/gtag/ - Grand Theft Auto General

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socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/meat_for_the_grinder (Xbone ft. 100% crew black)
socialclub.rockstargames.com/crew/flibinjibervans (Alternative meme color crew)
Other crews: pastebin.com/GtsCr3VL

>Steam Group - No heterosexuals allowed
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Post characters.

When did GTAO go down the shitter?

Was it when they added vehicles that have no real counter and as soon as someone summons one the fight is over?

Post ending in 0 names my organization

>tfw haven't unlocked the chrome paint for the secondary Hermes paint
Do I really have to do 30+ Muscle races?


is there anywhere to view all adversary mode outfits? might do the glitch to keep one but I want to pick one out first obviously

If you do 50 super car races I believe it unlocks chrome for every single class of cars

it was doomed since day 1
dumb shitter fights have nothing to do with it



Do I have to win all 50 races?

I will shoot your character in the face if I ever saw it

why would you do that to such a beautiful woman?

I will personally shoot you in the face so we don't ever see your abortion ever again.

lmao elena is back

get that skin infection on your chest looked at

After the first month when the lowered contact mission payouts and stopped giving DLC items for free.

I think so


>calling in a tank for pvp
>people actually hit a 3 million dollar EWO button

real hero, real replicant being

Sounds like ReluctantPig


why is Rockstar being a total bitch about giving us posing actions?

anyone on Xbox want to help me finish up the DDH? doing the Air Defenses setup rn, all that's left is this and the finale.
ign godchanka

Wearing snugs with a summer outfit makes zero sense, dude.



Does R* auto ban you if you get a shit ton of money real fast?
or do they auto ban you if you spend a shit ton a money real fast?

asking for a friend

you get flagged, not autobanned.
It's entirely up to how trustworthy the haxorbux program you're using is.

holy shit why do faggots keep joining my setup and then leaving as soon as it starts? literally every single time, shit's on hard difficulty, i don't get it???????????????

and what does flagging do?

they ban when they detect a menu/trainer, or investigate properly on reports

basically use a good menu and leave other people alone

place a flag on you so Rockstar checks your account and see if it deserves cleansing or not.

should add that once you've flagged you're probably going to get banned

gameplay online no webcam no commentary no music

Is there a common problem with the MOC where the front turret hits the back of the Phantom when firing? Is there any way to avoid this happening?

>0 watching
im sorry


you're sorry that people might try to do something new and begin a new thing? you're sorry that i'm not some payed for established thing you've seen for the millionth time?

Is it even possible to make an attractive female character in this game?

Yes, but it’s difficult.


>this assblasted no one wants to watch your stream
maybe if you weren't too scared to use your mic

oh, so they gave everyone 500k but the hermes still charges money for it despite being free?
man i should have just kept the money

Does this work as a chauffeuse uniform or is it too waffen ss?

stop giving this fucking retard attention

Stromberg is the most comfy of cars

i like the way you make these meme images of my character.

Yes but you'll probably end up looking like every other "attractive" female character, and people will accuse you of being unoriginal and using a template even though there's only one or two natural conclusions that people will come to

>this petty and autistic that someone wants to stream
for the record no one wants to hear someone talk on mic.

>Link to his twitter in his stream
>Cringe comp tier MAGA stuff throughout and retweets most of the Trumpo tweets

try a suit jacket

Even “attractive” female characters just look like man-faced trannies. I’ve yet to see a passable girl.

I saved this one off Snapmatic, I think she looks great, but I bet if you look at her from the side she has a double chin because that's just what that one mom gives you

What's the limit of stock I can have to sell by myself? I

>this petty and autistic that someone wants to stream

175K is the limit, assuming you have all the upgrades.
After that, you run the risk of having multiple vehicles.

>implying your tricking anyone into watching your boring stream

you don't bother me, intimidate me, alter my course, or anything of weight or value besides offer up an opportunity to point out that you're both petty and autistic.


I'm currently grinding I/E vehicles with some Bunker crates running in the background. I've been thinking about expanding to MC businesses since i heard there's a glitch for infinite supplies, any advice on that for a solo player? Which business, where, when to sell, etc.?

What is the current most durable armored vehicle (against explosives)? Insurgent Pickup Custom? Khanjali? APC? I don't care at all about offense.

When they stopped adding content from the updates to story mode.

The MOC cab.
People will usually give up and cry godmode before managing to actually kill it.

MOC and Avenger

Where should i put my sentinel classic? I have different garages with themes but i think the sentinel doesnt fit one of those, maybe my jap cars garages but is a german car

any way to cheese act 3 finale yet? this shit is impossible with randoms, can't even make it past the tunnel



guess you should make some friends despite your obstructionist political autisms

Impossible? I did it with randoms and even a low level guy, was like lv50

Tuner car garage
Not all tuner cars are nip cars. Just most.

Stop posting and play fucker

>have money dropped on me in some lobby unsolicited
>buy everything I want
>later some hacker is blowing up the lobby
>uses my name to frame me doing it
>everyone bitches and reports me
>rockstar investigates my account and finds money
>bans me

This hypothetical situation COULD happen. How is that allowed?

If you still need help and willing to cut me 20% I can help. Post your SC name. We can easily do it 2 man

They're equally resistant?

nono user you've got it all wrong


Stop playing and post
I can help you. Send an invite

I think so? They can both take 15+ RPGs

Me in a nutshell




>modern architecture
>2010s car clearly in the background
c'mon nigger, it couldnt have been hard to go to the grimy slummy part of the docks and shoot there


they say it be like it is comrade, but it is not.

is 208 the medical cocaine one?

Двepь зacтpялa.

Yes, legalize it.

Fuck u kikestar those heist outfits are tacticool but we cant wear them on freeroam

Yes you can.

Fuck Chechnya

Where did you get the helmet


Clothing store. Think the tab's called Riot Helmets or something like that. Its at the bottom of the list.

Are there more colors for that jacket thing?


>tfw GTAO bricked my HDD
I can hear the whir when I start up my PC. All I can do know is phonepost

>GTAO did
How did it do that?