Daily reminder that Sayori is a literal retard that couldn't do a simple google search to figure out how to hang herself correctly
Chase Reed
Stay comfy user
Caleb Perry
I love yuri! ;_;
Kevin Rodriguez
Do any anons have recommendations for what to do if you're so stressed you think you're going to vomit?
Jaxson Sullivan
I will, thank you.
Daniel Wilson
How long does it take to get the keychains? I bought them today and suddenly there's a disclaimer on the site saying shipments can take a whole month in the United States.
Joshua Cook
Jordan Robinson
>“Thank you for hitting me, user!” edition what the fuck is this
Aiden Thompson
i love her too
Jason Cook
me too
Austin Wright
I want to cum in her cleavage while we're at school and tell her not to clean it up
Nolan Hernandez
Every day I imagine a future where I can be with you
Depends on the type of stress, my friend! What's the matter?
Connor Clark
Just remember, brothers: your life is your story. Write the tale your Doki would like to read, if you could present the book to her when you rise into heaven to be with her.
Gavin Myers
natsuki but she killed the video star
Ayden Torres
>your life is your story >in a universe where everything is beyond your control
Nathan Taylor
Take it out on Sayori!
She wants you to be happy!
Jaxson Bailey
>you will never throatfuck natsuki
Michael Long
Is there any drawfags lurking? I have a request
Andrew Gonzalez
Take a warm bath. If you can't, take a warm shower. Not necessarily to get clean, but just to relax. Whenever I feel nauseous for any reason, I find it usually helps, and it might help clear your head.
Daniel Baker
I smoke a cig or two and it goes away
Aaron Jenkins
Hey, everyone, I was asked to bring this note into the club today. It appears to have a doctor's note stapled to the front of it...with Erika's name on it? Alright, let's see what it says:
"Good morning, everyone! Sorry I couldn't show up, the other president was busy and I, ah...have been healthier, let's say. I'll be back later, though!
The word of the thread is "Fever"! It could be something frenetic, something consuming or even passionate! Alternatives are "Water", "Blank" and "Dust"! I'm sure you know the song and dance by this point, right? If you need an inspiration or theme for a poem or short story, give these a try! All skill levels are encouraged to attend! I look forward to reading the writing on the wall, on which the Anons wrote!
Remember to take care of yourselves and don't wear old clothes without cleaning them first! Monika?"
Hmm...the handwriting is shaky and seems to break off into random tangents, such as pleas for hot soup, declarations of pain and delirious, half remembered references to video games or old music and movies. And it looks kind of...stained and smudged in some places. Oh geez. I really hope Erika gets better soon. Maybe some poems will cheer them up!
I have not spontaneously become Erika since the last time you checked.
Michael Clark
University related shit. Spark notes version is that whether or not I'm suspended for the next semester is entirely up to a committee to decide whether or not my request for a late withdrawal of one of my classes is valid or not. Even then, wont find out till three days before classes start. Haven't told my parents yet because they'd fucking murder me.
Jeremiah Allen
Well I should probably clock off right about now. Getting pretty late where I am and I promised to get better sleep. Goodnight lads
Jaxon Davis
Noah Nelson
why does Yuri actually have back pain?
Ethan Phillips
I can draw poorly on MS paint. What you need senpai?
Adam Reyes
Her large breasts cause her back pain
Kayden Miller
It's easy for me to say, "You can always try." It's certainly easier to say than to put into practice, for anyone. And it's probably also a hell of a lot easier for me to say, "Believe in yourself," than it is for someone to actually do it. Nonetheless, I'm at least honest when I say I believe in you, all of you, and your ability to do something cool, or see something beautiful, or worst case scenario just put a smile on someone's face. I love you all.
Jace Bennett
ooooh man! I've totally been there! But I didn't quite understand! Will you get expelled from University or just suspended for a semester? My grades were so bad I almost got kicked out.
Kevin Anderson
Because of her massive books
Owen Ramirez
David Price
uhm actually it's her reading posture dumbasses, did you even play the game?
Adrian Edwards
Yuri, but she asks if she can borrow your glasses
Leo Edwards
The ebb and flow of /ddlc/ continues onward with Monika! Coming to accept it as an old friend instead of a new sweetheart with Monika! Growing old with /ddlc/ and Monika!
Jaxson Davis
Suspended for the semester, got myself one of those stereotypical foreign parents who "came to this country without a penny to their name" so they're pretty no nonsense when it comes to this sort of stuff. I have an excuse, but the problem is it's kinda hard to prove since there's no documentation of the event.
Lincoln Torres
if you added the breast sizes together from the dokis and gave that to natsuki what would she look like
Eli Morales
Good morning. I love Yuri.
Zachary Bell
Gavin Morris
>suspended for a year and lost full ride scholarship a couple years ago
I really should've taken a year off before college to sort myself out.
Ayden Ramirez
Asher White
Based datanon
Asher Carter
Wait, I'm confused. Is this a shitpost or something?
Caleb Ross
In my hand, is a pen that will write a poem of me and you!
Jackson Martinez
I was reading an interview with the lead dev. >“Nihilism doesn’t mean hopelessness,” he said. “It means that you can make what you want out of your own life, out of the things you do have control over. I think I value providing that sort of feeling over a generic happy ending with complete closure. It might inspire the player to strive toward being a better person, doing the small things they know are in their power to make a difference.” I don't see how the destruction of the universe inspires self improvement. Can someone explain what he means?
Jonathan Campbell
>First year of college I got a REAL shitty apartment to stay in to save money. >Four murders in the apartment in the span of two months >Parents refused to pay anymore and had to transfer to a college closer to home. Miami, not even once.
Gavin Evans
I appreciate your kind words, but you don't know me. I could easily be somebody that's disabled or somebody that just can't turn their life around because of their poor circumstances. It's good to have drive, but there are people out there that are just simply lost causes.
Easton Wood
This pen of mine glows with an awesome power!
Hudson Jenkins
Kayden Moore
Humans are odd creatures. Different things inspire different people. You could show one man the vastness of space and they'll be inspired, yet another man will feel lonely and depressed. We all react to things differently, which is okay, we're all unique in our own way.
Christopher Ward
Rubbing Monika's feet while you cuddle her!!!! Taking care of Monika!!!! Monika!!!!
Isaac Lewis
guys next time listen to the gate guardian
Christian Thomas
He's just talking out of his ass here. Nihilism LITERALLY means hopelessness. It has nothing to do with "making what you want out of life"
Jackson Long
You know, I have a very love-hate relationship with Monika. On one hand I sympathize with her situation but when you play through the game and read the dialogue she has for the other girls I can't help but loses whatever sympathy I had for her
Xavier Reed
Jason Foster
Oh man, I'm sorry to hear that. I was dealing with some of that a couple weeks ago. For me it helped a lot to drink some tea with citrus and crack a window, get some fresh air and find a nice distraction.
Asher Martin
The last time I browsed /v/ I discussed the themes of NieR: Automata with some other anons. Those posts might help.
What kind of mother would each doki be? Sayoris not my #1 but got to admit she would probably be best mom.
Michael Carter
guys when's our speedrunning competition
Lucas Brown
Landon Harris
Sayori and Monika would be best at being mothers.
William Lewis
Noah Jones
get a haircut bratty savior
Isaiah Garcia
Well...At least the problem is not forever! Even if you're suspended, you'll get a chance to come back! Why exactley are you being suspended? You can still hope you're not getting suspended too. Are you a good kid? Do you put yourself in too much trouble? You wouldn't believe the shit I've got away just because I was a silent kid in high school. I was almost expelled from college due to terrible grades. I almost spent more time trying to be accepted than actually in. In my college, we receive a letter telling we're about to be expelled. There are several factors that can get you expelled and, depending on the factors, you must achieve a specific objective in a year, lest you'll be expelled. I was so stressed that my head always hurt and, if I started having fun, I'd feel extremely guilty for wasting my time not studying. After this year, I decided to never let College stress me again. I'm note the best student, but I keep my nose clean and my grades are good enough. Let's hope you wont be suspended and, if you are, try that excuse and remind your parents that it's not forever.
Blake King
Monika appears to be the most mother like out of the group. Sayori would be my second pick for best mother, though she would be VERY leaned back with the kids. Yuri would be the most strict. Refusing her children to watch anything that she perceives as too stupid and gives them extra homework when they get home to make them smarter Natsuki would probably cave in under the pressure due to her memories of her father.
Xavier Watson
You'll learn over time (with Monika)!!!
Connor Williams
Today I felt too cold But you said otherwise And though it might be bold I'd say you're telling lies
You give me blankets and some tea To chase away the chill I lay in bed and watch TV The ailing man's best swill
Over time my strength returns I get up on my feet And then your skin begins to burn It's my turn to treat
I hope you feel better soon, Erika!
Henry Stewart
Is there anyone who has bought their own physical doki who can answer this?
Connor Foster
I just ordered mine too, I sure hope it doesn't take a fucking month. What state are they coming from anyway? It might be faster if you're closer.
Julian Anderson
Ordered mine the end of November, came in the day after Christmas
William Lewis
natsuki first try leaked sketch
Mason Cruz
I think he looks pretty cool like that, especially with that dead eyed expression
Jace Taylor
Oh, is this one of those "this game isn't allowed to be popular because I'm contrarian" shitpost?
Bentley Price
Nihilism actually doesn't necessarily mean hopelessness; that's just the way the term's been bastardized. Nihilism actually just means the absence and non-existence of any objective, absolute, over-arching values and principles for the universe. In other words, if nihilism holds true, there really aren't any rules which you are morally obliged to follow. The reason for optimism in this situation is that the absence of moral laws and values leaves you free to create your own and act upon them.
Of course, there may be downsides to the absence of moral values as well. A lot of people derive their purpose in life from adhering to those values and moral principles; if those turn out to be false, then those people lose the basis for their sense of direction.
A strong, healthy personality is one which can impose its own values over a universe which lacks objective value in and of itself. But this too can have complications. According to this view, there would be nothing strictly "wrong" about committing genocide. There's no objective moral code by which you can sanction a mass murderer.
So nihilism doesn't technically entail hopelessness, but it's not hard to see why a lot of people respond to the idea of nihilism with a sense of despair.
Gabriel Long
How new are you?
Zachary Nguyen
It's a GPA suspension. You know that nasty hurricane that went through Florida this year? Left me two months without wifi and the bastards at Comcast still charged us, meaning I have no evidence of it. Since all my Math work is done on a computer it fucked me over to the point where it drops my GPA down to below a 2 (which is enough to get suspended at my uni). I was sorta just skating by with a low 2 since I had that whole "Cs get degrees" attitude.
Grayson Hernandez
I don't know if this is typical, but I ordered mine at toward the end of last month and got it 4 days later. It seems pretty random.
Brody Taylor
I ordered mine Christmas day. I received it a day early on the 28th.
Michael Hill
I like it! Very cute!
Lucas Martin
Your doki, but the two of you are about to consummate your marriage after abstaining from sex since high school.
Camden Thomas
Not him, but it's the opposite actually. With Monika!
Liam Anderson
Nice job. You captured her quite well.
Colton Thomas
I've been here or a few months. I just don't understand this fucking maymay, I'm sorry.
Austin Clark
his expression does speak volumes, I feel bad for him continuing to live past the events of alternative
Austin Johnson
Fuck that sucks. Sorry to hear that man.
Jace Price
>I really should've taken a year off before college to sort myself out. I think a lot of people would agree with this sentiment. I certainly would agree myself; I might not have dropped out after a year if I'd instead waited. There's a lot of people for whom high school was socially and psychologically difficult whether or not they were able to keep up with the academics in the face of it, who could use some time to clear their heads, get a little work experience while living at home, and work on themselves before taking the plunge into college. There's plenty of people I know who would make much better college students at 25 or 30 than they did at 19, just because the extra couple of years of work experience or whatever gave them a new, better perspective. But a lot of people and institutions, including some sources of financial aid, expect that this is just something you "should" do right after high school or not at all. Community colleges and online universities make at least a token acknowledgement of the somewhat-older part-time student who takes their classes in between working, but it's not what it could be and nobody hears about it in high school. Throughout high school, your school administration, guidance counselors, teachers, friends always say, "Oh, what university are you applying to? Second choice, third choice, some backups? Looking at financial aid, what about any scholarships you might be able to get?" Before you know it, a kid who's still expected to raise their hand and ask permission to go to the bathroom is making a decision they might not be ready to make.
Owen Hill
>since high school
Immersion broken, since i never went to high school.
Hudson Cook
Sounds great, but if I end up being like I might Sayori myself
Lucas Turner
My card was charged from idaho, but they might ship from somewhere else
Wyatt Nelson
Not everything is a meme It's just the total amount of downloads the game has from steam
Blake Lewis
What the fuck. Though you did say your parents would be mad, I think they'd side with you on this. That's bullshit. If shit is about to go down, you should let them know.
Adam Stewart
I see! Fuck, man! The way I see it, you're a victim! You won't even get a chance to explain yourself? Is there a way you can get a lawyer or something like that?