>literally tier 1 right now kill yourself roachfucker
Blake Scott
will archetypes save sv?
Oliver Flores
I want to fuck Vampy
Joshua Nguyen
>blood filled with great mommies >trampy and kanahana are the alts fuck
Josiah Scott
>discord thread
Jackson Barnes
Jackson Thompson
Are you ready for the next expansion, goyim?
Gabriel Carter
Silly user, SV doesn't need saving, rotations are the magical cure-all to every card game's problems, so this game will be perfect forever now that it takes over 100 cards away from you every 3 months! I want /hsg/ refugees and rotationfags to fuck off forever
Henry Peterson
whoa rich boy, I have ~9k gold and some 50k vial.
Jason Powell
Eli Mitchell
Liam King
Source please
Jack Harris
just play urias my dude, it's the superior leader
Ryan Johnson
yandex it you spoonfeed discord
Grayson Cox
>mommyposter eats shit All is well.
Evan Garcia
I think I found a new control meme to fall for next expansion.
Adam Cox
Help me with the 2 Private match mission please!
Carson Barnes
>3 Bahamut Nice bricks.
Chase Walker
>theorycrafting cblood for rotation You're better off theorizing for unlimited with that archetype, it's not gonna matter in rotation
>Theory crafting control Even if you manage to land a list that's good on day 1, you're going to scrap half of it on day 2 adjusting to whatever the meta is. It's not worth the trouble.
Christian Price
discord thread the pastebin got removed too, are they doing it again?
Should Cygames start to retroactively censor old cards?
Jacob Jackson
>insect kings your random follower pssst nothing personel kid
Xavier Bennett
Should you suck my dick?
Tyler Flores
>want to play aggro dragon for dailies because I always lose with ramp >go 2nd all 5 matches with no 1 drops >despite that still win 4 of them damn
Elijah Edwards
@199879321 No, you colossal fucking retard, get the fuck off this general
Adrian Watson
Josiah Brown
Really jogs your nog...
Brody Rivera
Need the 2 matches 41512
Leo Reyes
Ryan Roberts
tags vampy cat_ears on gelbooru
Dylan Davis
So the twitch streamer support program participants get also some goods for giveaways for their viewers? What if everyone on /svg/ applied and shared everything with each other?
Cooper Cook
Damn those are some nice titties
Nathaniel Turner
Wait, I don't get to keep the packs?
Adam Hughes
You have problem with your eyes?
Asher Garcia
>decide to play 1-off otohime on my midrange sword for dailies >against shadow going 1st >turn 6 play otohime, evolve against an evolved 4/2, have full board >it's the one shadow player on ladder that plays Odile >concede
Jaxson Howard
They give you promo codes for packs, so I guess you could give them to your viewers if you wanted.
William Torres
You can take them for yourself, or give them away. Your choice.
Christian Nguyen
You get codes for packs, which you can either use for yourself or give away to viewers
Eli Bell
>45 hours of stream yeah nah.
Ayden Roberts
Just do your dalies while streaming
Aaron Long
Is it even that much? You could just let the stream run in the background while you play. Don't use mic, never look at the chat, just get those free packs from playing like you normally would.
Robert Morris
Need 2 matches. Gonna suicide blood.
Owen Reyes
Too much work for mere 10 packs. If they gave orbs instead I'd be interested.
Jackson Sanders
Afk stream the home screen or replays or some shit It's not like you're gonna have any viewers lmao
Joshua Cooper
while speaking some sweet stuff with a mtf voicechanger :^)
Jack Campbell
How is that too much work if you already do your dailies normally?
Dominic Turner
Come and kill me please!
Blake Miller
Because you have to set up stream? And you can't play something else in the background. I don't listen to game sound. 10 packs is just a few dollars, just buy them if you want it so much.
Ayden Campbell
>spending money on kusoge >spending money on kusoge that allows you to be completely f2p Nah.
John Wilson
2 matches please
Samuel Jones
>supporting shitty developers and localizers who censor their content
Jace Bennett
You're already spending time on this which is more valuable than money. If you want to stream is probably because you don't have a job and can't even buy packs. Really, streaming 45 hours a month for 10 packs reeks of SEAnig desperation.
Robert White
>stop supporting this shitty game! >but I'll play hundreds of hours a month for free stuff, stream and advertise for free in game content You're actually supporting this game even more than me.
Sebastian Morales
Thanks mordecai
Kevin Murphy
that's less than 2 hours per day, just do dailies
Dominic Price
>vs blood >deny them vengeance >good job, you lost because they had plenty of hp for wolf/razory >smash face so hard their head spins >good job, you lost because you just activated their storm cards Fair and balanced
Carter Carter
Oliver Cook
Never said I streamed this shit And the effective advertising from a month of streaming with no viewers is worth a whole lot less than 10 dollars
Nolan Young
Who the hell takes 2 hours to finish their dailies?
Camden Perez
>spending time >when it's just turning up the stream when you'd be playing anyways ???
Camden Morales
Are the RoB cards redone/retouched for shadowverse or just resized up?
Charles Brown
They are censored.
Wyatt Smith
spats are added!
Aaron Gonzalez
>start a stream >finish your dailies in 20 minutes >play 30 minutes of meme deck games in private rooms against other people from /svg/ >do this almost every day >??? >profit
Jace Torres
You can just play meme shit and play slow
James Cook
63166 need someone to murder vampy twice
Jack Howard
>garbage OP picture >removed pastebin >le streaming garbage >unlimited vs rotation shitposting >redditcord crying about censors again so this is what happens when you spam your discord server on every thread. nice job svg
Tyler Hughes
44428 Need a double play
Joseph White
>implying it's redditcord that wants shit uncensored If you unironically don't care about the censorship then you're a hopeless human being and should fuck off to /hsg/ where you belong
Jayden Rivera
hello vampycord.
Charles Reed
The pastebin wasn't removed this thread though. It's just retards that keep copy-pasting without double checking.
Joshua Young
Maybe he likes spats just like me.
Connor Bell
Thank you Mailmang
Christopher Kelly
>class identity, mechanics and playability all in the dumpster >even the choices in art are awful >not a single cute sword meido in chronogenesis >FUCKING FURSHIT TRASH INSTEAD >tiddy window sisters didn't get printed in chrono either so albert will never get to play with them in standard before rotating out >prebuilt will probably have fucking mars instead of cinderella maid ver. so we won't get the legendary maid we've deserved for ages Even the story is making Erika look bad for no good reason. What the fuck did my girl do to you, Cygames?
Cameron Robinson
You're finally understanding Discord. That's what that retarded do, he mess with the OP and remove stuff because someone told him to do it. Like adding the discord channel to both the OP and pastebin. Discord isn't funny, Discord isn't ironic, we shouldn't even accept thread like this.
Eli Diaz
>if you don't shit up every single thread with the censor shit, you're yeah yeah we get it now fuck off, nobody cares
Anthony Reed
There's no class identity on board presence when the continuously evolve into solitaire and removals.
Kayden Johnson
Thank you user!
Bentley White
>this design would never be allowed in shadowverse really makes you think