Nexus does waifus better. Don't even try to compete
Henry Nguyen
What ever happened to that Ronald dude from fo3? There's no way he got any Sierra pussy she's probably still a virgin.
Jackson Clark
Unironically better than what gets posted here.
Christopher Morgan
ded bred
Ethan Peterson
splitters are the patrician muzzle attachment. Focusers are noob traps.
Oliver Morales
I like it.
Needs to be cheaper before I actually buy it though.
Jason Diaz
don't look at the OP
Connor Brooks
Not hard to do that when the only things that get posted here are muscle bound abominations and ghouls
Blake Kelly
Oh I know, I already have it for free. But just for sake of convenience when I swap my Bethesda account between PC and PS4 because I'm not always at home, I'd want to buy it when it's like 50% off or something.
Jose Cooper
This PA scales with you the best, starts off as bad as t-45 and ends up as good as X-01
Alexander Rodriguez
looks like shit t45 or bust
James Turner
Reminder that robots will inherit the earth
Jack Powell
>disliking muscle bound women and ghoul waifus Imagine having tastes THIS bad
Daniel Green
So /fog/ i unironically like to play self insert roleplaying builds but i want to do a non-companion playthrough but end up with a whole squad every time. I just can never get over the rationality hump of the wastes being too dangerous to risk going without solid backup in terms of just being logical with how many raiders & mutants are out there. Any suggestions other than stealth builds?
Carson Wright
Geckos are adorable. Good thing they are complete assholes, else I'd feel bad for killing them. >giant wide ass >shoulders are still just as wide Until the great beaver dams flood it out and all the ro-butts rust out and die, leaving the true master race undisputed masters of the planet. Then the beavers will go into space, head to Zeta and take over there too.
Brayden Gutierrez
Realistically if you're going it alone then you either are forced to go stealth or just a really overpowered build revolving around PA and big guns and endurance.
Dylan Bennett
>roleplaying >can't go around without a big squad
so you're a fucking pussy, got it.
Logan Powell
Honestly if you were to do a realistic self insert roleplay & not roll around with a whole squad of people the best idea would be to be a high performance stealth sniper build or go with maxed out PA with the best gear you could afford. Seeing as rationally no one but a psychopath or a murderhobo would ever leave the relative safety of a settlement to die to radiation/gangrape/nommed by mutants/torture over 40 caps worth of scrap but a PC who literally doesn't value their life because they could just reload if they die. The Commonwealth like every wasteland in the Fallout series is a horrifying nightmare world no one would choose to live in if they could, there's a reason why people flock to major settlements & actual societies like moths to a flame. Following that idea going pure settlment sprawling minuteman build i suppose could work, though you're gonna want to make liberal use of flares for the temporary companions.
Daniel Morales
>Roleplaying is bad DAAAAANK af memes brah
Isaiah Cruz
Camden Perez
realistically, 99% of anons here would be dead minutes after leaving vault 111.
James Lee
Chem build. Even without PA on Survival everything dies.
Carter Thompson
Are there any good quest mods for Fallout 3 or should I just play it in TTW?
Ian Turner
You know, I understand that primal needs and all that is a staple of the post-apocalypse. But there are a lot fewer references to rape and/or gang rape in general, in the entire Fallout franchise. I mean sure, in both Fallout 3 and Vegas you can occasionally stumble upon a Raider busting out of a room where he was alone, and a corpse is bent over a bed. But in general, the only direct things I can think of are Myron with females, the Super Mutant turning you into a gimp (although that's halfway consensual as you know the stakes) and Cook-Cook. Some implied stuff like that one vault where there's only one female. But yeah.
One would think that'd be an easy way for them to get shock-value yet they never go there.
Christopher Cruz
is there a mod that removes bullet sponges but also makes you as fragile?
Justin Long
For me it's because they all have perks. The completist part of me can't stand missing content otherwise I'd roll with dogmeat they were like Skyrim companions.
Lincoln Lewis
Several. Try Better Locational Damage
Luke Taylor
>December 2017 >still no
Ian Howard
hi Caitfag, do you need attention?
Gabriel Phillips
Try going out and talking to people instead of crying about how you're alone.
Brody Collins
post nudes pls
Mason Butler
be my sweaty neet trap gf (male)
Camden Smith
hi I play fallout 2 I wanna play it with you.
David Gonzalez
Adrian Reed
No what? Marriage mod?
Easton Lewis
pipe guns a cute
Zachary Turner
Jewelry and shitty hand tattoos?
Jack Ward
How come your Gatling Laser has 999 rounds?
Carter Thomas
The Unofficial Patch changes the maximum ammo count of the GL from a hard-locked 500 to 1100 which can be achieved by having Nuclear Physicist +3 and the Repair Bobblehead.
Lucas Flores
goat weapon design People can rag on normal piple and bolt-action, but the revovler rifle is a 10/10
Jack Gutierrez
Say something nice about a character or faction you don't like.
Say something not nice about a faction or character you do like.
I'll go first. Maxson has a go get 'em attitude and he's very motivated. He has a strong work ethic and I respect that he thinks he's doing good work. I would have never met Haylen or Ingram without him, and they're two of my best friends now.
Preston said that finding my son will have to wait until after we help a few more settlements, and that "there are more important things". While I agree that making the commonwealth a better place is important and perhaps actually is more important than my personal struggles, I was still kind of hurt when he actually said that.
Parker Thompson
Any build making use of power armor. You've gotta figure that realistically anyone in a full suit of power armor has got to be practically invincible against a bunch of drug-addled raiders with fucking cobbled-together pipe weapons.
Adam Sanders
>Say something nice about a character or faction you don't like. P.A.M a cute
>Say something not nice about a faction or character you do like. Virgil is a dumbass
Logan Gutierrez
What is better on melee weapons, Penetrating or Powerful?
Asher Stewart
Cait looks like she'd suck a mean dick and she'd let you cum anywhere you wanted.
The institutes motivations are at best, fucking retarded
Jordan Torres
The RR has the most fun quests, it's a shame that they're the worst faction story-wise
The Gunners are just a whole lot of missed opportunity. For such a regimented faction they don't really use tactics or coordinate above raiders. I also would really like it if the various tanks and APCs you find scattered throughout the commonwealth were at least partially functional and could make for interesting enemy types.
Anthony Hernandez
Wish they'd make a proper revolver shotgun
Benjamin Baker
GOOD question
David Morales
Jason Baker
Dr Li is smart and knows when to ditch a sinking ship.
Kellog didn't really do anything during the game and died like a bitch to a low level character.
Caleb Sanders
start with 1 CHA roleplay as an asburger noone wants to follow
Charles Gutierrez
>Dr Li is smart and knows when to ditch a sinking ship. Funny because last I checked my ship wasn't sinking.
Isaiah Ortiz
Bleeding is only considered strong because you can't block it. It still does shit for damage.
Nolan Evans
Bleeding is considered strong, because unlike every other passive damage type, it stacks. A bleeding Minigun with the short barrel is literally the strongest weapon in the game.
Carson Hernandez
That wasn't implied at all. You can roleplay as a loner just fine. They are just being a pussy. Well, you certainly would because you're a dumbass who underestimates what a human is capable of when instinct and survival is the primary motivations of any action. Caitfag isn't a NEET, they work in human services or some shit like that. You didn't answer me a few threads ago; do you play FOnline? Is this posting subtle FOnline shilling? Hand-holding mod. Caitfag is a sick pervert like that.
Caleb Peterson
Explosive is the most powerful on anything as far as I can tell
John Fisher
I find it very, very unlikely that anyone here would make it out of Sanctuary, considering the typical /v/irgin is not physically fit and has spent most, if not all of their life supported by the very society and civilisation he/she takes for granted. The human survival instinct isn't a magic power you retard, the typical person is not a video game character and would get fucked hard by raiders very easily. I don't care if you're a 6'4 bodybuilder with military training, the odds are still not in your favor if you had to tackle the fight in Concord on your lonesome, much less getting all the fucking way to Diamond City. Also in real life, you get one fucking life. Dead is dead and the only scenario I could imagine someone lasting in the wasteland would be a groundhog day scenario where you just woke up and knew precisely what to do after each death.
Dominic Diaz
is there a mod like Caliente's but for men? I need it for... consistency.
Easton Thompson
you sickening fuck
Jordan Bennett
They could work at the abernathy farm to get by the sanctuary area is a joke
Ethan Bailey
>Also in real life, you get one fucking life. Dead is dead This is what atheists ACTUALLY believe.
Brandon Foster
roguelike general pls go
Josiah Barnes
Here lies user, killed by radroaches in an abandoned vault, never to see the light of day again.
Jayden Richardson
this, a beaver has a much higher chance of survival
Levi Walker
Radroaches probably wouldn't kill you since you can stomp on them to kill them.
Adam Miller
>Scrap half of Sanctuary >Build turrets >A purifier >Slowly turn it into Covenant 2.0: No Needless Killing edition
Jayden Johnson
Probably not in a direct fight, but this is also a world without modern medicine. Disease and infections are a very big fucking problem and even a bad cut can be a death sentence. Cripple a limb and you're totally fucked. Lone wolves don't last very long and the development of society is the sole reason we're not still banging rocks together in Africa as a species.
>scrap half of sanctuary without tools, a process that could take days >build turrets somehow without any technical expertise or know-how >a purifier goes the same way >somehow supposed to accomplish this all on your lonesome without starving to death or getting fucked in the ass by the first attack if you're not ready (and you almost certainly won't be)
Unless of course you're assuming we have psychic settlement powers, thank Todd, then yeah, perhaps.
Jaxson Cooper
>would get fucked hard by raiders very easily >not the wildlife >not by eating the wrong plant or berry >not by simply wearing bad shoes and stepping into a puddle of diseased god knows what >raiders
Landon Hill
Are there any mods that let you work at settlements in exchange for caps/goods/food/a bed/shelter? I know in the base game you can pick some crops in exchange for some caps at places like Abernathy Farm but a mod that expands on that idea would be great.
How difficult would it be for me to create such a mod with little prior modding knowledge?
Josiah White
A 2ft long insect would die because its body couldn't extract enough oxygen and energy from its environment to survive. BUT. If it didn't die, its exoskeleton would be so thick and tough you probably couldn't crack it by jumping on it. You'd have to hit it so fucking hard with a baton to crack it with nerd arms that had atrophied for 200 years. Its mandibles would easily tear chunks out of you, fighting 3 or 4 would be a legitimate challenge. Then you'd stand in an electrified puddle, trip over a ladder or be unable to open the vault door and starve.
Kayden Gray
Good point. God knows what sort of diseases and infections you'd get by even going into places like Vaults and caves, even ignoring combat.
Kayden Robinson
>but this is also a world without modern medicine. Yeah, it has magic medicine that heals every injury ranging from cuts and bruises to broken limbs.
Michael Watson
I got the OG gauss rifle from the creation club and those motherfuckers put it at gunners plaza on the roof. God damn it.
Ryder Roberts
For me it really depends. I have a lot of knowledge from scouts when I was a kid and survival courses as a young adult and stuff, good stuff like making drinking water out of dirty water, making a functioning shower, making a boat, some knowledge about edibles you would find, building a cabin (if someone else carried the stuff), and those sorts of things. So I would be pretty good with making food for myself or a small group, and I would be pretty good at setting up a little camp where people could live comfortable relatively speaking.
But I could never fight the packs of dogs or raiders or yaoi-gays or anything like that. I have trouble
So if I fell in with the Sanctuary crew and they took care of the molerats and dogs and raiders, I could keep them healthy and keep them from getting sick from food or water and keep them clean and build a shelter that can withstand weather and those sorts of practical things.
But if I was alone, then the first deathclaw or bear or hell even mole rat or dog pack that detected me would probably just eat me. I'm not saying I'm some survival expert, but basic stuff does interest me and when I was a kid I wanted to be ready for zombies and a lot of it applies here too.
underrated post
Levi Williams
Go around back. There's a ladder system up to the roof. Just kill the leader and bounce.
Andrew Price
go to bed caitfag
Michael Adams
The absolute state of the Engrish in that post.
Connor Torres
Might as well say everyone would be dead within the week because living in a completely foreign and mutated environment with high levels of radiation would leave them crippled and unable to care for themselves. No one survives.
Aiden Fisher
I have are that lady's, and minitue man, and many peaple of wasteland. so, you just rest in peace... Ok, my son...?
Andrew Thompson
>no post apocalyptic caitfag gf (male) to cook you soup
Cameron Cox
Jonathan Fisher
Yeah I know, it's pretty bad. It's like they don't even speak english and just put it through a translator.
Oh, and the dialogue in the image looks like it has some errors too.
Do people get triggered over snow? Because it snows in bawston and I don't know if all that stuff about perpetually hot summer was true or a joke. Winter overhaul feels immersive but I don't know if there's some piece of lore about climate change.
Jose Rodriguez
Knowing bethesda they will probably retcon everything about climate to do a winter DLC
Gavin Torres
g r a s s
Isaiah White
The only time we see snow in a mainline title is in a simulation.
Luke Myers
Fo3 and NV didn't have any rain so they already did
Brayden Bell
NV did have rain though. They added it with Zion DLC.
Same with Point Lookout
Parker Jackson
Makes you almost wish for a nuclear winter, doesn't it?
Aren't there snowcapped mountains in NV and the world map for 1 & 2? Pretty sure snow still exists.
Carson Reyes
>what is Jacobstown
David Nguyen
Yeah, there's """snow"""
Angel Phillips
Jacobstown having snow always seemed hilariously out of place to me. One minute you're in a barren desert, the next you're in ""mountains"" covered in snow and pine trees.
Noah Bell
More because the area is tiny so the transition from desert to mountain terrain to snow is a 2 minute jaunt.
Lincoln Morales
Elevation. I lived in Taos New Mexico for a while and that snow killed people every year it was so much. Deserts snow sometimes, mostly due to elevation.
Angel Edwards
Elijah Reed
>liam binet sprained his wrist jackin' it too hard