Any woman you see in a Spanish Civil War photograph was probably raped, publicly humiliated...

>Any woman you see in a Spanish Civil War photograph was probably raped, publicly humiliated, and forced into prostitution after the Nationalists won

Other urls found in this thread:

Republican woman*

Nationalists weren't as brutal as anarchists, trotskists and Leninists.

Did Republican women hold down priests and ruined their vows by raping them?

I know. Pic related

It's just an odd feeling. They look so proud and defiant in the photos but you and I know what will come later.

serves them right

roasties shouldn't play soldier to try to attract Chad

Nationalists did nothing wrong. They just gave interracial sex to women who were anti-racist and pro-sexuality anyway.

>the fascists who supported a military coup against the democratic system weren't as bad as the group defending their country
>b-but they committed some warcrimes and atrocities like everyone always does in every war, that means they're automatically the bad guy
Maybe she shouldn't have be a fascist collaborator.

Just kidding, it sucks they did that, but angry, ideologically fired up young men tend to do fucked up shit in a revolution AND a civil war. It should be noted that the Basque anarchists didn't target their priests, because their priests weren't Nationalist supporters.

Kek, some of the post-war reports by the Franco government are hilarious

>The Civil Guard described one former militia woman and nurse who in the post-war period had been driven to prostitution as ‘politically depraved and a sinner’. In the case of another woman who had supported the defeated government and, after the war was
over, found herself left with no choice but to work as a prostitute, the Civil Guard declared her to be ‘a vile character, both for her terrible Marxist past and for her current behaviour [working in the sex trade] that could not be any worse’

Not trying to condone violence, but these women were soldiers fighting for a genocidal, tyrannical socialist regime, that would, no, already was doing much worse to innocent people.

I love how liberals have invented the word sex worker

>defending their country
>Anarchists and Communists

I don't think people wanting to do away with the concept of Spain can be considered defenders of their country.

Implying antifa """women""" aren't prostitutes by default. Who was financing them this time? Soros wasn't around so, the Rothschilds? Or did New York Jews collectively do a fundraiser, as in the case of Trotsky?

>as the group defending their country
>defending a country

user, are you special?

heh nice ironic /pol/ post I rate it 7/10

>genocidal, tyrannical
[Citation needed]
I meant their actual lands and communities, not their country in a statist sense. They were obviously fighting for an ideology, but most were probably defending themselves and their loved ones from a fascist military coup that started the war in the first place

The republican government was already firebombing churches and seminaries, killing innocent priests, nuns, and seminarians before the war even began. Doesn't go well with your SJW ideology right? I know. But it is what it is.

I should say narrative.

>The republican government was already firebombing churches and seminaries, killing innocent priests, nuns, and seminarians before the war even began.
[Citation needed]
Why the fuck would the liberal, democratic government do that? People who later happened to be on the Republican side does not mean the Republican government did it.
>Doesn't go well with your SJW ideology right?
>He disagrees with me, that must mean he's my favorite boogeyman

>Why the fuck would the liberal, democratic government do that?
>how could the good guys (according to professor Chaim Schekelbaum) actually be the bad guys?
I know right? ;^)

Didn't say they were the good guys, I'm saying that type of government doesn't firebomb churches or execute priests. It's outside of their character and they have no motivation to do that. The Reds had motivation to do that, because they were radicals, not liberals, and the Red came into power after the war began, not before.

Strong r/socialism presence one the chons today desu senpaitachi.

Lets not beat around the bush here,

Most of you are only here because you get sexually aroused from the thought of north africans ravaging spanish women.

In actuality unless someone produces a relatively scientific report rather than off hand remarks made by random spanish officers (and the spanish are some of the biggest exaggerators and lairs ive ever met), rape on a large systematic scale probably didnt happen.

Is this your first day on Veeky Forums? Did you make this thread specifically to jack off to your rape fantasies? Youd be better off taking it to /pol/

Thanks for the insight

>Church burnings 1931
Bu the Civil War only started in 1936.
>Less than a month after the proclamation of the Republic, the antclericalism turned into violence
And you wonde rwhy the Church supported the nationalists?
Inb4 they deserved it because muh edgy atheism.

About the burning churches... Ever asked yourself, why people in Spain began to burn them and kill priests? If you treat people bad, well... Nevertheless it was bad, but the franquistas also killed a lot of clerics, especially in Basque Country.

>About the burning churches... Ever asked yourself, why people in Spain began to burn them and kill priests?

Because they were leftists.

So much projection

Yes, and any man you see in those photos was probably killed, tortured or beaten. But nobody cares because they're "mere" men. Instead we should worry about those whores who took a dick once or twice and didn't like it.

they were the legbeard feminists of their day

Implying they were not glorified streetwalkers during the Republic


They got what was coming for them and they got off real easy by being made to do what they already like to do, namely being sluts.

This too.

Not that guy but Veeky Forums has always been more left leaning than the rest of Veeky Forums.


Veeky Forums is rightful /pol/ clay. Wait for the Anschluss.

We could just as easily have a thread with photos showing fresh faced boys about to go to war and mourn over what ended up happening to them.
So far in this thread the only pictures with men feature them in the background. It was a thread that seems to have been made specifically about women getting fucked up.

Discussing one category of a topic does not invalidate all others. I don't think anyone has been devaluing men in this thread, it's just focus is placed elsewhere at the moment. If we had to discuss the suffering of all groups harmed by war at once the discussion would be very vague.

The topic right now seems to be: women and the church in the spanish civil war. If you want to make a thread specifically about men in the spanish civil war it would probably get some good discussion going as well. At the very least it would probably end up less fetishy and avoid "my guys can suffer more than your guys" contests.

>[Citation needed]

>/r/socialism fags are already denying commonly known history

This first became appar-ent in the religious sphere, when the new government failed to move
swiftly to curb the “burning of the monasteries” on May 11–12, 1931, only one month into the new regime. A mood of increasingly radical anticlericalism had been building for more than a generation. Organized mobs, mainly of anarchists and Republican extremists, burned more than a hundred churches and other religious buildings in Madrid and other cities, so that, after initial indifference, the army finally had to be called in to restore order.

In Spain, there had been extensive church-burning in 1909, 1931, and
the spring of 1936. Altogether, available data indicate attacks on at least
101 Church properties in 1931, 15 in 1932, 70 in 1933, 25 in 1934, 2
in 1935, and 208 in the first six months of 1936, with a new feature
of the insurrection of 1934 being the deliberate execution of priests and
teenage seminary students in Asturias. The record of incitement to such
violence was extensive, but the wholesale effort to liquidate the clergy
in 1936 reflected the dramatic escalation of the civil war. Despite all
the rhetoric about “extermination,” the only social sector marked out
for extermination as such by either side was the clergy by some of the
revolutionaries in the Republican zone

All three excerpts are from Stanley Payne's book on the Spanish Civil War.

Not surprised

daily reminder that the Carlists were the only real choice

>genocidal tyrannical socialist regime
>Franco was an actual genocidal tyrant that levelled Spanish cities fighting against democratically elected government then just sucked American dick and stagnated his country


what happend to her?

She ate the sourest lolly in Spain

I dont get it.
Pls explain without memes

from the looks of it she was burned or skinned but still alive, you can see a bone around the arms position

republicans are subhumans

Spain would be fucked no matter the choice, they're shit, and there's nothing in the world that would be able to change that

What makes you think that thing is alive?

>the fascists who supported a military against a goverment that was using the poñice forces to kill the leaders of the opposition and were burning churches and raping monks were totally justified.
Pretty much.

A democratically elected government that went around burning churches and murdering middle class conservatives

>Ever asked yourself, why people in Spain began to burn them and kill priests? If you treat people bad.
Where do you pull of this dumb as fuck """""facts"""""". The church hold little power and had huge presence in unions and aided workers. The people that burnt churches were vicious lefties that just wanted to attack tradition

>stagnated his country
Spain with Franco grew faster than with the Republican goverment that was extremelly incompetent and couldnt even hold the country together. The Republicans were dumb,criminals and incompetent.

fuck the commie whores anyway

women are born nation wreckers with a few exceptions

Regarding the callous attitude of the Vatican, Manuel Montero, lecturer of the University of the Basque Country commented on 6 May 2007:[139]

>The Church, which upheld the idea of a 'National Crusade' in order to legitimize the military rebellion, was a belligerent part during the Civil War, even at the cost of alienating part of its members. It continues in a belligerent role in its unusual answer to the Historical Memory Law by recurring to the beatification of 498 “martyrs” of the Civil War. The priests executed by Franco's Army are not counted among them. It continues to be a Church that is incapable of transcending its one-sided behaviour of 70 years ago and amenable to the fact that this past should always haunt us. In this political use of granting religious recognition one can perceive its indignation regarding the compensations to the victims of Francoism. Its selective criteria regarding the religious persons that were part of its ranks are difficult to fathom. The priests who were victims of the republicans are “martyrs who died forgiving”, but those priests who were executed by the Francoists are forgotten.

Oh, is this shitty thread full of trolls and retards. ONCE MORE.

Do you realise that they started burning churches and killing them before the war? Of course they would side with the people that didn't want to burn them,rape them and humillate them.

From reverse image search (learn how to use it): An executed nun, exhibited at the Montjuïc for crimes against the state

Any thread about war rape turns to shit as it get mobbed with degenerates pretending their masturbatory fantasies represent historical reality.


Yes, individual radicals did this, not the actual government. Even if they were sluggish in stopping it doesn't mean they did it or condoned it.
>poñice forces to kill the leaders of the opposition
Citation needed, again.
>burning churches and raping monks
Individual radicals did that, and it wasn't an everyday thing. Stop pretending like the coup was for anything except the general's own ambition.
Nice non-answer. I guess those priests that the Nationalists killed or the ones on the side of the Republicans weren't actually Catholics, just pretending to be. And why did they burn churches and kill before the war? Why did they ignore non-Catholic churches? Why has the church historically been a corrupt collaborator with tyrants?

Really activates those synapses.

i keep forgetting that /leftypol/ exists. then i happen to click on spanish civil war threads.

please leave

>Citation: OP's gaping ass

didn't mean to rain on your parade. by all means, go on arguing with the other posters here who are actually informed.

Why do Spanish Civil War threads always devolve into "Nationalists were justified because the Republicans did this" or vice-versa? We all know that we support the side we do because we agree with their ideology, not because one side's actions were "justified" or not.

that was actually my first post in the thread, people like you annoy me

if you have an argument to make then make it, if you don't then please return to wherever it is you're from

>Citation needed, again.
This is the fucking basis of the Spanish civil war. If you have no fucking clue just stop answering.
> Individual radicals did
And all were republicans that were protected by the goverment.
> And why did they burn churches and kill before the war?
Because the church had a big presence in unions which lefties saw as an attack to their """"revollution"""".
>Why did they ignore non-Catholic churches?Because they werebt you fucking dingus. Spain is catholic country. No protestants at all. Why do you speak about a topic that you dont have a clue about

What the fuck is a roastie?

>No protestants at all.

Not that guy, but [citation needed].


post more pics so i can fap to them

Well, and why did the franquists kill priests? Because they were nationalists?

Because they were Christian.

I like how liberals have such a hard-on for the democratically elected bit, as if a government being democratically elected in any way implies legitimacy when that government is criminally incompetent and immoral.

>Basque anarchists

>a genocidal, tyrannical socialist regime, that would, no, already was doing much worse to innocent people.
except that never happened

>The church hold little power and had huge presence in unions
What unions? UGT? CNT?

>i keep forgetting that /leftypol/ exists.
you keep forgetting that regular people exist
i keep forgetting that /pol/ is unironical

The spanish left of the civil war were angels of light, none of them did wrong and all they did was shine light over us.

Take for instance my great grandfather.

-I'm a pacifist, I will not wage war
-Wat? No war dimitri? Then we kill.

-Im pacifist, i dont wont defend my Motherland from germans.
-What?Take rifle and go fight you shit.


>defending their country
well baited

Regular people aren't communists nor do they spend time arguing about the spanish civil war on Veeky Forums.

>anarchists and commies defending their country
The lying hypocrisy and double-facedness of the left never ceases to amaze me.

Why do they look so much like britts?

>unironically being a Franquist
Disgusting Opus Dei filth

>This is the fucking basis of the Spanish civil war. If you have no fucking clue just stop answering.
And here I was thinking the basis was intense ideological conflict and the military being opportunists and deciding to launch a coup.
>And all were republicans that were protected by the goverment.
Just because the government didn't really care doesn't mean it protected them.
>Because the church had a big presence in unions which lefties saw as an attack to their """"revollution"""".
You mean the unions that were the ones who called a general strike so that the government would arm them against the fascist military coup?
The government was extremely incompetent but that doesn't give legitimacy to a fascist coup.
I think I might've mixed up Anarchist Aragon with non-anarchist Republican Basque.
The Republicans weren't all Communists and Anarchists, many were moderates who supported the preexisting system. And just because you're an internationalist doesn't mean you're incapable of desiring to protect your lands and communities from fascist usurpers.

As a spaniard and a historian I must say every time I come here to Veeky Forums and read some of the threads about the Spanish civil war I am taken aback by the sheer rhetoric and stupidity of most of the comments.

It is true that anarchists used the war as a means of carrying out their social revolution and that anticlericalism was a dominating ideology in areas where they had control. I would know cause my grandfather was on the run from anarchists in Barcelona for 4 year because they thought he was a priest. This doesn't mean that it was a condoned practice by the Republican government. Lets not forget that this was a time of ridiculous extremes on both sides cause we can also point at the 1934 right wing republican government as a culprit after they let loose an unhinged Francisco Franco in Asturias who basically brought the brutality of the African wars to his fellow countrymen, a practice may I remind you that he was more than happy to recreate during the war committing atrocities that surprised his Italian and German advisors. And I would like to say some of you fucking faggots reply "well they were just church burning commies who wanted a USSR in Spain". That is where you are wrong cause he was also insanely brutal with right wing nationalist catholics in the Basque lands. You cannot compare the amount of atrocities committed by the nationalist side (who rose up against a democratically elected government) against the republican side. After all Franco himself signed a document condemning 9.000 republican POW captured in France to to die in Mathausen along with several thousand jews and soviet POW as they were, and I quote, "a bunch of undesirables and traitors who have no land".


>the fascists who supported a military coup against the democratic system weren't as bad as the group defending their country

>leftist government murders the leader of the main right wing party
>the right reacts

Wew lad

>muh democratically elected government
>muh govt that murders its opponents and starts civil war is totally in the moral right guys

Carlists were hardcore as fuck.

>commies gud bois dem fascist force em to rape and brutalize nuns

>>Franco was an actual genocidal tyrant that levelled Spanish cities fighting against democratically elected government then just sucked American dick and stagnated his country

You have literally no idea what you're talking about. I'm Spanish and everyone with half a brain here knows that Franco altough not perfect was what the country needed. We would be a 3rd world country without any national identity if the commies had won.

Franco brought moroccan troops to fight in Galicia and the Basque Country, literally the only place fo Spain that was never touched by moors. Nationalists are deeply retarded.

This. Only leftist edgelords from andalucia and cataluña act like the republicans were the good guys.

How does the old quote go?

>Franco used mulisms to kill catholics in a war against athiests.

Civil wars in europe are always so memey.

>this is what stupid commies believe

>muh govt that murders its opponents and starts civil war is totally in the moral right guys

>Started Civil War

Be more delusional you fucking faggot

>Putting up a fight against Franco

Galicia was a nationalist nest from the get go you fucking memer
