>defendant keeps begging to settle my lawsuit
>never responds or counteroffers to my settlement offer of a $50,000 performance bond contingent only on me losing against his codefendant, instead whining about how he can't afford to give me 50k
Can someone explain this? I don't understand normies.
Defendant keeps begging to settle my lawsuit
Always nice when OP writes backstory.
My landlord illegally evicted me because someone on Veeky Forums told him he wouldn't get in trouble if he did it. I was protected by rent control, so the damages are absurdly high.
he hasn't responded in a few days. should I send this?
don't worry, I already know you're poor. you don't have to tell everyone on Veeky Forums.
Ay Amy you want sum fuk post tits
You think youre gonna get $50k for being "illegally evicted"?
>check em
>check em
What happened? Your writing is pretty nice.
Stop communicating directly you moron. Only speak through council.
I'm pro se.
Yes. If you don't know anything about San Francisco tenant law, you should kill yourself instead of saying one more word.
I was forcibly and illegally evicted without an unlawful detainer proceeding, which opens the defendant up to statutory claims of $100 a day, loss of use claims based off of rent control and punitive damages.
>someone on Veeky Forums told him he wouldn't get in trouble if he did it
kek. never change Veeky Forums
It was actually a woman from /mtfg/ on /LGBT/ who was living with us and wanted the place to herself. It's pretty funny if you think about it.
I'm happy to see an update on your lawsuit. 50k is a little less than the 1 million or whatever you wanted to claim at first lol. But still very good if you manage to get your money.
I don't see why you'd want to send this message, it's just pointlessly jerking off.
So shes an SJW? Yeah fuck her financially.
>defendant keeps begging to settle your lawsuit
I guarentee Mike has that $50,000 but I'm sure trusty mr. (((goldman))) is wanting to (((help))) Mike as long as (((he))) can, for a small (((consultation fee))) of course.
Counselor, if your defendent can't afford $50k then why would it become affordable contingent upon you suing someone else?
She used to call me a white supremacist, even though I'm a non-white tranny. I thought it was funny until she got me illegally evicted.
I'm actually still claiming millions. I'm offering to settle for basically free with this guy because he has no money and I don't necessarily want to fuck him over for life.
I won't send the email, I guess. I just don't get why they wouldn't counteroffer now that he's admitted the entire lawsuit judicially.
This to be honest.
He can afford to pay the premium on a bond, most likely. He has a good credit rating.
I'm not a lawyer...
Lol fags
Just in general...you probably should be saying as little as possible right now.
Choose an offer and a reason for that offer and stick to it. Don't get sucked into any arguments, don't try to reason with them, don't try to do anything like that at all. Pick an offer and stick to it. If you can, get a lawyer. Yes, spend a little of the money on getting a lawyer. If you get a good one, you might be able to get so much more. Do NOT say anything more than you absolutely have to. Be firm and let them worry about the details.
Not a lawyer but she clearly discriminated against you which would make for a better case. Get as much money as you can, invest some in crypto. Get richer in 5 years.
This. In court, the more you say the more you risk.
I'm honestly starting to suspect this a little. I thought he would have quit after I had his entire defense dismissed by the court, but I guess not.
I don't think so, necessarily. I can imply it, but I'm not certain about proving it since they're all a bunch of liberals anyway.
The reality of the situation is Mike is a fucking retard and he's being bled dry by his lawyer.
You should honestly really push taking him to court sooner rather than later before he sincerely can't pay the 50k because of (((goldman))).
I do want to settle with them and then get a lawyer with the 50k. Maybe they'll be more willing to do it if I agree to attempt to seek counsel.
No its not its fucking terrible he cant even spell tortuous
>doesn't know what tortious means
Holy shit, you're retarded. Please commit suicide immediately.
My bad i thought it was spelled the other way. Regardless, its full of typos and terrible convoluted sentences.
>$1 million
>Now a paltry $50k
Jesus I hope the judge throws your case out just for being a greedy psychopath.
It's people like you that have ruined our courts.
Found the SJW
No, I'm still seeking damages of about 4 million. That's what he's looking at if he fails to settle.
exactly, the more you say, the more potential problems you open up for yourself, especially pro se vs a lawyer
also he could probably have you killed for much less than 4M if it came to it
lmao you are a fucking idiot.
Let me guess, you posted on r/sanfransisco and some redditiors told you your landlord was in the wrong.
You aint gonna get shit.
The OP has a message from landlord's lawyer begging to settle...
>demurrer to answer sustained
>"You aint gonna get shit"
I really enjoy it when people with subhuman intelligence attempt to talk to me about the law.
It's people like you who are destroying this country. Greedy troublemaker. You make me sick.
Protip: If you actually had a legitimate multimillion dollar case you could find someone to work on contingency. Instead of wasting taxpayer resources with your "pro se" shenanigans.
I don't like lawyers. They're not very smart or useful, in general.
Exactly the response I would expect from a litigious narcissist.
You're not a genius or legal savant. You're mostly likely a POS who knows how to waste the other persons resources in hope of a settlement.
I'm sure you were illegally evicted but that doesn't change anything. $4M, ok keep dreaming.
Okay, buddy. Call me when you successfully demur to an answer, leaving no affirmative defenses, and obtain responses to RFAs that let you skip the issue of fault altogether.
He's fucked no matter what. The only question is how hard.
Unfortunately I do have experience in litigation, although rather than try to play lawyer I hired experts. Money well spent.
You are missing the point, what you are doing is wrong.
Look, I get it. You have some mental issues and live in a region filled with plenty of crazy people and degenerates. I'm sure it's very easy to find other morally bankrupt people to support your position. But that doesn't make it right.
>being made whole for someone's tortious acts is morally wrong
They wont counter offer because they are betting on the fact that you are not going to ruin his life. You have admitted as much, so they will now believe you are bluffing. Why are they going to pay you anything unless you make them? This is the real world.
You should ruin him and take him to the cleaners, as a show of force, then go after the main culprit who after seeing you dispatch the other litigant, does a deal with you. Reputation spills less blood, go after the easy kill.
Or, you give poorfag a way out but first you have to behave in a manner that looks like you are going to ruin them. When the admit their error, It seems you nearly have that in one of the emails above, you get his assets valued by the court or whoever does that in the states. Wait until their lawyer gives you the big fucking sob story, the one right before you would be pulling the legal trigger before action. Offer her the chance to help her client by helping you. Get client to cooperate with you and you get your performance bond strategy in place then.
You must the flex muscles. At the moment you sound like a sissy who is enjoying pretending to be a lawyer.
How have you been affected to the tune of $4 mil?
as follows.
statutorily, all damages, 'including damages for loss of use and emotional distress', are multiplied by 3. I claim $500,000 in damages for emotional distress.
>Frivolous, the lawsuit.
why does the law make you so butthurt?
>emotional distress
fucking retarded
I mean... This point makes a great deal of sense
Does this million Dollar damage number have any precedent or history of success?
Honestly if the jury gives it to you, judge with JNOV for sure.
Guess if you appeal your only threat is having to pay defendants costs if you get sanctioned for troubling the court with your pocket spaghetti
>I'm a genius pro se litigant
>guys why is one of the defendants trying to get me to sue someone else ?:(
>They wont counter offer because they are betting on the fact that you are not going to ruin his life. You have admitted as much, so they will now believe you are bluffing.
This. If you bluff you must be smart about it
I cant even see you winning 50k in court. Tally up your actual costs that you can prove, which im guessing is around 10k from what i have read, inflate another 5k on there and make that your price. Go for value, you've made the threats, but it is not coming to anything and they know it, so hopefully you can get them to pay you fuck off and leave them alone. That is your best bet.
You wont get a hearing in a court. Its a vexatious litigation. There is no real damage here that to your pride. They will pay you back the costs of their negligence with a little on top, but you wont be getting 50k, let alone millions.
When i as younger i used buy trademarks that companies should of but never registered when they launched their product. I could never actually go to court as it would be proven by them that i had bought a "mark" that was being used commercially by another company. They used to cost me £200 to register at companies house, and i used to get around £3K-£2K for them. I used to start negotiations at £20k, putting on a big song and dance about how i would be fighting it as i intended to use it. If it was a big company i would have registered a company name the same as the trademark as further proof of my plans to use it. I would run the process by placing objections against their objections with the trademark office. This would cost another £200. Would make them respect me a little more and maybe think this crazy bastard was serious.
When negotiations got to the 5K mark i would be saying its my final price and that i had put a lot of work into the business and it was really unhappy about having to rename everything.
They would lowball me at 1K and never budge the whole time, it would be me bringing price down, which was fine as i was never going to court. But 1K would always be unacceptable. At around 5k they would start upping the offer. Like they wanted to get things tied up quickly. And they would have a client asking them why it was taking so long.
About 3 months in we would be coming up against their deadline, or the the clients. I used to run the clock until 4pm on the final day. I would make the call at 3.59pm. If they paid agreed to pay £2k for example ill agree to sell. They always always agreed to more right at the last minute becuase they were sick of me. I would have threatened earlier in the week that i would bust my company and they could take me to court, but it will cost them more than having to pay me £2K-£3K, and they will look shit to their client etc etc.
I build leverage. Your only leverage is costs directly incurred. They are waiting for you to realise this and name a reasonable price.
Go for $15k and hope he bites. Remind them court will be expensive.
>If it was a big company i would have registered a company name the same as the trademark as further proof of my plans to use it.
When i did this they always wrote into the contract that i never use a company with the same or similar name to tradmark, so i would add an extra 1K to the price i was asking for good luck.
Please don't try to give me advice if you don't understand that the statutory penalties for an unlawful eviction are $100 per day out of possession and whatever I can prove times 3, AND the difference between the rent I was paying and the market rate of the unit times three times the number of years I can prove I intended to stay at the unit.
Also, the funny contrast between your thuggish behavior and mine is that it has been before the court. The court dismissed his defense, so he now has no affirmative defenses.
Stop pretending you were going to be there for 20 years. You can call me a thug, i fine with that label, but you are a immoral. I owned something they wanted, you have nothing but a lie that you were intending to be there for 20 years as the main basis for your damages.
Good luck, you wont be getting a penny out of them acting like a pussy.
>I'm pro se.
Then you're as dumb as you sound. No wonder the other side isn't taking you seriously. You're punching way above your weight class.
I don't care what they think, or what you think. I've been pummeling them relentlessly in court and in discovery.
Yeah, I can tell you're doing great by the amazing settlement you obtained.
Oh, wait...
You're getting played, son, and you don't even know the rules of the game. What a dummy.
We'll see about that, buddy. The last time I got a settlement pro se (against a college), it took four months to wear them down.
And I bet the other side was laughing their asses off about how cheap it was to pay you off.
Take it from someone who knows: lawyers LOVE going against pro se litigants. You always make us look good to our clients, when really we only have to work half as much to get twice the result.
Hard to be salty about a LARPing moron.
Good luck with your case, kid. And thanks for the laugh. I'm sending this thread to all my partners for the giggles.
Your partners who also graduated from a TTT and are paying off their debts from said TTT?
Sorry to hurt your feelings, boyo. Feels good crushing third-rate lawyers like you in court. The best part is looking at your pathetic faces when your blanket affirmative defenses are successfully demurred to and you scramble pathetically to type up an answer in ten days.
You sounds like a retard who watches too many law TV shows. Just because you cut-and-paste some legalese doesn't mean you understand it. For example, your affirmative defenses would be stated IN your answer since they are, after all, responses to the prima facie case. Perhaps you meant to refer to a dispositive motion, such as a 12(b)(6)? LOL, what a moron.
Thanks again for the laughs, kid. Your bullshit couldn't be funnier if it was written as a sitcom.
You're actually retarded. This is California state court, not federal court. I did demur to his answer, and my demurrer was sustained with leave to amend. A demurrer to an answer is authorized by the California Code of Civil Procedure in the same way as a demurrer can be directed to a complaint. His entire answer was successfully demurred to, but individual affirmative defenses can be destroyed by way of demurrer.
It must suck being stuck in doc review all day to get laughed at by a successful pro se litigant.
and yes, affirmative defenses are stated in the answer, TTT buddy. You can demur to individual affirmative defenses. I'm very sorry that you don't know this. Do your partners not let you work in real litigation? You poor little thing.
Regardless of whether or not your settlement goes through, you're clearly a self-absorbed autist. I pity you, but I pity the people who have to be around you even more.
I'm about to be a married woman, believe it or not. Finding humor in the incompetent wrecks that most attorneys are and taking pleasure in litigation doesn't make me unappealing to people in real life.
Please offer my condolences to your soon-to-be husband/wife/whatever.
Now THIS is autism
It's on Veeky Forums, of course it's autism.
>with leave to amend
In other words, you filed a motion for a more definite statement. You didn't win anything.
Typical dumbass pro se: doesn't even know the difference between a procedural order and a dispositive ruling.
Sorry retard, but you're not getting any free legal advice from me. You did make me laugh, but you can't afford my fee.
Hey, kid. I never once called my demurrer dispositive, but I guess it's hard for a low level attorney to understand things like that without a partner from Harvard holding your delicate little hand. In any case, it turns out that procedural motions can have a substantive effect, such as getting an incompetent attorney to forfeit all of his affirmative defenses. Again, this is something you're obviously not authorized to do yourself, so don't feel too bad.
>can't afford my fee
I don't want to touch a lawyer that didn't graduate from a T14. Please don't make the mistake of thinking your time is valuable because you got conned into throwing all of daddy's money at Florida Coastal.
>HMM, I wonder if Penn Law is T14?
>Whew, it is!
>I guess I can keep practising...
And no, you still can't afford me, retard.
>allegedly went to Penn
>still let a pro se completely destroy his ego
Filtered. Enjoy crying into the ether, buddy.
Aww, did the pro se retard get triggered? Don't feel bad, sweetie, I wreck people MUCH smarter than you on a daily basis (and get paid more in a month than you make in two years). You never really had a chance....
Be sure to come back and tell us about the awesome settlement you get. Or better yet, really show us how cool you are and get a verdict. We're all so impressed, and we're totally not laughing at you at all.
You won't be able to prove you intended to stay in the unit for twenty years
Screenshot this
you should kill yourself for living in san francisco
Good luck getting your money OP
Must feel amazing having the landlord by the balls