/assg/ - Asymmetrical Slasher Series General

Don't let the thread die next time edition.

>What is Dead by Daylight?
Asymmetrical multiplayer slasher game where 4 survivors scramble to fix 5 generators while 1 killer wants to sacrifice all of them.

>What is Friday the 13th?
A slasher game featuring Jason and counselors. 7 counselors with different stats try to escape the camp while Jason kills them one by one.

>What is Last Year?
In development. Class based with weaker killers. Beta Delayed yet again.

>Steam Group

>Latest Patch Notes (DbD)

>Skill Check Simulator (DbD)

1st for doctor is the best killer


Best boy!


Double bp!

Wet AJ swimsuit butt?

>Twitchfag in the lobby
>Missed what bullshit he wrote in pre-game chat
>Start match
>LF spotted and managed hit me
>Shitter meg turned his attention to her
>She fell off in seconds
>LF trying hook her into the basement
>Getting down to unhook her with BT in order to avoid Bubba's memebasement
>Ignores us and goes straight to the tfag hunt
>Hooked and camped
>Take advantage to repair another gen while others doing nothing
>Tfag died
>I warned LF of me and loop him into palletown
>He becomes friendly and look for farming
>Followed his game slightly for the other ones can repair
>No one has repaired any gen in all of that time
>The ineptness of my mates dissapoints me but still trust them
>Got turn aside his attention to other one to be able to repair
>LF hook to that other one
>Got me bored of everything and played his game

After of it, I realize that they were an 3-man swf, practically doing cheating and don't managed to survive pfff.
Why do lone survivors have to endure all this shit?
I was reported btw

>trying to avoid ranking up
>4 man swf with flashlight in the lobby
>well it can't be that bad
>game starts
>emote spamming
>two of them actually die in the hook
>slug two of them
>none of them bring party streamers
>only 1 gen done so no one gets the hatch
>they get to lose their items
well, I guess it was a happy ending for me


>When they're so scared of you they dead hard even though they're completely safe at the exit but just really wanted to get those extra steps away from you

So rare these moments, but boy do they feel good.

>game starts
>LF gets looped long enough for a gen to get done
>3 pop all at once as he's chasing one guy
>see them run off into the distance
>another minute or so passes, guy isn't down still
>game ends

Poor LF :[

I do it in case of latency. I've been fucked at the exit gates by lagswitchers before.

Well I was a myers so I'm going to assume THEY WHERE AFRAID.


>tfw you whip out the the tombstone at a gate bagging Claudette

No! Bad David!

I love the Doctor. I got 170k BP from one match with streamers. DAMN.

everyone's playin doc and it's wonderful


Wait for it......


>tfw south american

none of the cucks in my games bring party streamers.

The Twitch streamer and his friends are cringy assholes but working with the killer like that stays a dick move.

from where do all these literally who streamers come from?
not to mention each one of them is a diva with a huge ego

how high does repair speed stack to?
Will socket swivels improve a engineer toolbox?

What's a good perk to go with Thrill/Distriressing/BBQ on LF or Dr for BP farming?

are thrill and distressing like bbq where you get the points post game?

Killer mains, do you prefer to be the seeker when playing hide and go seek?

>mfw my fps slows to a crawl when someone thickens the fog even on 0% resolution and low settings

Best devs ever.

Is Speed Limiter even worth it for this event?
The nerf that do in the chainsaws isn't any good...

You mean Dead 'ard

fuck I forgot to make it spoiler. I was too antsy to post it!

best girl

>solo-queing vs Hag
>by the time the gens are done she's only gotten two hooks
>Bill gets caught and hooked
>save him as the Hag goes to the gate and catches Claudette
>Hag immediately returns to the gate after hooking her and chases Bill out
>unhook Claudette and run ahead to take a hit for her
>get downed instantly
>fucking Devour Hope
>hooks me and chases Claudette, who stayed by the hook healing for some reason
>think it's all over as I struggle
>Claudette runs toward me with Hag trailing behind
>guess we're both dead
>Claudette manages to unhook me before going down
>run through the jungle gym
>manage to evade her for a while
>suddenly Claudette gets back up
>fucking Unbreakable
>pallet stun Hag as she rounds a corner
>we both make it out the gate

Normally hate that perk but that was pretty nice timing.

Thrill: Gain 6/8/10 % more Bloodpoints IconHelp bloodpoints.png for actions in the Hunter category for each Token.

Distress: Gain 50/75/100 % more Bloodpoints IconHelp bloodpoints.png for actions in the Deviousness category.

Some of these achievements are insane. How would you ever get "Where did they go?!" without getting extremely lucky and also coordinating with survivors?

You just answered youe own question.


>Want to level Bill for borrowed time teachable
>Know I'll start getting Left Behind in my bloodwebs then

That's pretty ugly desu.


Just give killers a stack of bloodlust after the stun on decisive strike ends. Boom. It's a little less fucking lame to go against.

>Want to farm
>Got all my party streamers and shit
>Using dreamlet or doc
>Been try harding all night without meaning to
>Went from rank 18 to 10

2k with everyone at death hook, 3k or 4k all fucking night. I should learn to have fun. But the moment I get someone teabagging or being a shitter I just go full asshole on them.

I hope firecrackers become a staple item in Dead by Daylight. Yes, they're one use, but considering most people are going to lose their items in one game anyway, why not have more effective but limited gear like that? Blind the shit out of a killer without needing to stop in place and aim a flashlight at them? I love that shit.

Most of the ".tvv"/"twitch/" guys either aren't even live or stream for 0-3 people. I guess they thought that twitch was easy money and dbd is in the top 20 watched games, so they'd get attention, a lot of these guys I see haven't even broken the 50 hour mark yet. But they're usually some guy with a shitty webcam staring with dead eyes muted by his obnoxiously loud electronic music or just not talking at all except for grunting.

SWF. I'm sure most people get it that way.

Any tips for LF? he is awful to play against anyone who has decent knowledge of the game.

Update: I ran into him again, as result, more cringy than ever

Window and pallets destroy him, haste-based perks too.
If he hooks you in the basement you're died man, only a well-used BT and a brainless LF can getting you free of that hassel.


>burn my only streamers
>get a bunch of immersed as fuck survivors that rush the gens and escape in 5 minutes barely getting caught
>no one gets any points


>get hooked
>no one comes for even after another person gets downed
>other two fucks are running around looking for the ruin totem
>go into struggle state
>Jake only unhooks me at the last possible second when the killer is literally right there
>killer smashes my face in
>2 bloody party streamers but only manage to make 7000 points


>bring party streamers to 3 different matches
>eboni mori all 3 matches

>playing Billy on Haddonfield for my daily
>catch a Meg early, on the hook she goes
>find Claude lurking nearby, gets herself chainsawed thanks to a fence
>David 1 has a go of it, gets hooked behind some houses
>chainsaw off into the distance, accidentally hit David 2
>no-one got unhooked
>match is over in ~7 minutes
>check their profiles
>3 of them had under 40 hours
I felt kinda bad but how can you just let a situation like that go?

should've let the last of them wiggle out next to all the hooked survivors. farm more bp off them. noob move on your part.

Wookin' menthol what these surVIVors have to work with.


To be fair, some survs will start t-bagging, believing they're outplaying the killer every time a killer lets them go on purpose. They gotta learn this ain't Mr. Nice Guy first.

So are there some predetermined places the hatch can spawn in each map? Whenever I'm at the Swamp I see the hatch either spawning at the edges, inside the big building if it's the Pantry or that small building that has a little passage with pallets underneath it. Same with Badham, where 2 out of 3 times I see it spawning near Freddo's kiddie fiddling room.

>getting triggered by teabagging
>not letting your prey go
>not toying with them
>not letting them think they're good but then dashing that thought
>not getting a 4k while messing with the survivors all match
And you were facing noobs too.

I'm not the same guy you replied to before, and I understand your point, but still. I had a guy think he was hot shit for "evading me" in post-chat because I whiffed a couple of hits, even though he missed a DS and then died on his first hook. If they think they're hot shit, nothing but a thorough beating can stop that delusion.

>want to get NOED with Dreamlet
>Only lvl 1 NOED has appeared
>Overcharge is in my Bloodweb every single time I level up

I ended up just taking it up to lvl 3 just so it fucking stops. Goddamn I hate this RNG bullshit.

people using moris and bnps right now deserve getting their savefiles deleted

are you angry my dude

No, I haven't even played since double BP started. But this game has a big number of people that just want to ruin shit for others.

>ebony mori on doctor

The worst is when you listen in and they don't even know the game mechanics yet talk shit to their audience of 5. And they lap it all up too.

>Rick and Morty hat

You can't make this shit up

I'm the only one here too smart for using whispers? literally a meme perk.


This makes people even more mad than when they get camped

>280 hours
>no rank 1 cheevo for killer
I don't know man, I just stop playing after 10.

It's one of those perks that decreases in value as you get more experienced. It often helps me not waste my time and also track down that last survivor.

>survivors not using party streamers
yeah, I only kill 2 or slug all 4, I ain't ranking up for this shit.

I only use it on Trapper so little shits don't snitch on my traps to their discord buddies.

>bring party streamer and rare addons
>2 people dc in the loading screen

Chad in DBD when ?

I want a character who can fuck survivor as much as the killer. With perk like closing the door behind him or shit like that

>bring 2 party streamers
>only 3 of us load in
>Billy downs Ace then face camps him, hitting him the entire time
>then goes hard as fuck on me and Nea
>we get shit for points and Billy gets about 9000
>leaves immediately

People are idiots.

For the love of fuck BHVR fix these hit boxes.

>no party streamer
>taunting me all game
yeah, you know the drill, no party streamer, no mercy.

>everyone playing killer for extra BP
>waiting for lobbies takes three times as long
>This only ever happens during double BP
Really makes me think

Every match so far has either been the killer tryharding with a mori when we've popped two streamers or the killer dc'ing in the beginning when we've popped 3 to 4 of them.

this artwork is so unbelievably ugly

Killers prefer to saltmine farming survivors rather than actually farming themselves and getting points. The community is far too broken to not be a dick in these times.

I haven't had issues at rank 5. And I haven't even run into any Doctors, weirdly. I've had almost entirely Billies and Wraiths.

Don't play anything with more than 120 ping.

Actually I've had a few matches now where the killer just wanted to farm. Guess I'm lucky?

Also I've been playing David and running t3 WGLF, but would I get more points trying to farm as a new Doctor with no perks? I've never really played Killer.

It’s almost like killer isn’t fun.

how do I huntress?

bait them into pallet looping and hit them with your throwing hatchets when they're stuck in animation
if they don't just bloodlust their asses

>Play first double BP game as Doc with BBQ, Distressing, and 25% bonus to deviousness offering
>100k+ BP from a 4k because the survivors are altruistic retards who unhook in my face without realizing i can pull people off

I want to rank down but I can't stop tryharding and keep ranking up with FUCKING DREAMLET

>alright no killing this time!
>game starts
>random faggot starts spamming the flashlight button when I get near him

why's'the fuck would you use dreamlet to tryhard

Because he sucks, so I figured that even if I tryharded I'd rank down, but everyone just keeps playing so badly. I'm not that high-rank either, I'm in 10, but when even SWF teams with two red ranks, one purple and another green STILL KEEP PLAYING LIKE SHIT, then I just want to punish their bad plays.

>doing what he wants
You guys are too easy.

You shouldn't have been so toxic in the past :)

Every time I have one of those faggots I try to ignore them the best I can, but then they start getting literally in front of you. Most of the time they die first. A lot of them think their flashlight and running to pallets is enough.