Submit work a week before deadline

>submit work a week before deadline
>get more work
>submit work an hour before it's due
>get called in to talk about my lack of performance

Is there any winning in the wage slave game?

Your fault for working hard for someone else

Remember that no may how nice management are, they don't see you as a person,just a cog in the machine.

You always do the bare minimum when you work for someone else. You've already seen what working hard gets you

Do what everyone else does, take 1 hours shits at work and do fuck-all all day long

pick none

No problem with being a wageslave, but don't be a pedophile.

but you submitted the work 1 hr before it was due. what was the problem exactly?

This. Your fictional recount is flawed.

If you're legit, you're an idiot for not pointing out managers flawed logic.

>realize your company is shit
>go to a new company for better pay


if you can't do this, then the company will of course treat you like shit. cause you are shit.

>refusing to stand up for yourself like the beta faggot you are

Easy solution: submit work on the morning of the day it is due.

Sounds like your company sucks dick.

Also I wanna berry the girl in that pick

It would mean you're a valuable employee and most people who complain instead of just leaving usually don't fall in to that category.

It's because he didn't submit the work early like before.

Oh boy, here is my story, move over for the biggest wageslave loser.

>First jerb as a software engineer in "beautiful" San Francisc, Big Co
>First year in - don't shake the boat, just absorb information. Still do a fair bit of work. 2% raise
>Second year in - our app takes too long to process all the invoices. Someone needs to unfuck it (complex concurrency issues need to be solved to unfuck it, noone managed to do it since it was created).
>I manage to unfuck it in a month of work, receive praise from business team
>Pajeets on team extremely salty
>Mention to manager about accomplishment, he seems impressed
>ask about money, promises to do something on next years review (hint: would a business owner/ startup guys eat that shit down? hell no)
>Remind me closer to date
>Remind him closer to date again
>Review time tells me I'm not working with other people enough. Ignores emails from architect and business team and says that was not important. I also had recommendations from other coworkers who suddenly became not important as well
>Places me on a performance review plan, gives me a month "to improve" kek
>Stop trying and expect to be fired. Do maybe 4h of work max/day and look for another jerb
>Fired. Find current jerb for 20k more/yr in three months weeks, meanwhile enjoy life and feel like a human being again
>Now, only do 6h work/day, rest fuck around in gym and work on my own thing on the side

Wageslavery should be experienced once so that you'd know what to get away from

My boss (not really, she's just head of all the non uni graduates that work at the place and i sometimes get pleb office boy work with her) was at my desk at an accounting firm and saw I had a message on my phone and picked up the phone and listened to the message.

She told me that someone miss dialed me and it was just typing noises.

I'm new (6 weeks or so) and 2nd year uni student.

Should I tell HR or my actual boss (the person I'm supposed to be working for but something got delayed and I'm hanging out with the office ladies for now) or just keep my mouth shut.

Happened yesterday.

I meant the phone at my desk that is used to make office calls.

This girl is going to be very disappointed when she learns it is not worth as much as she thinks.

More about pajeets pls

Can't you listen to the message yourself?

I always do the bare minimum that will keep me employed and keep management off my ass.

I don't get employees who work themselves to the bone to make someone else's company more productive/profitable.

this. then say something like "i finished the work that you wanted done a bit early, I'm gonna head home for the day, see you tomorrow"

Same. I see guys working 9-10 hour days regularly, seemingly non-stop. They're also always behind on whatever they're working on. Then I come in and everything's done on time or somewhat early even though I slacked off all week and my boss goes "Nice job getting that done!"

Does ripe 15 year old puss taste better then 23 year old puss, assuming that both girls are not fat bit have bad diets?

duh nigga wtf

Asking for a freind who didn't lose his virginity until 24 and when he went down on the girl it literally tasted like slightly sour roast beef. Also she was pregnant at the time and liked my freind because he has money.
Does puss puss taste better when it's on a hot 15 year old?

bitch gotta be clean first wtf

Don't get me started senpai... my team was 80% Pajeet... I discretely kept Febreeze next to my desk.

Most. Falling into the lesser category. For years I worked profit sharing at a computer repair/network consultation/general IT company. Was promised a 50/50 split of the labor charged.

When I left, the company owed me about $4k, which I've never collected on.

The reason I stayed so long was I had a stupid low confidence in what I was doing (never mind that I was pulling in the most money for the company), and the companies that I was putting my resume out to never got back to me.

This was 2 years ago. I'm an engineer now at a MUCH better company that actually respects hard work and awards it. "Hey, you completed 4 designs this week when most people complete 1, here's a Lead Engineer position. Hey, pay attention to your PM, you're next in line. Hey, here's your salary being doubled in the first year since starting."

It's wagecuck, but feels good.

Still working on business on the side though.

If your company is giving you shit, find another company. Beef up your resume in any way you can, start putting it out, try making connections with others in the industry. If you're confident enough, start a business.