/wowg/ - World of Warcraft General

Take your meds Edition

- Wyrmrest Accord (US - Horde)
- Argent Dawn (EU - Alliance)

>General Resources:

>WoW Token Price:

>Blood of Sargeras to gold:
US: rodent.io/blood-money
EU: rodent.io/blood-money-eu/


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take your meds

how do i cheer up my guild leader?

Why are horde players so cringe?



tell him hes a faggot and /gquit and farm mounts and toys while doing LFR for a living

Cock --------> mouth

>one simple bait later


>Join RP guild
>"I promise it's not just elf bitching in a circle"
>First RP event
>Elf bitching in a circle
>Second RP event
>Elf bitching in a smaller circle while some members form a larger circle but aren't involved no matter how many interactions they try to make
>Third RP event
>Elf bitching in a smaller circle while some members form a larger circle but aren't involved no matter how many interactions they try to make while some members form an even larger circle but aren't involved in either circle no matter how many interactions they try to make
What do RP servers mean by this?

Sure they're cute when you first meet em, but once you knock em up and they start popping out little monsters they turn into disgusting dumpy goblins faster than you can blink.

post your future void elf

settle down and take your meds



>preorder STILL not announced

Join Alliance, so you can get different races bitching in a circle

Wait until after they get back from Holiday. I can safely say that it'll go live just in time for the next patch which will incentivize it with the four allied races as preorders.

Why are these threads bad during euro hours?

>its ANOTHER blood elf female rogue with a rough childhood and dead parents who's always super cynical

they're bad regardless of the time of day

makes me want to make a male blood elf rogue who had a super pampered childhood and now his job is assassinating parents of female blood elves

And? Is that supposed to somehow wound me?

>not playing a leather class for male slutmogs

Replace Blood Elf with any race and Rogue with any class and that's the entirety of the current RP community.

Men look so much better in real armor. It projects so much power.

foar the alliance >:3

This somehow sounds more boring. I can't fucking wait for Allied races so there will at least be two kinds of elves, some Zandalari, and a few straight backed Orcs.

But you're not wearing armor..

>Nightborne Warlock
>Void Elf Warrior
>Lightforged Mage
>Highmountain Hunter
Thoughts? Should I change something? These are the classes that I am going to level up in BfA.

I've always been a fan of characters with happy childhoods whose problems are entirely their own fault.

I mean, not even for contrarian reasons. A decent childhood means it's easy to pull things out from a backstory and self-caused issues are more interesting to roleplay since they're easy to play up even when there's absolutely nothing that'd bring them up.

Do I make my worgen druid male or female?
Mostly gonna heal and maybe try feral too.

>Void Elf Warrior
Read my mind, once I saw the blink I knew just a standard warrior blinking around was going to be the closest I got to Blademaster.

add - Sargeras (US - Alliance) the next OP

>brainlets still think the velf racial is a blink

Wasn't me m9. I've been murdering rare elites while listening to electronica.

>tfw only play panda and have never cared about racials
feels good

>Want to come back because apparently 7.2 fixed 10minute loading screens
>Immediately learn that 7.3 broke it again
Its retarded how a cartoon game from 2004 requires you to have 20gb of ram and an SSD.

>this huln highmountain storyline
literally fanficttion tier shit

>Walk into my order hall (priest)
>Usually see a lot of NElves and BElves, probably the most popular races for priests
>Keep seeing Mythic geared panders, over 960ilvl

did you say mythic geared panders??

Are you enjoying suddenly being absolutely horrendously broken out of nowhere thanks to your tier set

That's a furry warrior

>go to priest order hall
>almost always the only male character there

i am very clearly a warrior
my pal who's been a ww since forever certainly does though
he's very crazy about parsing/performance so he's having the time of his life

Do I get Loremaster on the character with the most quests completed, or on a warrior for the transmog?

Are worgen getting improved models in bfa?

RP is a cool concept but its the people that ruin it

Yes. Was confirmed @ Blizzcon

Yes but not at release, probably 8.1 or 8.2

Quick, do I make a female Draenei Paladin and Male Lightforged Priest or vice versa?!

Draenei Demon Hunters when?
It's aesthetic AF.
Also 5'11" vs 6'

Any pics or just a 'soon tm'

Fem paly

They said it at blizzcon

Just flip a coin senpai


I dont have any because I only pay with my credit card.

"When we have the time"

Nice reading comprehension.

Post your favorite mage tower artifact skin

So i know which one i should buy a boost for before next expansion hits :^)

>Notice this too so make my Rogue backstory a character that just liked tales of spying and assassination and wanted to be like them.

Its nice since she is somewhat of an open book its easier to not RP yourself into a trap that goes against the character.

Also do i dare hit the find group button. Or should i just queue for the other 2.

>even considering playing female worgen

Postyour card number and expiary date. If the last number is even go female.

they are

>gnome players

Approx. how many quests are required for Loremaster?

Should I do it on my hunter for transmog? Or on another character for The Seeker title?

Are you the guy who /pated me, said that I would be cuter if i was a male and then told me to go away this morning?

Why are you asking me instead of answering my question!? Baka...

>Dark iron dwarves
>Lightforged draenei
>Void Elves


>tfw you can't summon a succubus(male)

tfw balance druid is actually the most fun caster this expac. I feel bad for falling for preacher memes.

imagine not having flying yet
imagine being me

>I feel bad for falling for preacher memes.
if you mean preach the youtuber
that guy doesn't even play the game
disregard everything he says

>mfw two orange parses on normal eonar


why are you such a slacker senpai? It's been like 6 months.

>tfw rank 20 world on mythic eonar without an optimal aoe setup

I only resubbed like two weeks ago

This was me last week, except with Highmountain complete and nothing else.

>please carry me I have autism
>please carry me I don't have friends
Which one will attract more people to my pug?

How similar is feral to rogue?

what are you pugging

uhhhh more???

>Or should i just queue for the other 2.
yes. HoL is relatively short, UP is a-OK too.

He has been right for many things in the past tho. And he mained druid before Legion released so I kinda assumed he knew what he was talking about.

Normal Antorus, some user yesterday told us it could work even asking for 950+

It's like a weird 4th rogue spec with extra kot form.

Why does WoW have so many people that can't just let go of the game or take a break?

I swear like half of the people complaining on forums haven't even played legion.



>965 neck drops from Argus
>already using Prydaz
>someone asks if he can have neck
>tell him no

Was I in the wrong? As great as Prydaz is, I don't want to be my permanent neck and lego slot... especially when I have 13 legos.

god nightborne fit me so much because
>high IQ
>always know what to say and how to win arguements
>grew up in big cities so I know my way around
>love to play oppressed darker skinned races
>purple is my favorite color
>LOVE to get wasted on wine and cider
I cant freaking wait.


Why even log on with no mommy to rape me in public?

>tfw getting selected to go in the eye in the kilrogg fight since was ret, knew how to play and had really good burst
I miss that fight, made you feel special

Imagine being this desperate for (You)s.

>replying pasta


High Command pods are like that now.

except in reverse
high command pods make your dps go down