Chaincoin OVER 9000. Why did i not trust the shill earlier this week? Is it to late to get in now? You think it will dip back to 5k soon?
Chaincoin OVER 9000. Why did i not trust the shill earlier this week? Is it to late to get in now...
Those genes would know
The question stand if or more likely when it reaches major exchange like bittrex. If it stays at Australian jews exchange it will dip, but if it goes to bitt well we will have fucking pivx all over again. Personally I wish it to dip because wanna buy up my assets to 50,000 CC. Got 30k, 20k more left to buy and I dont want to overspend like I did with ark coin. Personally I think It's damn good honeypot for short term and amazing for longterm because of low entry master node
Forgot to say God bless capitalism and Crypto currencies
>low entry master node
It's going to pop off just because of this.
OP buy now and during during the dip (if there is one)
Yeah, people might buy like retards because cheap masternodes.
Devs are working on a friendly normie way to start masternodes. Let's see what happens tomorrow.
Fucking hell, why it can't dip bellow 9000?
I want easy money REEEEEEEEEEEEE
>will have fucking pivx all over again.
PIVX differentiates from DASH enough to get a pump I guess.
What does this shit do other than have cheaper masternodes?
This cloning shit works until it doesn't.
Valid point. To counter it, pivx fails to deliver on openness by having fake developers names, whole chc is open about developers
pivx is all about privacy. the devs are autistic darkweb privacy nerds. give them a break they're making a decent a coin
Holy shit thanks op! cant believe i have missed the news and rumors about this coin, im transferring 2 btc right now!
Don't do it. Wait for dip, don't empower NZ cucks
It's the first to chain a bunch of algorithms together, hence the name
the new thing about this is :
- Everyone can have a node, so everyone can vote.
- Cheap and soon to be $0.2
how to set up a masternode, pls
Its probably on its way back down because everyone is moving funds into btc.
Better listen now
>Premine: 34,000,000 RNS
>MasterNodes: 100,000 RNS per node
gtfo and wait for the chaincoin news today ;p
There's a tutorial PDF in their slack
That's the coin supply you retard
>premine given to the "community"
>dev takes a slice himself so he can outsource every task as he's too incompetent for anything
>there can only be 340 masternodes
Yeah, no thanks.
Are you actually expecting to meet fellow countrymen by dropping these images? You have, congrats.
This Guy is talking about rns not chaincoin btw
Nice to see you mate, who could have fought that american anime autists will manage to help me make 50k on crypto
Yes, obviously.
Reminder to everyone that the website will be live within next 10 hours or so ("afternoon EST").
There's also a good new tutorial for setting up a masternode on Youtube.