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mcanning 4 lyfe


slow night...

I'm still here, was just gaming
gonna get back to it if you don't mind..

don't let me stop you

Holy shit this game is dead

day 2 qualified players
Solar NoRegreT Losira SortOf RagnaroK ByuL Leenock
Maru KeeN jjakji ByuN Bunny
Billowy Zest Trust Hurricane

the game is very much alive. gsl code a quals have been going on along with iem and wesg. you must not pay attention


SUP dudesters

ah... the tooner makes an appearance...


my soul might be trapped here


you fucking faggg!!!! STOP

goodness gracious, someone's flustered

seriously chill out

beef stew

the beef is definitely stewing with that tooner

ara ara

gook gook

I gotta take a shit but I ain't wanna get up

don't blow out the bed


i'm gonna do a little online shopping before i hit the hay...

you gonna get some gifts for people
i didnt get nothing for nobody but now i feel bad... maybe i should do online shopping but maybe it's too late

you could claim kwanza presents for them my brother

no i'm not shopping for anyone. i'll sleep now. i got distracted again

i can't sleep now



hmm kinda feel like jav today

gonna eat a BURGER
I'll head to sleep in a bit

corsair cup in like 4 hours

actually its more like 3 hours from now

awake again =(