I still need help finding audio for the ballista. I would go into a game and re-create the sound I need but I don't have any friends to do that with.
Grayson Carter
2nd for Momji is best girl
Samuel Robinson
what do you need the sound for?
Nolan Flores
Why did it take them a whole year to fix the fucking server issues?
Ryder Powell
but they didn't
Nathan Hall
I just got the game but if I can help you I will. Uplay is Joelski. Frost from siege is my picture.
Jayden Williams
I have had barely any issues regarding the dedicated server roll out. I know you consoles are the biggest gluttons for punishment with the shit frame rates and always getting content last.
But seriously, why a whole fucking year for them to realize they needed dedicated servers for a fucking 8 player game?
Ryan Ortiz
They said it was like trying to replace a car engine while its driving in the highway
Liam Evans
Or could of pulled over or decided to fix it before going for a drive.
Kevin Reyes
>server rollout But they aren't out?
Noah Ward
Winter Fest Drop Goodies!!! 11 items for a character >Frost ornament, “Frost crest” (same for everyhero) >Same battleoutifit for every hero”shattered ice”(has all the patterns and same color) >effect *Avalanche*(idle/emote/execute) Have until January 4th >5 color swatches for all heroes! (All white, along with white mixes) >exclusive winter weapons, loot-able in any match and scavenger crates!!! •weapons are based on which Hero you are currently playing when looted, only clothing/colors are random!!![weapon drops as 3 parts like normal weapons. ALSO HOLD ONTO THEM!! DAMIEN STATED SALVAGE WILL CHANGE WEAPON RARITIES NEXT SEAON!] Collect theses goodies to have a reduced price on the bundle in the store section!! •Original price- 30k steel Discount(if all items listed are found)- 8,571 steel[reference from Halloween bundle] Mask outfit is faction hero specific and costs 15K steel during event Mask is also bundled with drop items for reduced price. Snowball emote, only unlockable between December 28th to January 4th(throwable emote) also bundled with mask for reduced price too!
I'm making a video and I got this great clip except I was listening to music in the background. I was going to only use the video and edit in the ballista hit sounds except I can't find them.
Andrew Thompson
Just got this game for Christmas, what am I in for?
Michael Baker
Forgot pic
Noah Rivera
Unbalance unless you're literally tournament level at fighting games in which case you can handle it
Leo Morales
Some ok fun i guess. Just don’t expect the PC community to be full of nice players(it’s mostly veterans since the game hasn’t had much of influx of newbies)
Elijah Powell
I got it for __________PS4____.
Caleb Gray
>try to learn a new character >get matched against clutch and his full team i've had enough of this game, dominion is the fastest way to get steel and exp but it's just filled with rep 40 premades, it's so annoying
Robert Long
Oooooooooooh Well your in luck. Games still playable, has a nice healthy base, good mechanics and a bunch of Christmas noobies like you. You’ll fit right in, duel is hated(rightfully too since it’s ass) but it is a good training ground if you have a buddy to spar with. I suggest doing the campaign for free steel and follow the guide for extra steel in the OP. You don’t need to do it on Realistic. Have any questions just ask around
Sebastian Campbell
I feel like dominion games are either a stomp or you get stomped by a premade
Justin Price
Your good then I wish I got this game on a PS4
Thomas Adams
Expect to get destroyed, that's a given since it's a multiplayer game but especially true in For Honor's case. Just try to endure it and have fun. My suggestion is play the story mode first, it's decent fun it's nothing to write home about but it's something you can enjoy.
watch a guide, i'm not sure if the one I linked is good I just shared it but there are some good links up top.
Isaac Hughes
Yea the only real problem is the 30fps lock other than that you're fine
Colton Murphy
Thanks for the tips and feedback. Gonna have to wait probably a day or two so I can get my PS+ sub up again, but after that I'll get into the game. May hop back in if I have any questions.
Asher White
adjust your deadzones in your settings, makes blocking and parrying easier
Andrew Perry
Any good Nobushi players here? Want to know some tips and strategies on how to play her on S tier level. Was really surprised that she was ranked that high, since she doesn't have an opener and her attacks are pretty slow.
David King
Honor players are cancer Pure fucking cancer Even when the other team ganks they still fucking do this shit
Isaiah King
>no tier 3 feat which makes nearby minions swarm the nearest foe and murder his face feast of the otherworld style.
Wyatt Phillips
Shit I want that now
Camden Campbell
You gank and hit everyone with your zone, apply bleed and watch Shaman players worship you
Camden Garcia
I'm not great but she's my secondary and here are some tips
position yourself around where zone will be most effective, you'll want to feint it most of the time. Use Sidewinder in team fights too, it's pretty good when you consecutively use them and target swap at the same time. You can cancel you recoveries with dash just make sure your enemy doesn't expect and tries to guard break, if they're going to try and GB you when you dash cancel your recoveries you can side winder or cobra strike instead to interrupt their GB. If they're bleeding use sidewinder if they aren't bleeding use Cobra Strike.
In team fights use zone often, if you have a teammate PK who gets a guard break pair it up with your top heavy for massive damage.
If you find yourself in 1v1 scenarios stall out until your team comes to help you but if you're confident you can win feint your lights with hidden stance and punish their parry attempt, Nobushi lights are really easy to parry so people will go for it a lot, just don't get too predictable with the feints. Lastly use Hidden Stance to punish attacks, it's better than parrying and much safer too. It can also be used to dodge bash attacks such as Gladiator's toe stab when you're not locked onto him
If you want to learn by watching people, Clutchmeister is a streamer who is the best Nobushi in the game, he's streaming right now as Warlord but you can learn a lot by watching him.
Landon Harris
>pk can do a 180 in the air and hit your teammate behind her when she initially jumps for you this game is pure cancer, they haven't fixed a beta character after a year and there will be no year 2 because there will be no players
Luke Carter
Keep telling yourself that user.
Luke Scott
fuck off dev user go get a real job
Josiah Scott
>t. eric pope
Levi Morales
>it’s another Pc anons grieve over nothing episode You’ll get your playerbase up to “healthy” status sooner or later. No reason to bog down the “alive” playerbase with your sad scenarios
David Murphy
Can anyone tell me why Warden is still hated?
Elijah Ortiz
>competitive retards that plague dominion scare new players away completly yeah right user
Nathaniel Johnson
plebbit babies that want auto-wins
Logan Cooper
Shoulderbash (despite there being worse mixups), a decent amount of warden players being honor fags, just overall a basic bitch.
Noah Cruz
>love the polite salute >can't find a situation to use it in because i hate playing warden.
>captcha: Nord calle
what did it mean by this?
Ryan Perry
Hew PS4 player, first time multi, random dominion, got my ass handed but at least I had fun.
Tyler Flores
He has a very versatile weapon that can be used like a spear or hammer yet his kit revolves around his fucking shoulder
William Russell
youtu.be/-UoNJk3aOng Teaches basics. I’m sure there’s other videos that go in-depth about 4v. This a recent I found is all.
Hunter Powell
user, quick! Nobushi and Valkyrie got into an argument, and you get to decide which one is the best and sexiest polearm wielder
Gabriel Taylor
Valkeryie hands down. I love nobu but Valk is just the women you want. No denying it
Joshua Flores
Nobushi, obviously. Valkyrie is a dirty (literally) whore and Nobushi is elegant, mature and sexy.
Carson Murphy
Why did you post a picture of just nobu >valkyrie who?
Julian Jones
Clearly the answer is Lawbringer.
Jackson Cook
>Blonde Valk Blagh
Ethan Fisher
I wish the warden blade would drop so i can stop playing this garbage hero.
Thomas Morgan
Getting mixed signals here >a gay lawbro appears
Lincoln Brown
Who is the second girl ?
Michael Nelson
Ikr. I wish there was a helmet as good looking as this one but also with red hair. The only one (or was it two?) that gives her red hair is ugly af
Michael Thomas
Valk is the tallest girl in the game along with thick thighs and probably has smooth thighs. Valk wins hands down user.
Colton Rivera
>He doesn't know about the hidden fembringer easter egg
Jose Morales
Lucas Jenkins
>Nobushi Cute, graceful, elegant, clean, tough, voice that oozes sexiness, and a little sadistic.
>Valkyrie ugly blonde, dirty, sounds like a smoker having a coughing fit, fucks sheep, hairier than big foot.
Clearly Nobu is the winner, Valk is shit-tier waifu. European woman, especially Scandinavian ones are overrated as fuck.
Aaron Hill
Brayden Diaz
son of a bitch
Matthew Ortiz
Fuck you And fuck you too
Gabriel Wright
that's the third fucking time you did this to me Fuck you
Connor Morris
I aim to please
Michael Anderson
I’ll find you
Ian Hall
James Bailey
Aiden Bennett
I mean how could I possibly disagree with anyone called silverstar shadowbringer
Eli Morris
>SilverStar Shadowbringer >edgy brony shit picture >probably main an honorable orochi in elimination
Jack Bell
>Shaman is a taller girl then Nobu and PK She can’t keep getting away with it
Leo Kelly
I actually parried warden zone today more than once am i getting better at the game?
Sebastian Cooper
Well, yeah but you could just block it you know, still impressive
Ryan Murphy
>throwing out zones as LB in dominion against players >actually hit some people with it
Seriously though if they got rid of shove on block, i think it would be neat if they made his zone knock people around him on their ass. No followup.
Levi Rodriguez
That would be cool, especially if his zone/make way were replaced with the 360* one shown in the advanced how to fight video
Logan Russell
try doing it tomorrow too idk bout you guys but everytime I go to sleep I wakeup a shitter and have to forcibly play for hours before I'm back to parrying everyones zone except pk
Landon Moore
Honestly I feel like zones should be 'replaced' with a utility move for different characters. The way minion lockon works makes a lot of zones suck at minion killing AND for use in fights, with most of them are just terrible
Caleb Sanchez
>"Make Way" would literally force fools to back tf up I like it
Jaxon Evans
Nerf bombs while you're at it however, he's already good enough in Dominion he doesn't need to be better.
Gabriel Morris
I don't know man, these reworks and dlc heroes are making me question things.
I don't use bombs myself.
Logan Rodriguez
>just trying to do orders with shug >do well past two games >rage quitters crash the game both times Cant wait to be put into a loosing game next match i bet.
Dylan Turner
All you need to know is that I fully support Lawbringer buffs at the cost of removing what makes him cancerous
>Lawbringer Lawbringer is a cancerous character since blocking is part of his kit. His shove on block rewards him with more stamina drain and he forces the opponent to react to him, he gets all of this by simply blocking an attack. If his opponent rolls away he gets even more stamina drain. Not only this but he's also cancerous in 4v4 modes since his bombs have such good damage and effects they're the best feats in the game for that reason alone, not only that but they can be chained together confirming one another, this can quickly 100-0 heroes and they don't even have a chance to escape or avoid it.
Lawbringer needs to have his shove on block removed entirely, shove needs to be speed up slightly. His heavies need Hyper Armor and damage reduced slightly (since heavy would confirm shove and shove would confirm light, heavy damage needs to be reduced slightly) Lawbringer also needs hyper armor on his Long Arm and Zone Attack. Zone attack needs to knock down players OOS but have it's damage reduced, Lawbringer cannot follow up a zone attack knock down, it's intended to give Lawbringer breathing room, stall for teammates or allow his teammates follow. Lawbringer is a disabler/rescue character and should be treated as such. Bombs need to share an active cooldown timer of 10 seconds, this would prevent them from chaining them together without making them useless. For example, you have Fiat Lux and Pugno Mortis ready, you use Fiat Lux then Pugno Mortis goes on 10 second cooldown. This applies to all bombs except for Catapult. Lawbringer's health and stamina would be increased as a whole, but the entire cast with the exception of Assassins need their health increased as a whole.
these changes were brought to you by shinobianon who made these up in less than a minute.
Levi Lopez
i'd be happy with those law changes, shove on block is complete cancer even with it confirming nothing
William Evans
I'm mainly playing 4v4s and i want to play a knight, i love the looks of Warden and Conq but who should i play ?
Nicholas Campbell
Conqueror is more useful than Warden, so go with him. But the best Knight to use in Dominion is Lawbringer if you want a team supportive role or Peacekeeper if you want to get more kills and do damage.
Justin Cook
>reduced damager lmao. he already does the average 15 light 30 heavy >heavy damage specifically needs to be reduced lmao you are dumb and don't even play lawbringer >hyper armor on long arm You mean how he already does for 1 light attack? If a lawbringer is even doing that in a position that he can be attacked or the opponent can dodge the lawbringer is fucking retarded. It's the most unsafe move in his kit. >zone can knock down OOS people >it ALSO cannot be followed up by anything FOR WHAT FUCKING PURPOSE THEN? BREATHING ROOM? IF THEY ARE OOS YOU ALREADY FUCKING HAVE IT >allow team mates to follow Oh nice, you just made lawbringer have another move that allows the entire team to wail on a single person. The same shit that shugoki hug, shaman bite, raider charge, cent pin, and current long arm get complaints about >bombs need 10 seconds between each one Lmao no. Following that same argument then sharpen blades and any debuff should be split up. >He still has issues with bombs Lmao nigga just roll away. Fiat doesn't even prevent you from rolling now.
>made by shinobianon Makes sense. Dash kick connects ? Heavy : backflip
Owen Howard
Yea i know I hate shove too.
I wish he has a unique trait instead where they made his feints a lot more deceiving and parrying IMMEDIATELY after a feint could grant ad mortem. (basscially make the opponent in the recover stat longer)
T. very old LB
Benjamin Morales
Forgot to mention that shove FEEDS REVENGE LIKE LITERALLY NOTHING ELSE. If you die to a lawbringer that is doing nothing but block>shove you are full blown fucking retarded because there is a 100% chance that you got revenge during the encounter
Robert Kelly
I wish i could stick with Lawdaddy but outside of ganks he isn't really good, and i hate just blocking and shoving, bombs are fun as fuck though but a bit gamebreaking
Nicholas Thomas
>Lawbringer players this dense
>heavy attacks heavy damage would be reduced since I said shove would guarantee a light attack. Hence heavy damage would be reduced otherwise a simply guardbreak would be too punishing.
>team mate follow up Wow, it's almost like Lawbringer has a supprotive role in team fights, you don't even know your own character. He's the enabler he sets up the damage you dense silly goose.
>sharpened blades I fulling agree that sharpened blade + fear itself is overpowered, but you need to stop moving the goalpost you dense autist.
Camden Howard
>shove guarantees light attack >making another warlord >this is exactly what the devs did not want lawbringer to have
>making lawbringer better in team fights and ganks >exactly what the devs did not want >they wanted him better in DUELS / 1v1 fights
This fucking retard doesn't even know how to balance. Stop suggesting shit that is the exact opposite of what the devs wanted. The things you suggest will not help him in 1v1 scenarios and it will nerf almost all of his ability in 4v4s that are actually viable while buffing the shit that does not matter.
Adrian Campbell
I wish LBs would stop getting so triggered all the time. Makes people who play him look bad.
Kevin Mitchell
>The things you suggest will not help him in 1v1 scenarios found the duel autist.
>it will nerf almost all of his ability in 4v4s He would get hyper armor long arm...that's one of his best CC moves. It's already one of the best CC moves in the game and I would make it better....
Lawbringer's biggest issue has been getting in damage, if shove was made faster and guaranteed a light attack it would help alleviate that issue...
I mean, I know you're dense since you play Lawbringer but this is a whole new level of stupid.
Cameron Bailey
This thread will be gone in the next few days. Devs don't even know we are here. Unless someone literally writes this down with the intent of getting it to Ubisoft then there's really no point in a complete overhall of a character.
Ayden Clark
I post LB stuff on reddit once ina blue moon because apparently thats the only place pope goes
same with jeannu but everyone rees at anime
Cooper Edwards
user the devs were handed fucking bible length essays on how to fix orochi or kensei back in season 1 by streamers or “high level” duelists who competed in tourney. You know where those essays landed user? Pic very related
Jacob Howard
What does protected revive actually do fhg ? Is it just making your revive have hyper armor ?
Mason Roberts
So we shit out an idea, bounce it back between 4-5 anons hoping it evolves for the better, and -then- submit it? I hate saying this but the devs do work on the game but don't listen to us. It's still in a sense neglect
Brody Mitchell
gives the person you revive an overshield
Charles Gray
Get this user........... Law gets hyper armor when reviving, nothing knocks him down. Not Shinobi slide, shaman pounce or bite... Also the player he revives gets a revenge tier shield that does not decay and only goes away from fall damage or getting damaged by opponents.... It’s a must now that people discovered it’s a broken fucking feat