMAGE SPEARS EVERY 3 SECONDS AHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUEHUHEUHEUHEUHUEHUEHUEHUEHUE. Who the fuck thought this shit was okay?

I get some heavy fucking Yasuo vibe from this bitch. No matter how much you shit on her she will always be relevant late game

>watching female streamers

Woman are perpetual children no matter what age.

lol why would you get angry at that

Just dodge her sleep bubble lmao it's not hard

>being a bitter and scornful virgin that hates GURL STREAMERS rather than just enjoying cute girls dressing up and acting silly for your entertainment

I want these underaged autismos to get out of my slash el oh el gee slash

We need more ghost waifus. Kalista isnt enough.

I swear every time riot releases URF it gets more toxic

do people not understand that you don't choose your champs? excuse me for sucking with a champ I've played 2 times in 6 years

Fuck you nigger, who the fuck get rewarded by missing a skillshot. Having it become a trap is fucking retarded

When are they fixing sorc shoes and void staff?

whats wrong with them

They don't do it for your entertainment they do it so all the beta simps will throw money at them for doing literally nothing.

making magic resist a waste of gold is kind of lame

>play ranked
>get trolls and inters

>play normals
>get smashed by premades

I knew playing today was a mistake

>not wanting to be a perpetual child

Lux is very bully-able.

Dont you dare pretend BORK + crit build isnt infinitely more retarded

I wanna be bullied by her farts

Help, how much do I need to feed my Sona in order to optimize milk production?

>playing the meme mode

Vi and caitlyn are the perfect couple and lovers


Yeah I've noticed people get incredibly fucking butthurt about everything in that mode. I don't really understand it.

>tfw finally got good with ryze and also got s+
So this is the power of Runes

>ywn cuddle a cute void beast on christmas
Feels bad

pug'maw is the best skin fuck you kog'fag

>tfw no qt petite gf

Her eyes are so beautiful and captivating. I want to stare into them as I finish inside her. Green eyes are the best it's a shame they're kind of rare

i hope her designer gets the most excruciatingly painful dead possible, she's retard proof, pokes harder than every champion in the game, has utility and its imposible to catch, she's by far the most disgusting thing ever
if i were riot i'd make the designer at least apologize for making this abomination against nature

Worst skin*

I'm not saying I am great but 90% of the time it is my team. I definitely have room to improve and I do make mistakes. But most of the time is the team itself not listening to my Jungle calls and dying. If you look me up I am pretty decent at Udyr.

BEST skin

>3.17 MB
>1.4k by 1.8k and pixelated to hell and back
You don't deserve her.

>take 500 magic damage per skill from a zero (0) ap and zero (0) magic pen tahm kench
>I have 100 mr ("""""""""""50%""""""""" reduction)

so that shit would have done 1000 damage before reductions?
fucking seriously?

Did you get a visit from Santa?


You don't understand my internet is shit here it literally took me 10 minutes to make that post

>not Monarch

>he fought the toad

yea the version that keep getting posted on /lolg/ looks just awful

What kingdom/faction is ryze from?

I'm going to breed and ruin your womb with constant bullying.

I don't think he's really part of any faction he just kind of wanders around doing his own thing

why does JInx look so tight in this picture

She always looks tight though

this better?

>Ah, Civilization. I remember when I was a part of it

You missed the ears.

I asked Jaredan two lore questions about my favorite champion. I hope he answers.


>Attempting to make autistic chart
>Realize there are 139 champs in the game currently
>File size shot up to 2gb
Holy FUCK why are there so many champions in this game

How is it fair this guy doesn't know what he's doing and feeds his ass off playing one champion exclusively and is Challenger while 99% of hard workers rot in Silver

I want him to do to me what he's about to do to her lolg

so im barely new at the game and want to start to main Irelia, is this a good decision? i like her ass thats why i picked her

If he didn't know what he's doing how did he get to challenger?

Irelia is super strong in lower elos because you literally spike as soon as you buy sheen / triforce so you get to snowball hard.
She's not super good right now in top lane as far as I know in higher elos, but you can LITERALLY pick up any main ANYTHING that's even remotely viable and easily climb to atleast D5.

I'd say go for it.

No,she is due for a rework on the future,if you use her now anything you learn might become useless later

its up to you anyhow

singed got over the top buffs and the meta heavily favors him

he needs a rework though desu

>bf didn't surprise me in a graves cosplay in bed
Still waiting on Santa.

she looks tighter than usual in that particular image

>zoe doesnt get banned
>the team that picks her wins

i wanna stick my face in that butt

thanks will try then as im starting

i think if she gets a rework that means she will get friendly to play?, like rengar, i think i will use it as im starting will see if i fell in love with someone else later

I want her to birth a butt baby into my mouth

>Irelia will never give me a lapdance

what about this one?

>that gap
praise be

> he needs a rework

do you really want to trigger people that will unironically do this just because of a small nerf

Tell me why I should be a good goy and pay up for any of these.

i wish i was a girl

Arcade MF has great SFX.
The only other good one is Jhin, but not at 30% off.

get the raka and mf ones they're cute

you're cute

>pick zoe

>ywn see Irelia doing squats from behind her

fuck em.

I wish I was a girl so I could go about my day and give warm smiles to young men who look like awkward virgins. Maybe I'd even invite some of them back to my place for "coffee"

Am I autistic for making new accounts for the sole purpose of I like to grind and I like a clean account that's never had a penalty or anything like that to it ?

I wish i was a girl so i could make anons happy by giving them attention!

I wish it was an actual banana.

I do it too

needed something mindless to do after quitting wow

Am I autistic

0-4:Play a game of ranked
5-9:keep watching bronze streams

I've been playing since season 3 and every year during pre season I level up a new account and play it for the year. Luckily I have a pretty small champion pool so I only buy 3-4 skins on each account

Would you invite more than one of them at a time for "coffee"?

>ywn have your dick wedged between Irelia's firm asscheeks

wait i forgot how deep soraka's voice actually is
why the fuck is she portrayed like a teenage girl about to be raped all the time with a voice like that
she sounds like she's 40

If you looked like SG Janna would you make a shy awkward virgin your boytoy