>Bought the game recently again because i had starter >doing pretty decent, getting top 3 most matches >games are being won when just because i join >playing pretty confidently >suddenly doing horrible >most matches ends with 0 kills >lost pretty much every gun fight
what the fuck happened
Lucas Evans
If you’re a waifufag hater, just know that I still appreciate you and know that you’re capable of not self loathing
Matthew Long
hat looks like its from a completely different game that's why i never thought those leaks were real the artstyle of those items but the uniforms don't even look completely finished
Jason Lee
the uniform actually looks decent close up the had is p shit though but it shows her face the gun is great though
I basically haven't regularly played any shooters for a year so I'm losing a bunch of fights even when I have the initiative.
Jonathan Robinson
Nicholas Smith
Can Mute's device stop Ash's breaching rounds and Hibana's explodey spinners?
Nicholas Jackson
>not a fan of the ribbon thing anime girls do >hairs brown instead of black >doesn’t even look Asian Still looks pretty good but come on mate.
Samuel Hill
>hair is brown instead of black Take a look at the ingame model user
Cameron Gomez
Cooper Wilson
>You can put a laser sight on all of Thatcher's guns
Adrian Martin
>*looks Fair enough. It could’ve been darker but yea yous right.
Cameron Evans
>join game in progress >kicked before it even finishes loading
Christian King
Mute devices can stop Hibana, but they can't stop Ash
Grayson Edwards
How long does the sale last?
I want to pick the game up next week when I get paid but if i have to i'll buy it now when it's cheaper.
Aaron Howard
You ranked up from Bronze to Silver
Ian Sanchez
>tfw you kill 2 guys as caveira and reveal the enemy team to your team and smoke gasses the hostage
Thomas Scott
>interrogate enemy >entire team runs out and dies
Gavin Kelly
>playing hostage
Jose Sanchez
Colton Myers
Fuze main detected
Jacob Howard
No (you)'s for you, fag.
Nathan Kelly
Very nice. I'm glad Ying gets some attention. Merry Christmas!
Joseph Baker
I coloured in Panzermeido's Mimira, /r6g/.
Any changes I should to make it?
Plz no bully
Henry Cook
Welcome back friend.
Tyler Cox
Mira windows are black not purple
Ethan Rodriguez
Like this?
Levi Garcia
pretty much
Ryan Parker
gl hf
Evan Sanders
Brandon Adams
Welcome to the club.
Asher Martinez
I kind of like purple, as a reference to her icon, so I think this balances between her black mirror and her purple icon nicely, and avoids the overuse of grey/black I feel her palette was using.
Kayden Powell
>dont use the DMR >DMRs are shit dude I wish I never listened to you niggers. BB's DMR is fucking amazing. way better than his piece of shit AR
Matthew Murphy
Don't even know why I keep coming back to this game or even play MP games feels like I'm gonna get an aneurysm at this rate because I plateau but end up getting carried and get dunked on forever.
Robert Harris
is it ok to put a suppressor on Glaz's rifle? Headshot is still one hit kill right?
Unable to play the game right now, so I got to ask. Can I complete the gadget kills challenge using pic related?
Kayden Campbell
DMR's got buffed in White Noise. Blackbeard's DMR is at least a valid alternative to the AR now.
Charles Gonzalez
MK14 and SR25 are valid ARs, mostly because the MK has no recoil and the SR does a LOT of damage, but using the 417 or the CAMRS should be punishable by death
James Russell
There is absolutely nothing wrong with CAMRS
Oliver Young
>kicks a lot >fuckhuge >not the C8
Easton Stewart
Just getting into this game. Is it worth it to buy the pack of operators for real sheckles to get started?
Gavin Lee
>kicks a lot Comparing to SR it has zero recoil
Asher Brooks
You can if you want to, but I would personally wait until you get a good feel for the game and make completely sure you're not willing to just grind them out before you spend any more money.
Thomas Perry
Evan Sanchez
How long does it take to grind and get good operators?
Logan Butler
I wonder if this game punishes me for leaving most of my casual matches
Mason Garcia
What edition do you have?
Julian Rodriguez
i want to suck IQ's stinky toes!
Parker Bell
The normal one
Tyler Sanchez
Well, after getting all of the base ones (assuming you got standard), it's a pretty penny at 25k, so if you are hypothetically left with no renown, it might take about a week of around 20-30 matches a day, give or take, to get enough. Really it's about how much time you have and are willing to commit. That's just kind of a rough estimate I came up with, so it may take less, but I think a week would be a good starting point. There's probably someone who has a better idea than me though.
Charles Carter
Base operators took me about 5-6 games (2h), on average (matches gave me between 100-250 reeknown, and their costs go from 500-1000-1500-2000)
DLC operators cost 25000 reknown, and that took me a bit over 20 hours to grind up. People who do well take maybe 10h to grind out for a new DLC operator.
James Miller
Thanks dudes
Jack Perry
Unlock the ones that you think would be the most fun to play. If you enjoy playing the game, unlocking new ops will be just a pleasant achievement.
>6.0 ranked w/l >4.0 k/d why are these people not banned?
Liam Watson
git gud
Christian Taylor
>wah wah i need handholding kys shitter
Jack Allen
>literal pros don't get these w/l slash k/ds in ranked >normal completely legitimate player average joe does uh huh
Kevin Walker
Whats the best way to git gud?
Wyatt Clark
Sometimes they hire complete idiots for Pro teams.
Take Overwatch's America 2017. Sinatraa is a solo meme, and fctorfctn plays like goddamn rookie.
Connor Anderson
play alot
Samuel Sanders
Play the game, enjoy the game, read tips, remember kills and being killed, play with friend if possible, use you drone. Also learn the maps and gadgets. This helped me. Good luck! r6maps.com/
Andrew Cox
Thanks nigga
Justin Robinson
Jack White
this game any good on console or is pc the only way?
Luke Reyes
PC wtf
Blake Gutierrez
Actually I noticed that I play much better when high on weed.
Ayden Hughes
Take a guess
Gabriel Cook
Ayden Green
its more entertaining on console if you like gladiator fights
Gabriel Thomas
>when you empty the mini bar
Lincoln Wright
Is there any more?
Jose Carter
>mfw stuck on console for most things including siege cause that's where my m80s play it's alright
Daniel Johnson
much much more
Evan Stewart
Gabriel White
Legitimately the funniest thing I've seen this month, thanks friend
Aiden Johnson
William Peterson
Hunter Campbell
Josiah Davis
That went better than expected.
Daniel Wilson
Liam Brooks
my personal favorite
Dominic Baker
Grayson Garcia
Zachary Wright
Fucking kek
Brandon Reyes
and to finish the console aim dump ill leave you with the no kills ace webm
Bentley Morris
Dylan Martin
God damn
Evan Lee
How the fuck
Camden Scott
>Molotov–Ribbentrop Pact.webm
Oliver Reyes
I feel like a lot of these console knife kills should 100% be hits but they aren't
Jackson Richardson
>tfw just got a Ying ace >all because i used the candela grenades perfectly