Was he right?

Was he right?

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yes. No one wants to admit it, but sub saharan africans are retards and any way you cut it, theres a certain white mans burden to it to help them out. they were still in the stone age during the fucking 1800s

of course

every experiment has proven him right so far

>never accept them as equals or they will devour you
Why? It would be interesting to know the psychology behind this.

Sub ethnicity maybe

If i were to raise a black child hed perform excellently


He was a visionary
Look at Detroit

I think that quote is fake.

Well, it's good thing I.Q. isn't the measure of true intelligence let alone success in life.

retaining master status is useful in any situation with any race

The only reason why africans have such low IQs is because generations of poor nutrition.

I do not know about IQ shit, but I do know that treating people that way will never make them part of your civilization and they will always seem like savages to you

>t. low IQ

So what would your black child perform ? If he's like the average adopted black person, he will have inferior academic and economic success, compared to the average adopted white person.
And how excellently, if no measure is valid ?

Will he be a champion athlete ? Because you know, athletic contests only measure the ability to win such contests, not actual physical abilities.

What are the IQ numbers of black people with PhDs?

That's extremely debatable though. Have you ever read The Bell Curve?

Did it even measure their life success? It seemed to just more their I.Q.
>What would your black child perform?
Why are you asking me this question in the context of a study who's results I don't care for since it has no implication of their actual success? Are you stupid?

>populations of a species that are seperated in radically different geographic climates for tens of thousands of years end up with significant genetic and, by extension, functional differences between them
It boggles my mind that some people deny this.

Some of it. Have you ever read work by David Shenk and other cognitive psychologists and neuroscientists?

he wasn't, he had those beliefs because he only interacted with early post-colonisation people, you just have to look at africa now to see africans have proved him wrong by wisely investing foreing aid and building safe, wealthy, prosperous countries with their hard work and discipline in the decades after he said this

of course

>IQ isn't the measure of true intelligence let alone success in life
It is.


>It boggles my mind that some people deny this.
Does it? There are considerable political implications that make it a pretty easy untruth to believe.

I think it is because they know black people that seem quite normal to them. I have literally never talked to a black man (they just recently arrived to my country) but Will Smith doesn't look retarded to me in his movies.

I'm asking you to explain and back up your initial assertion. Why do you ask why ?

Well, your post was poorly written and hard to discern. I asked you did the study measure the life success of all those kids?
I'm assuming any black child raised by me( I plan on never allowing any kids to major in b.s.) will work in STEM or start their own business.

I'm not sure neurology or cognitive psychology are the fields you go in to to measure success in comparison to IQ.

Will Smith is like 75% white

>oy vey the black goyim are stupid teaching them how to count to count was anudda shoah I can't wait until I retire to my mansion in Israel

Any Psycology is at least half social science so what do you mean? Plus experiments can range from measuring the effect of the brain on behavior to mapping on the brain centers/ neurons involved. I should know, I worked in a neuroscience lab that also had some psychologists. Just look it up why don't you?

Yes. Even with 25% European admixture, minimal-to-no inbreeding, tons of welfare and money towards education, enough time for the flynn effect, African American max out at 85 IQ.

It's a very scary reality but we need to talk about it because of this African population boom.

Because most of them don't give a shit about their education and just want to gang bang

>muh education
Can only change so much. You can't expect someone with Down's to become a Nobel laureate in physics if he's just given the right education.

Naw, that doesn't control for the fact that money towards education does jack shit because most teachers in the American education system are lazy. Nor the fact that the systems in different municipalities were never equal thanks to slavery and Jim crow. Keep denying it as liberal b.s. but that's not gonna hide the truth. The school systems for blacks for the longest time was ass, to the point that their parents, grand parents, and great grand parents were never able to gain probably education to compete with whites economically. Also what do you mean by "max out?" You mean averages? Because my IQ is 114. Regardless, few studies can confirm success can be predicted from I.Q. for people to rely on it as scientific consensus.

It's a good thing most black people don't have Down's Syndrome then???

I say this with reference to on average btw. I forgot to point that out( as did you).

The average IQ of black people is not much higher than literal retards. In fact using the classical IQ scale, most blacks would fulfill the scientific requirement for moronism.

You have places in Asia or the middle east with catastrophic education standards and those people are still much smarter than American blacks who have access to 1st world education.

Why do you people always use fake quotes?

They take five seconds to debunk and immediately discredit you forever

There are tons of racist white guys who said real racist things for you to use, yet it's always this one and the fake Darwin quote. Pathetic

So you're saying it'd impossible for an African African to have a high iq

It's possible in the same sense it's possible for a dog to play football - not impossible, but pretty damn rare.

please see Also read some David Shenk before jumping to such catastrophic conclusions first.

There's nobody alive who experienced southern slavery and Jim Crow isn't a thing since the 1960s, yet most modern black American still grow to be dumb.

You didn't read the post. Read it again. And pay attention to education system in different towns. Also pay attention to the part about grand parents and economic success.

>Max IQ of 85
Seems like you're the retarded one my friend, decent bait.

Yeah, they've been killing each other with sticks and stones for thousands of years. Now they kill each other will machetes and grenades.

We should just leave them alone, our aid just allows them to reproduce at a massive rate which will not be sustainable. If you think Europe has it bad with migrants now, wait until Africa reaches a couple Billion.