Fighting Games General /fgg/
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I'm just disappointed that it's been this long and searches for Sakura cosplay don't have anyone in the SFV outfit yet.
Menat had cosplayers in the first 72h but then again she is a black qt.
first for our guy based chariot
I love Lei lei bros.
reminder than Brick > Broski
Play time manipulating boxer
now i gotcha
No, and I'm not rematching anyone with Supershit characters in their team either.
Play Lili
i hated when she said whoopsie
I quit playing her when her combos turned into awkward ff+3 shit and they removed the best outfit.
does anyone have the picture from that one time when someone here asked brick for his autograph and he penciled it in mspaint and uploaded it here
Anyone DOA5LR PS4 or Tekken 7 PC?
dbfz will save this mediocre general hopefully
Why does he get to have an infinite frame trap loop? And why does he have these hideous shoes?
did he write his name or just brick?
I'll play you if you buy T7 for me on steam
no wait.... don't, kekken suxx lmaoooo
No... Just no.
whats with all the hype around brick and broski? is that cause they're the only good players here who play on streams and go to events?
fake news
brick mis-spelled anonymous as "anonimous" in that photo and his handwriting looked much worse than yours
good effort tho
When you hear about a Sakura player who bodied MenaRD's 10-0 in a money match at Final Round next year that's me. That fucking gorilla is gonna pay for what he did to Tokido, Daigo, Kazunoko, Nemo, and so on.
Daily reminder
broski is the opposite of hype lmaooooooo
I believe in you.
zombies go home
Who is the most honest SFV character?
Why is Sakura a girl in SFV
wtf crapcom
don't worry, Fuudo will trample him if he gets in his way of choking in top 3
the BLACK bull known as rashid
What did he mean by this?
fucking none of them
not even my main
It's all because Sakura is a girl in Urusei Yatsura.
best girl*
Who is the most filtered trip on /fgg/?
Dank hopefully.
Certainly not dank
me because i btfo capcucks :)
they still reply to me though to try their luck but crawl back to the reddit filter in tears
you guys know that rashid and menat are not black right?
fake dank
Play Lili
how did broski go from being a virgin 4channer to a chad redditor?
neither is /fgg/
>sample size 18
yes they are
real dank already admitted he loves jive
that was a falseflagger
real real dank had a different tripcode back in the beta days
>Shit at fighting games
>Can't grow decent facial hair
It's not fair bros
>japanese cartoon website that filled up with 15 year old nazis in 2010 doesn't have black people on it
I miss when trihex used to speed run
real dank would use punctuation
wtf i love dabk now
dank is /our guy/
And Ryuunosuke is their Makoto.
Love you too dank
jesus christ has he really been at this for over 2 years?
Are all Birdie mans fat and disgusting?
based real dank
He knew.
I'm going to buy Punch Planet while it's on sale. Someone convince me not to
>I hate fun
We have to go back
To play the shitty games that suck ass
Are you the same guy who was counting down the days till dooberz with jiren posts
What happened to that. I wanted to see what was going to happen in the final 10 days.
I'm going to buy CSGO while it is on sale. Someone convince me not to
Except this place had loads blackaboos. And even /fgg/ has a lot of non white posters. They just don't trip and are generally the higher ranks, and don't shitpost as often.
It's not fun.
is this canon?
It's not fighting games and is filled with russian hacking
That wasn't me.
buy CS1, it's just 50 cents
>They are generally the higher ranks, and don't shitpost as often.
Hello fellow white man. I too believe this is the case.
I miss jango jango
Fantasy Strike exists.
Source2 is around the corner and will make csgo irrelevant
What has more players on steam right now Fantasy Strike, or BlazBlue CT (the first version from 10 years ago)?
Dabk souls 3
How do I get more motivated to play? Difficult to boot a fighter up after a day of work instead of something that requires less mental effort or focus.
Why is the word sniff thrown around so much around here?
or Punch Planet?
Which of these three games has the most players in fgg?
First mention in this thread, undercover sniffer
I lie down in bed with a blanket my laptop and wireless Dualshock and rankboar myself to sleep
Convince yourself by playing it at all will make you better at it, even if you spend an hour losing.
Ryu vs rashid is probably the most annoying thing i've ever played
Isn't it obvious?
>has he been at it for two years
no, the second dank had a different trip and got exposed
the third dank is roleplaying as a fake who got exposed
let that sink in
Whoever "reimagined" her for the CFN portraits should be fired.
Try being yourself, it worked for me bro :)
I said convince me not to buy punch planet. You're doing the opposite
Punch Planet I think has 3 /fgg/ players. Fantasy Strike has bureek. And maybe 2 other anons who never play it.
Nobody from here plays CT, they all play CF.