>READ THE FAQ before posting! - it will answer most of your questions if you are new or learning gbf.wiki/FAQ
>Mega Pastebin - This pastebin has lots of useful things like important guides and other stuff so don't be a shitter and read these before asking something. pastebin.com/8xELSDu4
Just eat healthy and exercise and you'll have a body like that too.
Brayden Lewis
Camden Campbell
Why do all the sexiest girls have to have major daddy issues?
Anthony Ross
Her personality is pretty good too.
Isaiah Hughes
Hunter Torres
i hope dog is light but i'm going to participate in lightcucks btfo shitposting the second she's revealed not to be light
Tyler Richardson
I'm sorry to everyone that wasted their time with my baha HL, I'm a big fuck up.
Dylan Torres
I just started playing yesterday. How's my party look?
Jeremiah Myers
Are you sure it's not the daddy issues that make you consider them sexy?
Austin Long
i just want cygames to release the zodiac news to end my fucking misery what happened? was about to join and it filled up faster than it should've, did someone pub it?
Josiah Bailey
post leechlist
Isaiah Mitchell
Never show your face here ever again
William Walker
Could be better, but could also be much, much worse. If you bought that account you overspent.
Daniel Young
pretty serviceable, good start user
William Kelly
Show us your summons instead.
Levi Davis
This. I'm irredeemable trash
Noah Campbell
I didn't buy it. My summons are trash.
Brayden Cruz
Landon Young
It's good, not like light has better options except song.
Ian Green
Next time wait for everyone to come before you start attacking.
Chase Campbell
God damnit, I already play two of these games, guess I'll have to learn how to make time for a third. I just hope rerolling for Etna won't be too painful a process like it was in Alchemist. Will I have to head to /mbgg/ or do you reckon it'll get its own thread?
Ethan Gomez
It'll start off in /mbgg/ then split off on its own if it's popular enough most likely.
John Lopez
>not participating in all shitposting regardless of what happens
Logan Wright
Then reroll some accounts now with the BIGGEST. Characters are less important, unless you just decided you really like these guys.
Lucas Allen
Go farm Corrow or leech Chev's with a crew
Nathaniel Peterson
I just started and about 90% of my units are water I wanted to run wind like I do in any other vidya that gives the option, but I wanted if either has any real strengths over the other.
Eli Torres
>7 pages of skill fate Do you guys even bother with this crap?
Jose Perez
Ethan Evans
Wind's biggest strength is how easy it is to get a good weapon grid and main summon early on, but if all your characters are water that's what you're going to be playing. Follow 's advice until the 4th before you decide to stick with the water account.
Ethan Jones
How important are summons? I'm basically retarded when it comes to this game. Will do.
Jack Collins
Before you get memed about wind being a bad element, from a racing perspective it's almost always wind players who end up MVP in one of the more interesting endgame raids. If you aim to go full esports, both elements use free characters (that you grind for) in their best setup so it starting units are just what you'll be running with to get there.
Kevin Barnes
Yeah. There are a few gems in there and the cross fates that you can unlock afterwards are pretty nice too.
Ethan Long
without giving you a crash course on the game right here, pretty important. they enable certain builds and grids and the better ones can't be gotten unless you randomly roll it in the gacha
Ian Stewart
The rarest and most powerful summons can't be picked with a surprise ticket (like most characters) or a spark (like limited characters), so rerolling is your one shot to get them guaranteed.
Brandon Baker
Thanks, I'll try to reroll for some then.
Grayson Green
Yeah I guess someone did. What did I do wrong? How does one usually beat this lizard?
Asher James
I am so glad to be part of this generation, I love being the daddy of all these young women. Feels good man.
Logan Clark
People still fail Baha HL in 2017? Is that even possible?
Robert Butler
What's the fastest way to get bahamut weapon to skill lv10?
Nolan Foster
Anything is possible when you're a shitter starting a raid you know nothing about and praying /gbfg/ will carry your worthless ass.
Robert Lewis
They're more important than non-limiteds because the ones in question are just hard to get and they enable builds. Take a look at these gbf.wiki/SSR_Summons_List#Premium_Non-Ticketableor any reroll guide. Getting a primal one could unlock more shit to do for endgame but Id advice rerolling for one of Shiva/alexiel/Europa/bahamut/Lucifer which are godly right away and still fantastic in the Endgame.
Kayden Hall
>/gbfg/ can't even kill baha HL without the host talk about worthless
Carter Johnson
when will they release the earth grand already
Josiah Baker
Matthew Foster
just wait for the pattern bro
Connor Baker
Earth and water won't be getting anything anymore
Joshua White
For BahaHL, you usually want to wait for the room to fill up before starting, which can take a while on a slow day at /gbfg/, so just be patient. If you have low damage, it's recommended that you play holy saber to help the raid's survivability. You can turn off backup requests in the settings to stop someone from griefing your run by pubbing it. It's also strongly advised that you at least glance over the wiki entry because it's a fairly long fight that can catch you off guard if you're unfamiliar with how things will go. It's also nice if you post every now and then what classes are currently in, and what classes you need. /gbfg/ can fail Baha HL so if you're much more interested in a successful run, use coop's raid functionality, as anything posted here can be treated as either a hang out&chill raid for some players, or an opportunity to race for others. I can't believe I typed all this shit out.
Jaxon Adams
My wife Sarasa is so dumb!
Jaxson Miller
read the fucking guide nigger
Thomas Taylor
Why does spanish exist in the world of Granblue?
Nolan Clark
You'll make a good mother with all this spoonfeeding practice.
William Nguyen
Are they the new dark?
Justin Wood
Why is there Christmas in the sky? Does that mean Jesus exists there?
William Jones
>want to play dark >my only dark SSRs are S. Danua and Zeta >have to use 5* aidoru and 5* Will to round out the team
Christopher Adams
I bet it feels great to have all these young sluts thirsty for daddy cock. But your generation didn't only create them, you also created an entire generation of soyboys whose total lack of pussy has turned them into gigantic pussies. We'll see how much you like it when the West falls to the hordes of third world men who are swarming from every direction unhindered.
Michael White
That brings me some measure of comfort in this cruel world
Benjamin Hill
Thanks bud, yeah I was in the middle of reading the guide but I appreciate you writing this all out though. I will know better for next time.
Juan Rodriguez
>>want to play dark Stopped reading right there.
Kevin Harris
Will people be upset if DAO leaves the gacha before dog is available?
Blake Gonzalez
If you think they're going to be in the gacha simultaneously you might be fucking retarded
Samuel Walker
Yes, how else do you explain Lucifer and Satan?
Jesus will be the next limited.
Alexander Price
Someone will, but it's expected. It's bad business to leave two spark targets in the pool at the same time, especially during free rolls.
Connor Howard
jesus primal beast when
Luke Edwards
>will people be upset if what has always happened happens again
We'll see, depends on what the nippon masterminds decide.
Bentley Lee
>SR unit saving anything
Jace Lewis
There have been people posting about wanting DAO for as long as /gbfg/ has been a thing.
Jackson Allen
that's like asking if any of us breathe here user, don't be stupid.
Hudson Hill
>aether blast III now inflicts elemental def down as well y/n?
Lucas Perry
You'll be surprised how many casuals here
Jackson Barnes
I'll be very upset if I don't get her while I try to spark Lucio
Kevin Butler
Fucking stereotype watermelon nigger in my JRPG? what the fuck Cyshit?
Levi White
>walked on water >turned water into wine It's fucking obvious Jesus will be water. Lightcucks are desperate
Luke Martinez
Will they be a duo like arthur and mordred?
Charles Jackson
>breathing as expected of viramate casual
Joshua Carter
>jesus isn't a dark necromancer who can revive himself please
Jaxon Cox
I'm going to be upset if they release her during a legfest and then make her flashfest-only instead of just having a flashfest at the end of the month.
So yes I'm going to be upset.
Andrew Lee
Doesn't Koume already have that gimmick?
Jason Thomas
Koume is Jesus?!?
Hunter Peterson
What is this "Christmas" you speak of. They don't mention it in the game.
Gabriel Ward
I want to fuck jesus
Eli Russell
yea but jesus cant attack and will just be waters version of card captor sakura but without the 2 attack skills. he just makes wine, a fish sandwich , gives 2 separate placebo buffs which arent treasure hunter they are just question marks and gets beat up by romans for his charge attack
Henry Kelly
I've wanted to stick it in Etna for over a decade.