Socrates, Plato, Aristotle. Which one of them had the biggest impact on the world? Who is your favourite? What is their most profound works in your opinion?
Socrates, Plato, Aristotle. Which one of them had the biggest impact on the world? Who is your favourite...
Probably Aristotle considering how long his thought has dominated philosophy and how it's even making a resurgence. He's also my favorite so I'm biased.
resurgence where?
Delete your own thread and spare yourself the embarrassment.
idgaf, it's just semantics cause you know exactly what I meant
In how we understand kinds and essence as being natural, which I think a lot of philosophers have been adopting as science continues to become more and more relevant in philosophy. While their works are a little older, Kripke and Putnam come to mind.
Aristotle, obviously.
Aristotle is the dealer, but Plato is that guy that gives you your first joint.
Aristotle is my overall favorite, though how I answer the rest of the questions depends on what conclusions I come to about Neo-Platonism, of which I have not yet arrived at.
Tentative case of either The Organon, or maybe Parmenides.
ayn rand
Socrates is the only one whoever came close to the truth. Plato and Aristotle fundementaly missed the point of his writings.
Also, how could Plato miss the point of Socrate's ideas if almost everything we know about Socrates comes from Plato's writings?
Because Socrates believed in forms. Plato took it too far. Of course, all of them were wrong in the end because Stirner described philosophy as far as its yet been taken.
Most of what we even know about Socrates was through the writings of Plato, Xenophon and other contemporaries. He wrote almost nothing down personally.
There's been some debate about how much of Socrates is a real person and how much is just Plato using him as a character in analogy.
Aristotle is best Greek.
I like Plato more than Aristotle.
I also think the right interpretation of Plato's work comes from the Marburg school.
>I am reading Philebos atm and holy fuck, Aristotle just copied so much from there and pasted it into the NE
hi every1 im edgy!!!!!!! holds up spook my name is johann caspar but u can call me M4X 5T1RN3R!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very egoistic!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me bcuz othing is more 2 me than myself _… im 208 years old (im totally not outdated 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 rant about young hegelians w/ my boyfreind nietzsche (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) they're our least favorite philosophers!!! bcuz they're SOOOO SPOOKY!!!! Feuerbach's random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl (no marxists tho pls) =) like they say the less concern i have the better!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of fanbois here so give me lots of your juvenile edgy nihilistic bullshit!!!!
Virtue Ethics since Anscombe's Modern Moral Philosophy, duh
>Which one of them had the biggest impact on the world?
Jesus Christ
Plato on philosophy, Aristotle on the world
>Le spook man's middle name was Casper
Directly or indirectly, Aristotle and Plato, starters of the two dominant tendencies in western philosophy, both came after Socrate's teachings. I consider him the father of European thought, even if what we know came from Plato's dialogues.