>literally looks like Karl Marx
>wears red
>redistributes wealth to proletarian children
Is Santa Claus a communist?
>literally looks like Karl Marx
>wears red
>redistributes wealth to proletarian children
Is Santa Claus a communist?
rly makes u think
you forgot the most important similarity, only babies and retards believe in him
>owns the means of production privately, without anyone voting on it or trying to take it away
>dispenses resources arbitrarily, with no recourse for fairness
He's a philanthropist, dumbass.
Probably trying to work off the guilt from his robber-baron elf empire.
Santa has a workshop full of slaves. He's definitely a capitalist pig. The fantasy is that a capitalist would do good or bring joy to the world.
Helpers Revolt.
>he has a cohort of forced laborers slaving away in some frozen tundra
So basically a gulag.
Technically, if it's a self sustaining autocracy, it's feudalism.
I imagine Santa as more of a lord, surrounded by serfs, with no kind.
You don't get it user, the elves deserve it, they're the kulaks of the North Pole.
The elves aren't political prisoners, nor are they a toppled aristocratic class. Klaus is just exploiting the marginalized and politically powerless people of Elven decent. Just like all capitalist imperialists.
No, it's the natural order of things.
Gazelles don't eat lions, and elves don't tell Santa Claus to build toys.
God has ordained that the rabble toil and the lords protect, and that is how it shall be.
Santa Claus isn't real, but the historical Saint Nicholas is an interesting fellow.
He would also probably hate what has become of his legacy.
>Greek Christian Saint turned into an American fat fuck riding a Coca Cola truck
No shit.
Santa clause is actually 100% real.
top kek
Summarize Marxist thought in your own words. I'll wait.
i dont think santa can be synonymised with st nicholas especially given other european traditions of christmas gift giving.
Santa Claus alledgedly comes from the Dutch version of St. Nicholas. I think that was what the one you replied to implied.
its actually becoming somewhat of a crisis the is santa claus real thing
But the elves are happy with their serfdom, both having a strong leader and father figure and doing work that they love and are biologically predisposed to.
Dear Miyazaki,
Do not invent anime. You will sorely regret it.
Wrong thread, mate.
In German legends his slaves are naughty children who get dragged away in chains by the Krampus. So basically, his workshop is a gulag where class traitors are forced to work and the Krampuses are the NKVD.
fukken saved
>Is Santa Claus a communist?
No, he's the anthropomorphic embodiment of amanita muscaria.
Commies BTFO
Is this the dude who comes along a few weeks before Christmas and leaves chocolate on your windowsill? I like him
One word. Impressive. It usually takes 2 words for people to say they're retarded.