/fg/ - Falcom General #139

Previous thread: >Tokyo Xanadu eX+ is out on PC and PS4

>Zwei II is out on PC

>Trails of Cold Steel PC is out on Steam and GOG

>A version of the old Zero no Kiseki fan translation was leaked:

Don't forget to support the games and spoiler the spoilers!

>Latest news

-Sen no kiseki 4 website revealed, fair warning, it contains spoilers:

-Zwei!! English release by XSEED. Titled as Zwei : The Arges Adventure

-Sen : The Last Saga to release sometime next year, most likely September

-PS4 remasters of Sen 1 and 2 to release in March and April 2018, respectively

-Ys VIII released, but PC release date delayed due to issues with the port, and translation fixes to come in 2018

-Cold Steel 2 confirmed for PC, release date pending

Pastebin (aka music): pastebin.com/G2mswYCt
Extra Stuff (Guides, links, CS undub): pastebin.com/n2G4xL5s

Other urls found in this thread:


What's the age of consent in Erebonia?

>Elie in Cold steel
For what purpose


To make Alisa seem memorable in comparison.

Feels good to actually play falcom games instead of just shitposting and getting mad at people who play the games

Feels even better to play them in a language that you actually understand and being able to enjoy discussing them with people who have done the same, I.E, not this thread. Get the fuck out of here, smartphone-kun.

>actually playing games
Where do you think you are?

He mistook here for Gamefaqs

Elie's Elies are nice.

i can't wait until i can play this in a language i can understand

>also pay attention to the question of, “Is Rean the protagonist in the first place?”
Reanfag btfo!

Dude, just pick up your smartphone and play the day away! You can be a Japanese speaker too! Don't you want to appreciate the context behind the spoilers you post? Well, get importing right now! Zero Japanese proficiency required! 10% comprehension, but 100% satisfaction guaranteed!


>still being this mad

JLPT N1? N2? N3? N4? N5? Psh, JLPT GOFUCKYOURSELF! Smartphone fluency! Play Sen no Kiseki the way it was intended! It's Googlerific!

how does that work?

But my Rixia

He's shitposting because people played cs3 with the google translator app and he's mad about it


Yeah, I saw her in Cold Steel 2 once! I appreciated her characterization in the Ao machine translation as well! Truly a work of art, only meant for us JOPs. Ellie is also a best. Wow I love appreciating these characters in the original language! Post more waifus whose game you've totally played and understood in its native language, anons!

Even kotaku is picking this shit up

thanks xshit

Sorry, my sides are still lost in space. The realization that the shitposters in this thread are actually machine translation shitposters was just too much to bear. Imagine posting spoilers and waifus from games that you don't even comprehend on a surface level. Truly next level.

I don't think you have a shred of self-awareness

I don't think you have a shred of self-respect.

Calvard when?

You keep assuming there's no comprehension but you're fucking wrong. Stop being jealous and mad because people actually took the time to play the game. You could do it too but you'd rather be saltier than fucking weissman instead

stop playing non translated games you stupid jops

Can we just merge with /jrpgg/?

Hahaha is kotaku our guys how will xseed even recover

plot twist: the JOPs use google translate to post here

You know very little of the Japanese language if you think a machine translation can sufficiently translate any work of fiction with any degree of accuracy, and you're bordering on delusional if you think that you could comprehend even 10% of all but the most basic dialog.

>Previous Ys games had, like Trails, been published by XSEED here in North America. It’s not clear why Falcom switched publishers, but the move certainly has negative implications.
>negative implications.


And you're fucking retarded if you think comprehension is about understanding every word of dialogue. Look dude i get that you're mad as fuck but you need to give the shitposting a rest. You look like a fucking irrational idiot right now

There are no actual JOPs here, though. It would serve them no purpose to participate in /fg/ when the Discord has an entire section dedicated to educated JP speakers. You can dismiss any and all shitposting about unlocalized games as MTL tomfoolery.

I see this is all just an elaborate plan to shill your discord garbage.


Retard, recognizing one in a thousand words that happens to pertain to what is displayed on-screen does not equate to comprehension. Imagine reading or watching any media in your native language and lacking 70% of the vocabulary. Any perceived comprehension is delusion.

I realize you wasted hundreds of hours of your life painstakingly MTLing your way through Sen 3. My condolences.

Is CS4 going to be the end of series or just Erebonia arc? Falcom make it seems like it gonna be the end of all Kiseki stories.

>Imagine reading or watching any media in your native language and lacking 70% of the vocabulary
Not to mention Japanese is the most contextual language in the world, and not even the most advanced translation AI can deal with it.

This is a severe case of "you think you do, but you don't".

They didn't make it seem like that at all. Maybe your retarded news source did.

You don't even know what you're talking about m8 I actually did it and understood shit fine. On the other hand, you're just making dumb assumptions because you're mad.

So this is /fg/. Everyone just arguing with everyone. General is usually comfy.

I think you need to see a therapist, user. This delusion is getting the better of you. I do think you deserve a Darwin award nomination, though.

Sadly, yes, because there are a handful of retards here who get mad at people for doing things they don't want them to do.

Holy shitpost, Weissmann, what is going on here?

We like to pretend that we've actually played the untranslated games here, user. This is just a special case, as one such person has now deluded himself into thinking it was an experience he was able to sufficiently comprehend enough to shitpost spoilers and waifus as if he experienced the game as it was intended.

/jp/ would literally want him hanged.

Kevin only wishes he could've got Weissman this salty.

Is this /jrpgg/? How about you recreate it then and fuck off there to bitch about all untranslated games? Why limit yourselves to Sen III?

>General is usually shitposting
FTFY, this place has been shitposting central since /fg/ #1

Can I get a quick rundown on what spoilers this guy is sperging out about? We've been spoiling shit for months.

>Kotaku's joining the Switch port begging bandwagon
Color me surprised.

>quick rundown
you need to go back

People came back then saw the same spoilers that's been posted for months then got mad

Wat do you mean the airship got shot down? You don't even understand Japanese to tell that it happened!

Maybe for this place. Other generals I lurk are pretty comfy. This is my first visit to /fg/.

>eops discussing sen 3 and 4 casually as if they actually played them
>even dumber eops torturing themselves with on the spot machine tls to play the games
oh wewie lad

That's probably the least surprising thing ever

Maybe the other generals you frequent aren't literally several games behind the JP releases.

>Lloyd "child molester" Bannings

Maybe, so this is just a battle between JOP and EOP?

Tio only wants Rean

It's just a shitposter with no life who is here 24/7

Yes, but as it turns out, it's EOPs vs EOPs who machine TL the untranslated games and pretend they're JOPs. Spoilers and waifufaggotry gallore with zero thought for anyone else. Basically shitposting general.

What is JOP?

>>Spoilers and waifufaggotry gallore
I mean.. so the usual /fg/ shenanigans

Nobody pretends to be jop you stupid fucking retard.

EOP is English Only Peasant, so just switch English for Japanese. Doesn't make any sense though as everyone here speaks English to some degree.

Oh ok, thanks.

But i speak EngRish user.

If you think this is bad, you should've seen /vn/ before the EOPs chased all the JOPs away.

Man, I'm reminded how Elie dropped the bombshell revealing that Arianrhod is Lianne Sandlot casually after beating her. Like "oh yeah, aren't you that saint 250 years ago?"

What happened? How did they chased them away? Maybe we can apply it here.

Who would step in that shithole instead of the /jp/ thread?

nonstop crying

Years of shitposting and VNs the JOPs honeydicked the EOPs with for years actually being localized and turning out to be shit.

So basically retarded cherrypicking because a few people praised something.

The typicas EOP thing, yeah.


Genuine JOPs tend to view anything they've managed to read with their JP proficiency with rose tinted glasses. When someone reads it in their native language that they naturally learned, they just see the writing for what it is. Shit. This kills the JOP.

Are you telling me Teacher Rean isn't the best character and Sen III isn't the best game? fuck off u fukn eop get out of here eop bitch

You also telling me Zero and Ao aren't the best game? Lol you hvent played em eop trash nigga fuck uyou


EOPs tainted everything with shit. EOPs were a mistake.

Whats her endgame

Semen. Lots of it.

Being another one of those annoying characters who smugly withhold information.

SC Hamel
>There's a long winding path from the village to Karin's grave.

CS3 Hamel
>It's a short path from the village to Karin's grave.

So, why the hell did they change that one? Did the developers forget how Hamel was supposed to look like?

who cares cs3 hamel has better music

How mad will you guys be if both Joshua and Renne agree to give Rean Kernvitter from Loewe's grave and that Rean infuses Kernvitter with his dad's powers since we already know Kernvitter no longer has any powers?

Love it.

How mad will you be when Estelle has a preggo belly upon introduction?

Says people who like continuity user. People are very touchy about that subject.

Not really. J""""""""O""""""""Ps actually experience the games and form their own opinions. EOPs experience shitty lolcalizations, complain about things being not like in hollywood movies, and shit on anything popular they can't understand due to not knowing jap.

>Implying it isn't Estelle sticking her giant stick inside Joshua.
But in all honesty, I don't really care if Estelle is preggo with Joshua or not. Wouldn't really make any difference to me. I'd be more surprised if they haven't made out at this point.

>CS3 Rean is the same as CS1-2 Rean
>Jops meme that he's good now because CS3 is untranslated
Never change Japfags

They already tongue fuck each other in-game in SC2.

Wtf you're wrong! Rean is DIFFERENT now, he's older! has glasses!

So different from CS1-2 Rean who are complete shit!


He really is different and is a much better character (not like he was a bad character before) but it's not like you EOPs can tell.