Maintenance over Apology for failure - Saint Quartz x13 - Golden Fruit x13 Distribution Period: 2017-12-21 04:00 - 2018-05-31 23:59 UTC
>[News] Check FateGO.USA on facebook for preliminary announcements and Campaign Milestones
>Returning Master Login Bonus! If you haven't logged in since September, log in now for a total of 10 tickets and 16 golden fruits, you lazy piece of shit
>London Chapter Released 3 new Mystic Codes and 5 new interlewds
>London Pickup Summon Period 2017-12-19 8:00 - 2018-01-04 3:59 UTC Servants on rate-up: 5* Mordred, 4* Frankenstein, 3* Henry Jekyll & Hyde,3* Paracelsus von Hohenheim, 3* Charles Babbage
>London Pickup 2 Summon 2017-12-26 4:00 - 2018-01-04 3:59 UTC 5 Nikola Tesla 4 Altria Pendragon (Alter)
>tfw you roll your own El-Melloi AND find out you already have all the mats you need to max ascend him because he's a good lad and only wants your pages, gears and feathers that you have stockpiled
Asher Kelly
Finally someone to replace Liz.
Ayden Hill
nth for fucking kill all secondaries
Blake Brooks
Hm, MLB gudao has 511 more attack than regular knight's dignity's 200, but I believe getting a 20% increase on your attack is more than 500ish more attack.
Lincoln Rogers
This is the cutest Saber image.
Owen Cox
Do you remember to feed your Jack?
Ryan Ward
Sex with my daughterwife is amazing
Jackson Lopez
>If the Seamonkeys ever fuck up super bad and you can't play for days, you will only get 1 quartz per 10 hours of being locked out Sound like a steal to me!
Charles Butler
The Saint
Brody Hill
How many hours does it take to learn how to code android games?
Camden Price
Should I be upset? It's ten free quartz and I got momentary freedom from that hell
Isaac Rogers
Should I just slap a kaleidoscope on everyone and call it a day?
Aiden Morgan
Even though it's only during crits? I guess then, it's just that it seems like outside of when she presses her 2 button it doesn't seem all that hot. I'll probably have to switch over once I actually get her 2 to high levels.
Jordan Wood
Julian Scott
Already done.
Jose Cooper
Good. I didn't even get affected by the CE bug. Tough shit for those locked out for 3 days.
Austin Watson
DJ Khaledoscope on Saber, Lancer, Berserker. Where's your Mona Lisa for Rider?
Ian Anderson
Carson Allen
Gnight /alter/!
Nice saint(a) Good night to you to.
Parker Bennett
I feel like that Yakisoba would be a good fit on Lancer Alter, but Drake makes damn good use of it too, especially since she makes and uses her own stars.
You'd be running Titoria Alter mainly for her burst potential, not really for longterm damage imo.
Matthew Gray
What's up with all those deleted posts?
Connor Green
Yes, except Waver.
Nathaniel Ross
What ce should I put on Mode Red?
Michael Hernandez
When are my friends going to delete me if I still have lancer Liz in my list?
Jeremiah Long
I didn't grail her but I did order $700 of Saber figures for Christmas. That's enough r-right?
Jace Wright
my nigga
Juan Bennett
How do you even have friends with Liz on your support lineup?
Jack Green
You shouldn't think that way becuase if game breaking shit ever happens to you and will because of the people who run this game, you will get literally nothing.
Henry Price
I just stuck an LZO on her and called it a day when doing Lancer dailies today, but I have Okita with IA in my support list, so eh.
Lincoln Johnson
Liam Turner
>used all my quartz for Mommy saber but only got 3*s
Adrian Powell
Here's your titty lancer after 300+ SQs
William Cook
Goodnight snek
Michael Barnes
>You'd be running Titoria Alter mainly for her burst potential, not really for longterm damage imo.
I guess, she just happens to be one of the ones I really like so I'd wanna run her whenever possible, not just for efficiency.
Henry Gutierrez
Instructions unclear, grailed the sexiest king instead.
Levi Torres
I don't want to wait for Paul.
Asher Barnes
>this probably happened to someone there is no justice
Luke Russell
So about that paid gacha news bros...
Jaxson Scott
I know how that feels, but I've been spoiled by buster gorilla zerkers all this time so I find it a bit hardpressed to use her without a specific team built around her.
Zachary Hill
As long as you do your best to show her your devotion!
Andrew Morales
Guys. How is Hector? I like his whole lazy old guy vibe.
Juan Wood
>1 quartz given per 10 hours hours locked out the game >No Christmas gift >No sign of Years stuff >No sign of the promised animation updates I don't know if I want to keep playing this game more
Tyler Anderson
My king (true)!
Brody Hill
Not very useful, but could be worse
Oliver Wilson
waiting sucks...
Elijah Ortiz
He's pretty lazy and old.
Kayden Hernandez
What do you pair her up with right now?
Caleb Wood
Colton Bailey
kalido or any of that variant or buster up
Cooper Howard
Parker Sullivan
Ryder Harris
Very cute teeth.
Evan Butler
Hudson Cox
I spent 150 quartz and got spooked by Lancelot, evil cat, Emiya, and Tesla. I don't even want Tesla.
Thomas Evans
Daniel Russell
>tfw slowly convincing myself that I'm happy I rolled Tesla Too bad that with both him and Orion, all other Archers I had are out of a job.
Asher Miller
I want to hotglue this
Carter Thomas
When Eva 4.0 finally releases.
Connor King
Casual here, can anyone let me know which of these are worth investing in, and what CEs are good?
For 5* I have Altera, Francis Drake and Kintoki. For 4* I have D'eon, Nero, Seigfried, Atlante, saint Martha, Steno, Lancelot, Heracles and Emiya
I heard Heracles is really good with his CE and Emiya is good, which others should I invest in?
William Young
dont forget nothing for nasus birthday
Logan Young
Why is Jeanne hiding?
William Sanchez
Where do I get horseshoes?
Robert Ross
I'm experimenting with a 2030 Jack support to feed her stars and my maxed George to draw aggro off of her. It went relatively well, but it didn't go up to my usual consistent damage numbers with Herc/George/Kintoki support.
Maybe if I replaced George with Leonidas to provide Buster support, or put in another crit damage dealer. Jannu Horta als seems like a great slot-in partner with her (when she gets released) because of her synergy with Dragon attack up and propensity for buster crits.
Dominic Hill
Arash is still a good nuke for quick farming.
Hunter Sullivan
none, give me your pw
Eli Nguyen
>splitting grails why would you do this...
Hudson James
She's watching to make sure nobody does anything morally questionable to the lolis
Landon Lewis
Herc and Emiya are probably your best tbqh.
Levi Scott
level all of your sabers for saber wars
Carson Powell
Burn Kintoki, he's 4.5 on the memelist Invest heavily into Siegfried since most enemies in late-game are lancer dragons
Isaiah Harris
>l*znigger delete him
Joseph Perez
She wants to eat too.
Charles Gonzalez
caldera island
Jackson Cox
>l*zroach He wasn't very smart to begin with
Ethan Sanders
Christian Collins
Good focus points: Farming AoE: Drake, Lancelot Buster gorilla single target: Heracles, Kintoki
Anything else is up to you. I would strongly recommend only raising Stheno up to ascension 2 for her interlude quartz.
Jackson Peterson
Who else has been part of /fgoalter/ since our cruel expulsion?
Brody Garcia
>tfw only have an 80 Oda and a 60 Robin Hood for Archers
Would have liked to get him, but I'm not fussed.
All your five stars are decent.
D'eon is OK if you run a Berserker buster team and need them to live. Sumanai, Atlanta, GA and Stheno are shit. Martha is also whatever, but has decent NP gain. Lancelot is a great wave clear Berserker, Heracles is probably the strongest 4* we get until Titty Mom, Emiya's an OK Archer and becomes mildly better once you do his NP up interlude.
Asher Ward
He's running Liz.
He also grailed Waver. Not that Waver isn't a good boy, but he's fucking perfectly fine staying at 90.
Henry Jenkins
Yeah, that's what it seems like from what I have read.
Isn't Seigfriend a meme unit too?
Thanks, anons.
Ayden Allen
Did you get rainbow orbs? What face did you make? Pic related was how I felt when I saw them and the rest of the roll was shit.
Leo Cook
What determines the orbs indicating rarity, anyway?
I rolled El-Melloi a little while ago and it was the bog standard summoning animation.
Christian Walker
I want to have sex with Paul...I want to have sex with Paul...I want to have sex with Paul...I want to have sex with Paul...I want to have sex with Paul...I want to have sex with Paul...I want to have sex with Paul...I don't need help...
Austin Evans
>splitting grails >those fucking CEs >those skill levels I would delete this guy off my friend list in an instant.
Leo Jenkins
It's all random.
Nolan Turner
Evan Parker
Where is her vagoo?
Isaiah Davis
The worse/best is the silver card turning gold animation
David Carter
Siegfried is gameplay trash, except for a few niche moments. By the time he might be useful again you should be able to get him to level up even if you don't focus on him