What caused the tricolor flag plague? Why is the golden rule of vexillology no longer about representing the country but about making it easy for 3 year olds to draw?
Why did countries replace cool historical flags with unoriginal copies of france's flag?
What caused the tricolor flag plague...
1848, colours seen as less oppresive and old coats of arms on your flag made people think you were still a monarchy and not a republic
>cool historical flags
>lion-eagle-lion-eagle-crowned lion-crowned eagle-crowned double headed eagle and of course eagle-lion-eagle-lion
So basically the same lion and mutated eagles who look like they're being chocked to death, over and over again.
vs. a simple and practical designs that represent ideas such as sacrifice (red), colors of the traditional dress or the landscape of the country
Ukraine's flag is based but you cant say romania's flag looks better that austria-hungary's or prussia's in any way for example
>representing the country
You mean royal dynasty?
The A-U flag looks improvised and the two flags look better separate.
The civil flag of Prussia was just black on top with white bottom. But yes, even the black eagle version on a white/black background looks quite nice and not overly complicated.
delet this
Slovenia feels your pain.
"Let us sound like Slovakia and have a similar flag too." - Slovenian majority
>What caused the tricolor flag plague?
>flag looks better that austria-hungary
Austria-Hungary did not have a common flag
French Revolution and Napoleon's conquest of Europe
tricolors in Europe are usually okay maybe even bland but Lithuania's truly sticks out like a sore thumb and is very uncharacteristic compared to the rest of Europe
seriously wtf were they thinking?
It's based on naval flags and a fucking tricolor is way easier identified on the sea than a shitty goulash of lobsters, dragons and crowns.
Slovakia shouldn't even exist, much less being confused for a different country. It should be just called "Hungary".
green and yellow are nigger tier colors that have no place in europe
>well uh, technically *snort*
Fuck off
>yellow has no place in europe
what about germany, spain and the austrian empire?
>green has no place in europe
granted this is mostly true, ireland not included
I meant when those colors are together, green is just not european though, if nothing else I associate it with islam
as you can see, Lithuania has the same general shape as Africa, so...
Tricolours are far superior as flags because the are easily identifiable at a glance without the need to try and remember which eagle lion sword wreathe coat of arms that one is.
Which is the practical purpose of a flag, in the majority of cases.
Beautiful. I'm assuming this is just a coincidence?
kys faggot
Many good posts ITT. In addition to the matter of visibility at sea, many of the ornate coat-of-arms type flags were tied not to the nation but to the ruling dynasty, and so were often symbols of hatred for nationalists.
at least not a h*ngarian