>You can change the outcome of any event in history by sending a letter no longer than 20 words to a person
When and to whom do you send it?
>You can change the outcome of any event in history by sending a letter no longer than 20 words to a person
When and to whom do you send it?
Other urls found in this thread:
Dear, Hitler.
Abandon Italy, NOW. They're a dead weight and will cost you the war. p.s Kill Rommel.
Can I draw stuff too?
Dear Driver of Franz Ferdinand,
Here is a basic map of Sarajevo:
(crude map of the streets he was supposed to drive on).
>Costing Germany the war
uwotm8? I mean sure, they were ineffective, but they weren't a net minus. Germany loses even faster without them as the British can now ship things through the Med instead of going all the way around Africa, and can base heavy bombers in places like Cyprus without worry, giving you more of a fighter stretch to defend against strat bombing.
If not, then:
Dear Pourtalès,
Think about what Sazonov said again, he literally said Russia will only go to war if Austria ANNEXES Serbia.
Dear Barbarossa,
learn to swim.
Dear {mothers name}
Please get an abortion
Eyo Trotsky,
Stalin will kill your shit for real, best get him first nigga.
P.S. Dope beard my man, peace.
They would have been better off allying with Spain. If Spain is in the Axis, Gibraltar will fall easily, and then the Mediterranean is practically inaccessible for the Allied Powers.
Dear Augustus
Sack Arminius, he's a fag.
>They would have been better off allying with Spain.
Not necessarily. For starter,s Spain's economy is a little more than a quarter of Italy's. Secondly they were just out of a bad civil war, and there's still a lot of lingering resentment, which I'm sure the British or other allies can take advantage of, sponsoring anti-Franco elements.
Thirdly, and probably most important, is that Gibraltar only closes the western side of the Med, as long as the British still control Egypt, they can come in through Suez. Hell, most of their actual supply and troop deliveries to the MTO were done through Suez anyway, as it was considered risky to try to run the gauntlet through Italian planes and ships.
The main strategic consequences of Axis forces controlling The Rock were always insofar as how the Italian fleet could come out to play in the Atlantic, instead of being bottled up in the Med. If you trade the Italians for the Spanish, you give up all those modern battleships, and instead have something like 6 cruisers. A bit of an annoyance, but hardly much that will slow the British convoy war down, or help you support a sealion.
I think that's the point or did you want Hitler to win?
>"manage" to "conquer" abyssinia and claim it's a great accomplishment
>lose against greece, a nation a tenth of the size of Italy
>lose against british garrisons in egypt
>can't even defend libya
>can't even defend sicily
>somehow manage to lose the mainland invasion
>greadest ally
Had Germany not had to bail Italy oht of literally every military conflict it attempted they'd have captured Moscow and killed uncle Joe.
Don't trust Mitsuhide.
The Tokugawa are pulling the strings.
Dear Hitler,
Don't annex the Danzing. Bide your time and take what you can get.
A friend.
Some of you guys are alright, don't go to the senate on the 15th of March
Fucking kek
There will be unusual solar wind activity this september 11.
Please shut down your radars and defenses for the time being or else they will be severely damaged.
Dear Kaiser Wilhelm,
Do NOT invade Belgium at all costs. Instead focus on bolstering defenses along the Maginot line, and take the rest of the effort to putting Russia out of the war.
Dear, anonymous letter writer.
Your "plan" led to France pushing to the Rhine, fuck you.
You'd have to pass through the Maginot line first to get the the Rhine. Unless of course, France invaded Luxembourg.
Gas all liberals
Germany couldn't build a reverse maginot line on the scale of the actual maginot line and doing so would ruin a lot of prime German land with trenches.
But I thought the Maginot line was a no man's land on both sides?
I mean I know the French obviously were more fortified, but I thought the Germans still had in place formidable defenses as well.
Nope. Germans had sandbags and shit but the thing about the magnipt line was it was static as fuck, had the Frogs advanced they'd have come out of their fortified position, giving away their advantage.
>Had Germany not had to bail Italy oht of literally every military conflict it attempted they'd have captured Moscow and killed uncle Joe.
Nah, they couldn't manage to keep pushing forward in Typhoon, and somehow, I doubt the extra 3 divisions that were committed to North Africa would have made the difference.
Look instead at German deployment when Italy bowed out of the war. You have almost a fifth of the Heer taking up garrison duties in backwater places that the Italians used to be handling. Without Italy along, those garrisons need to be there, from the start, which means you have less troops, not more, for a push in Russia.
.t retards who don't know that the Maginot line DIDN'T FUCKING EXIST IN WW1.
Both Rommel and Guderian agreed that had they had the panzers from north Africa they'd have been able to push into Moscow.
>Abandon Italy, NOW. They're a dead weight and will cost you the war.
Italy was bad, but Japan was worse. They dragged Germany into a war with the U.S and refused to help out in Siberia against the Russians.
Definitely bait.
>the danzing
Dear Truman
Don't stop at Berlin. Let Eisenhower take it all the way to moscow. More lives would be saved long term
Dear Austrian Royals,
Some of you are alright, don't go to Sarajevo tomorrow.
not that guy but i thought it didnt. am i wrong?
Considering that by the time Typhoon was being launched, they were down to about 400 tanks, of which about 150 were Italian and another 70 were obsolescant Pz2s, you'll forgive me if I take that with a large grain of salt.
Doubly so when they weren't able to get enough fuel and ammo to the forces they had in theater, so adding more would presumably simply exacerbate their supply problems.
>The line was built in several phases from 1930 by the Service Technique du Génie (STG) overseen by Commission d'Organisation des Régions Fortifiées (CORF). The main construction was largely completed by 1939, at a cost of around 3 billion French francs.
Fw: Churchill, Montgomery
Of course it did. Leading up to WW1 the white flags feares Germany so they built up the Maginot line.
If it didn't exist, then why the hell did Germany invade another country just to attack France from the north when they knew that it would be risky? Because it was still better then sending all their troops to almost certain death.
Dear Churchill
Surrender, the UK will be worse off for winning the war than losing. Please seek peace with Germany.
Hmmm.. Then maybe it wasn't called the Maginot line at the time, but the alsace-lorraine region was definitely fortified to hell during WW1.
People like you shouldnt be allowed there
I bet you also think Russia and France were the ones to declare war on Germany in 1914...
Yeah... No. Kill yourself. You probably voted for Hillary you dumb shill.
Nearing that get...
Fuck Germany
I have two idea.s
1) A letter to Abraham Lincoln telling him to send the freed slaves back to Africa and to not attend the play.
2) A letter to JFK telling him not to lower our immigration standards in 1965
World war 3 next week.
The defeat of Germany was the single worst thing that could possibly have happened to western civilisation. The influence of "egalitarian" communism, funded by the Soviet Jews have brought our civilisation, now, to the point where we are removing children's genitals when they say they "identify as another gender". Say what you want about how Hitler did it, but you can't deny removing the Jews needed to be and indeed still does need to be done, as it stands our society is more or less destroyed, we have men humping each other in the streets, Canads recently legalised beastiality. If you could show the soldiers who participated in d-day what our world would become a mere 70 years later they'd have turned round and shot their commanding officers. I guarantee it.
An easy way to have impact is by sending military intelligence, like coordinates.
shit get tbqh
Sad thing about this, it is probably true.
>tfw /pol/ took both our gets
Praise kek
t. Ivan Kulakovich
Of course they did.
Low quality posts require no effort and can thereby be spammed easily, which maximizes the chance to get gets.
/pol/ is only capable of posting those low quality posts.
True Veeky Forums posters post slowly, because research, weighing arguments and writing elaborate, yet concise posts takes a long time, so they are unlikely to get gets.
These digits can't lie....
We are truly Kek' chosen people
Dear Abe, Yahweh here, don't leave Ur and kys. Deus vult. Lots of love, God.
Dear bastard of Nazareth
Dear Alexander, King of Macedon, Lord of Asia,
Have Kassander strangled. He means to poison you by his brother.
Dear Michael Collins,
Dear Marx, kys.
World saved.
Dear Maximilien,
Say the names of the traitors.
Long live the Republic of Virtue.
>Dear Kaiser Wilhelm
>focus on bolstering defenses along the Maginot line
Retardation at its finest
Herr Hitler
tell japan to help you against russia and tell them to not attack the US
dear adolf,
opt for humanities instead - arts are for junkies and underachieving teens
also, people in 2016 say there's nothing wrong with being a jew, a homo, a negro, a gypsy, a woman and some even say it's almost acceptable to be a russian
so get on with the times, grandpa - in the future, it's the current year ffs
Dear Jesus,
You should ditch the donkey and ride Mary Magdalene's ass instead. Get laid, pussy.
a concerned student
Dear Jules,
no, seriously, beware the ides of march. Take your fucking lictors with you
Dear Aurelian,
Listen, you nigger, the museum of Alexandria is a good thing. research is good.
>hitler did nothing wrong
Obviously? I thought this was common knowledge on this site. No self respecting Western white man wants to see his homeland invaded by Negroes and wild jahooties.
What an absolutely disgusting image. I hope Russia liberates Europe.
Even if you 100% support his beliefs Hitler did a ton of shit wrong. There's numerous political and strategic mistakes he made.
Date: October 13, 1066
Dear, Duke William II
Don't do it. By conquering and subjugating the Anglos you will eventually birth liberal democracy and anti-kin selective altruism that will ultimately destroy the Western world. Unless you want your descendants to be negroes and muslims, do not invade the island. Invade Brittany instead.
Dear napoopan
Dont replace the spanish king
Kill talleyrand
Fill metal casings with sulphur
I love you xoxo
Good choice, my man.
Dear Patton
Keep going and take Russia
Dear Hitler,
The Jews are cool, kill niggers instead.
Love, your niece
You mean:
Dear Hitler,
Stop being a tard and keep bombing Brittania. Invading Russia is a waste of time.
Literally the only two things I would change about US history, I dont even give a fuck about the fed income tax.
>To Hamilton/Madison/anyone who will listen
>put an explicit clause about secession in the Constitution
>literally anything
Dear Varus
You'll be ambushed by an army commanded by a traitor
Dear Montezuma,
Treat your neighbors better
>the right of secession for intolerable oppression is another name only for revolution.
that would have made the south use a different word, but I think civil war would still have been a likely way for slavery North/South to play out.
Dear Comrade Andropov
Kill Gorbachev and stop the Pope coming to Poland. They fuck up everything.
we get the best digits,folks
We need more men like you
Checked and well put tbqh
I'd write to Augustus and explain sanitation or some other tech.
Soup is better
Dear Rome, I have attached some blueprints for the AK-47.
P.S. Please destroy the Arabs
Dear me,
Here are the lottery numbers of [date]: [numbers]
You'd need a very large tome explaining everything from Cordite to heat treatment let alone the machines that go into stamping the magazines alone. Those were electric too.
Did the romans even have the spring? Surely not.
Dear Lenin
Check your brain with regularity, and shoot Trotsky and Staly
Yours Truly
Sorry Jews, can't argue with those digits.
Dear, God
Earth was a waste of time.