/brg/ - Battlerite general

Hard-earned swedish vacation edition.

>What is Battlerite?
Battlerite is a PvP arena brawler from the same company that made Bloodline Champions.

>Latest patchnotes

>Roadmap for 2017-2018

>Check your BR profile

>Character builds

>Get your free shit
pastebin.com/0zTkhPkd (embed)

>Newbie guides
pastebin.com/4tS737Y9 (embed)
pastebin.com/wTZaSWcs (embed)

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To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Rook's gameplay.
The timing is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of theoretical physics most of the knockbacks will go over a typical player's head.
There's also Ashka's autistic outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation - his personal philosophy draws heavily from Pompeii literature, for instance.
The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these balance changes, to realize that they're not just funny- they say something deep about PUBSTOMPING.
As a consequence people who dislike Raigon truly ARE subdiamonds- of course they wouldn't appreciate, for instance, the humour in Blossom's existencial catchphrase "Are you in heat?" which itself is a cryptic reference to Count Rumford's Laws of thermodynamics.
I'm smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated simpletons scratching their heads in confusion as SLS genius matchmaking unfolds itself on their screens.
What ols... how I pity them. And yes by the way, I DO have a dabbing Croak tattoo.
And no, you cannot see it. It's for the grand champions' eyes only- And even they have to demonstrate that they've as much pride and acomplishment as me (preferably higher) beforehand.

nice dead thread anons, i might as well ask some questions to get some possible thread activity going.
how often do patches come along in battlerite?
is the new ice chick worth dropping 5.8k tokens on?
can thorn get fucking nerfed yet?

champions and events every month, other - look up roadmap in OP. ice chick is fun, try her in practice see if you like her. thorn is fine.

>is the new ice chick worth dropping 5.8k tokens on?


just spend them on destiny if you don't have them yet

wew lad that's a pretty hot picture

Destiny is bretty gud

>xbox launch
what the hell?
playing this game on a console controller sounds like a very bad idea desu

is destiny that good?
i regularly see raigons and croaks shitting on her if she appears on their screens.

Thorn is the most broken melee in the game
Destiny is the most broken ranged melee support in the game.
Poloma is the most broken support in the game.

>thorn is fine

spotted the thorn apologists

microsoft game them money to do it. Ofc they couldn't refuse

>Poloma is broken xddd
I want this bad meme to end already.

She's one of the few ranged champions that can easily kite both Croak and Raigon, while also having absolutely absurd damage output. Her space is straight up broken, its only weakness being that it has no iframes, and don't get me started on the wall.

>t. guy climbing with Poloma out of gold

>destiny is broken
new ebin meme

>Throwing back snipes all days
>Denying access to orbs like a champ
>Bursting melees down like it's nothing
Why aren't you maining Oldur /brg/?

Destiny has the most absurd ability kit in the game.
She gathers everything wrong with several champions in one fine package.

You are either blind, low elo, climbing with Destiny or a contrarian.

>Poloma is literally fine for 1+ years
>f2p shitters arrive
>lol panic OP i cant play croak or the anime man xdd

t. 2v2 shitter. The fact that Averse can use her against NA shitters only proves how much of a joke NA scene is.

>implying that Poloma counters those 2 only
>implying I even play them

Yeah, yeah, you play with a broken character to climb it's ok user.

>Go into 2v2
>Raigon and Croak every game
>They just mongo my ranged out

Ah, yes, nice game.

I just realized Bakko is the Anti-Cancer.
He counters Poloma, Thorn, Raigon, Destiny and Shifu.

Yeah bakko is fun, he requires a bit more finesse to play than most other mongo melee due to his lack of sustain. He's one of the best champions in coordinated play for a reason.

I just destroyed a croak 1v1 3 times in a row.
He is my main from this day onward.

>33% damage reduction for his team
>Aoe incap
>Aoe Shielding
>Amazing peeling with his ex skills
>Amazing reflect shield that you need to respect


I bet he'll have the smuggest MVP quotes ever.

> yet ANOTHER fucking ranged character

why can't sls into supports? all you need is a m1 basic attack, a heal, a shield, a displace and an unique ult BAM

>Not mentioning how hilarious it is to charge someone into the far edges of the Death Vortex

he reminds me of david bowie
rest in peace

>Destiny and Jade in 2v2

Seriously, what to do in this situation.

Where is the porn at? Do devs feel they're entitled to my money if they aren't even willing to commission some hardcore pornography?

Simple, don't play 2v2.

Everybody keeps telling me this but isn't it flawed by design?
Why is the mode there then?

1 - it's easier to get into and easier for new players to understand
2 - it's more fun for casual players to pick up a single friend and go fuck around in 2's than it is for them to do 3's, and they CAN'T do ranked 3's with just two people by design of the game
3 - games are quicker due to needing to find less people for a match, though this one is a self-perpetuating problem, since 2v2 existing is why 3v3 queues are longer

Nah he's probably a support

Because some of us only have 1 friend

>we have to datamine the new champ because SLS has gone silent since F2P

mainly for variety sake and being able to fuck around with unbalanced combos with a friend if you're waiting on a 3 man team.
matches are quicker too, and it's possible to pull off 1v2s easier than doing them in 3v3s.
there's really no point in removing it currently unless you want battlerite to bleed even more players than it does nowadays.

I keep forgetting her name. Can someone help?

Then why is the balance so poorly done there?
Is it so hard to do 2 sets of champion balance like in League with the old dominion mode?



who is this artist?

My _main

Melee tend to be stronger in 2v2 because when they fuck up, there's less people to punish them. If you blow all your defensives as Rook in the middle of a Jade, Shifu and Pestilus, you're probably going to die. Less Likely to happen in 2's.

Flowcharting happens much more often. If he does X, I do Y, which means I do X, and now I have a chance to do Z for a brief window if I played my cards right before we start over. There's still lots of room for outplaying, but it can be very predictable after a while.

Less combos happen, and certain characters /almost/ don't work in 2v2. Lucie into two melee with a ranged ally is almost a death sentence.

There's a lot of mechanics to learn in 2's, you can still set up combos with other players, and learn how to outplay/time your abilities, but it's much more comp dependent than 3's is (though 3's can still be very dependent on actually getting a support in solo queue, which doesn't always happen).


>Want to play coordinated 3s
>All my retarded friends can't into this game
>Same people who say fighting games are "just button smashing"

The power of


It's all because there is less characters in the game.

One less person on your team means you are likely to get no healer, or get stuck with a character your character does not mesh with. You get Alysia Jumong vs Shifu Sirius? Too bad, get fucked.

Melee itself is stronger because they need to have multiple gapclosers/iframes/sustain to function in 3s, but when there is less people on the enemy team, you are punished a lot less for overextending.

Some characters rely on their team to be able to save them, or have skills that benefit a team better. This means some characters simply have less value in 2s, or don't work at all there. Jumong vs Double Melee, Bakko's supporting skills are less valuable with one less teammate to shield or AoE incap is less likely to hit two people. 2s is much more about the overall powerlevel of your specific character, rather than utility or supporting skills. It's why Freya can absolutely dominate in 2s, but in 3s she is hardly seen.

>>Same people who say fighting games are "just button smashing"
these are the same people who will, in the same breath, say you must play too much when you beat their invincible strategy of mashing buttons repeatedly
fuck you kevin

best cat


Does Alysia's F battlerite affect the ult or her entire kit?

Just the ult

>Angelo f Poison

>Has polymorph
>His Ult
I swear it better be a mass map change



>Has the same Try not to pee yourself line
>Might give lucie a sexy assistance skin
>Turning people to sheep

Alright /brg/ will he have an epic legendary skin that gives him a mask?

>New skin
>Lovely Assistant Lucie

> obvious attack M1
> some randumb shit probably buff/debuff
> illusion
> smokescreen
> polymorph
> another polymorph
> what the fuck is this even


Why only crook has legendary pose with music?

>Rook blows up all defensives, trying to hit based Jade
>Sirius, Ashka, wtf guys, why didn't punished?
>we did not agree on that in chat
True story from the middle of gold.

ok but real talk who gets the bunny suit costume


Ashka's gaming pose has sfx too

that'd be p cool

>m2 literally has 2 cards one for healing on for damage
>Probably makes a clone of himself and goes invisible or its a counter that makes him invisible
>Ex just makes him teleport
>Turn a motherfucker into a sheep
>Turn your ass into a bunny and gain iframes
>Change the map

>focus "x"
>take "x"

>Raigon 8/10 matches

>Focus the healer
>Healer is pearl
>He gets angry why I won't attack pearl when she has everything up


this is stupid and you should feel stupid

>Newer players never go for the orb

Why is he allowed to remain as it is right now?

You stop seeing him in diamond/high plat and see a fuck ton of ranged character like a lot of jade,destiny, and poloma

So I need to climb to that amount of elo before I start enjoying the game?

because outside of silver/gold he gets trashed by a lot of ranged characters that can kite him


>orb spawns
>someone ignores everything to get the orb while taking tons of damage or leaving the team behind

>Having trouble with raigon
Tell me where do you have trouble with him because he is atm the 2nd weakest melee

In 2v2 mostly.
>2nd weakest

Not a millestone considering Thorn is twice as good as any melee in 3v3 and nobody can beat Shifu 1v1.

I'm playing in 3v3 against Destiny+Thorn+something else every game what the fuck is this shit.

As much I hate to say it Destiny and thorn are fucking amazing solo que climbers because if they are played well they can very easily carry a team

Luckily I'm just playing Bakko and making their life a honest nightmare tbqh but it's just boring to play against them all the time.

draw genderbent raigon or jumong pls


is she going to sneeze

>genderbent raigon
>Not genderbent rook

ashka is the cutest

At this point if they made a female Croak skin she better have a duck face pose

>all this focus on fluff and skins and SLS still hasn't made any genderbent ones

EU Battlerekt in like 10 minutes
get in here fags twitch tv/nge

Is this a tournament?

like fem pestilius

Darth Obesitus

Alright, thanks. I'm curious to see how the game looks at a high level.

got it right pal

>Pestileus is literally old blood priest model

guess the champ

protip: not a support