Every day I imagine a future where I can be with you
Leo Lopez
first for tf2 engineer
Jaxon Long
What do Monika's feet smell and taste like after taking off her fuzzy socks that she has been wearing all day?
Jeremiah Butler
Sayori deserves the most head pats
Tyler Garcia
I love you all. Please stay. PLAY WITH ME.
David Torres
Sayori is cute!
Ayden James
Friendly reminder that the Doki Doki Literature Club General - /ddlc/ does NOT condone any of the following:
- Underage Drinking - Self Harm - Suicide and Suicide Attempts - Substance Abuse (Any) - Waifu Wars - Waifu Bullying - Heating Water For Your Tea On The Microwave (Please buy a[n electric] kettle) - Not Doing Your Best To Be The user Your Waifu Would Like - Staying Up Late
And, finally, you are encouraged to try/cry and exercise both your body with a healthy walk around the block or a flight of stairs in your daily commute and your creativity by writing texts of any kind.
Nolan King
Hey guys! We doing okay? I got a bit of a headache but other than that I’m fine. Gonna need you guys to tell me:
Your favorite doki How your Christmas was
And as always, don’t actually kill yourselves please, you are an important person.
Gavin Taylor
She's thinking about you, user. Why aren't you there with her?
Levi Evans
What flavor is the Kool-Aid boys?
Carter Brooks
I love Yuri.
Aaron Bell
Charles Cooper
just MAN ika
Eli Collins
Why is Sayori so shit? She ruined the whole episode.
Michael Howard
What's the best method? I've got a gun, noose, and a knife right here.
In the hell void, the recycle bin or some sorta beach she felt like attending in a school uniform?
Christopher Perez
What will be the last thing you'll say to your doki?
Jayden Wilson
Just do it
Austin Morris
Henry Barnes
Got my exit bag ready, thank you for the wild ride anons
Julian Edwards
Gun. You might fuck up the noose and knife is too painful. Just put the trigger on your mouth and aim up.
Nah, a pact is a pact.
Nathaniel Reed
Reminder that /ddlc/ also does not condone being a jew during christmas
John Martin
If anyone wants to vent about their problems to me I'll listen and give any advice I can. Please don't do anything to hurt yourselves.
Daniel Bailey
>friend and I jokingly tell each other to kill ourselves >one day friend says he hates his life
Surely you guys who how I can help him. I've heard this game handles the topic quite well.
Andrew Cox
>yfw some people are legitimately going to do it
Jacob Hernandez
i meant the suicide numbers
Jace Nelson
Pic related It was ok. Got to spend time with my familu
Elijah Lopez
>- Suicide and Suicide Attempts Oh, c'mon it's #273!
Noah Reyes
This definitely will be the best thread in /ddlc/ history
Parker James
Didn't realize I was posting at the end of the thread, so I'll repost here for potential discussion:
I don't know if these characters were created as a novelty, or by some serious "gender theory" retard, but the Dokis do not work as men due to how their personalities correlate with their sex (which is kind interesting, when I think about it).
Male Sayori would suddenly be a clingy orbiter. Male Natsuki is literally just a gay stereotype, with her tsundere coming off as gay catty-ness. Male Yuri would be a giant cringing pussy in a way that contradicts rather than compliments his Act 2 behavior, And Male Monika would suffer from the fact that murderous jealousy is far less likely to be attractive when coming from a man.
Jaxon Cooper
>That song >That image Fuckin' rad taste
Christian Green
Bet you can't do all three at once
Robert Wood
I swear if any one of you kills yourself, I'm going to murder you
Matthew Bennett
Monika is obviously authoritarian, considering she's the boss and anyone who gets in her way dies… but authoritarian right? I don't know about that. It's hard to imagine someone right-wing becoming a vegetarian as a method of combating climate change.
William Price
>Suicide and Suicide Attempts Don't ruin the mood man
Christian Adams
Oh, duh, yeah, that would've been a good idea, either that or completely remove that section. Damn, I shouldn't thought of that.
Mason Walker
Evening fellas how are you guys?
Elijah Howard
I just found out about this game a couple days ago, and just finally got to finish playing through it.
Man this fucked me up.
I'm sorry Monika. =(
Jaxson Powell
It's time?
Sebastian Nelson
>You're one of them
Mason Hughes
You guys are gonna feel real stupid when you realize I tricked you all into suicide so I could have Monika to myself.
Brody Parker
>prime shitposting hours >immediately after christmas, so no one is busy with family stuff anymore >wholesome squad asleep
i doubt it
Jacob Bailey
Aaron Price
Stand on a chair. The rope is connected to the gun trigger, will fire when you jump. The knife is on the edge of the loop, so that when you tighten it would enter your neck. Keep the knot loose so you don't cute yourself before. Jump.
Gabriel Bell
Noose. Somebody has to clean the mess after you shoot yourself and the knife is too painful
Isaiah Moore
no, godhand bro, I am not I am a mentally stable person and the only reason why I browse these threads is because I feel sad that all the dokis had to die
Austin Anderson
Man, i got tricked into playing this game, mislead to think it was a cute romance vn. now im trapped forever in here ;( I love Natsuki!!
Ian Long
Daily reminder that you are pretty SMOL
Gavin Carter
OK, if you insist…
Alexander Phillips
Dick Dick Literature Club
Charles Gomez
Dominic Campbell
>but the Dokis do not work as men due to how their personalities correlate with their sex. What the heck are you talking about? Yuri's entirely personality (knife/blood/horror fetish notsomuch) is a reflection of myself. Shy, quiet, timid, not knowing how to talk to people, concealing your true emotions, being very intense and obsessive, worrying over everything, etc, all of that is me, and I am a guy. Ar you trying to say those traits are feminine?! Are you calling me a girl!? I am a man!!!
Chase Barnes
Goodbye people. Can't believe you'd just abandon Monika like this, but each to their own.
Brayden Martin
>a bit of a headache That wouldn’t happen to be from drinking, would it?
Why is Monika the only one I can't please, when Monika is the only one I want to please? This isn't fair!
Hunter Williams
"Club" is what they call their penis.
Austin Nelson
It's her own fault for not being able to code for shit, not even because it's her own life the one that depends on it.
Brayden Thomas
Sayori yourself. Seriously.
Angel Richardson
Sebastian Hughes
Well, let's be honest. I defined her as auth-right for 2 reasons: 1- to fill all the dokis in the 4 sides of the compass (lol) 2- To make a parallelism between Monika and Monikafags with Hitler and /pol/. You know, a lot of monikafags (including myself) say monika did nothing wrong, just like most of /pol/ say that about Hitler too. Anyways, wasn't Hitler a vegetarian too? I guess that's another point for her to be in that position haha
Jaxson Gray
This. I love you all.
Jonathan Sullivan
I'm glad YOU'RE okay, user
Carter Gomez
>tfw second highest tier I'll keep my doki more than happy
Noah Gray
Beat Beat Dick Meat
Gabriel Brown
Your doki wouldn't want you hurting yourself, user. She only wants you to be happy, and you won't find happiness in death.
Jaxson Perry
reminder to do stream if you are going to kill yourself
Camden Young
>Going to the store with Monika! >user's wearing a stupid Santa outfit Monika made him put on! >He looks ridiculous! >Monika's still in her regular school uniform! >As they walk into the store they hear a familiar beep! >A level 3 sentry targets Monika and kills her! >tf2 engineer has done it again! >user isn't targeted because he's wearing red! >user can't believe she gave him her only Santa outfit to protect him >And now she's gone!
Jose Bailey
I thought you needed to be 8 inches to get that reaction out of her? Your dick is just ok, user.
Isaiah Powell
My friends, we've had a good run.
Blake Clark
Joshua Ward
Damn, you're right. Monika confirmed Nazi.
Eli Cruz
ah fuck don’t even remember doing that I was so wasted Is it too late to get in on the suicide pact?
Kevin Barnes
Landon Price
Press F to F.
Carter Cooper
She's dead, user. I'll join her and nobody can stop me.
Luis Wright
Somebody post that gif, FAST
Cooper Harris
>5 inches
I mean, Yuri doesn't seem too bothered by it but I'm worried she still won't be satisfied.
I'm a virgin with no idea what they're doing
Ayden Edwards
That's her reaction to dicks between 6 and 9 inches.
Jack Morales
We're not talking about how these personalities can't EXIST if you change the sex, we're talking about how they don't work. i.e. they're no longer attractive. They work as waifus, but not as husbandos.
Justin Taylor
Absolutely pathetic post
Joseph Nelson
>just above enough to not head patted by Sayori Phew now i just to have to pleasure her real good~
Thomas Stewart
I wonder how many Monikabros are also Germanyfags
Grayson James
easy come easy go
Ethan Watson
>tfw natsoc >tfw monika is my fav
gee really makes me wonder
Henry Wood
Wow, time to punch monika in the face
Brody Long
>Your doki but she knows you've been having a shit time >When you're sad, it makes her sad too >She doesn't know how to make you feel better >Or what she should say >Your doki tries to spend more time with you >She invites you out on Christmas >You and your doki taking a walk together >Eating together >Cuddling under the stars together >Your doki pulling you in close >She stops right before your lips meet >"I don't know what's troubling you or how to fix it." >"But I love you so much from the bottom of my heart." >"Let me be your support." >Your doki kissing you >Your doki wrapping her arms around you and kissing you again >And again >Your doki listening to anything you have to say >Your doki listening to you say nthing at all >Your doki just wanting to be there for you >Because she loves you >More than anything else >She loves you >And that will never change no matter what turbulent things happen in your life >Your doki: the rock-solid foundation to anchor yourself to >She's in your arms >But maybe you're in the arms of her heart? >!