ES2's trading system is the most enigmatic shit in the world.
Evan Reed
what is confusing about it to you?
Alexander Richardson
why did you spoiler this, it's the norm
Andrew Reyes
the wiz-posting must be getting to him
Cooper Campbell
Everything? What's the logic behind trade routes, how does distance affect them, how do subsidiaries come into it all, etc. I couldn't be more lost.
Jayden Martinez
Building trade companies forms routes starting on that system. Trading companies go from their starting system to any subsidiaries available, including in other empires if you're at peace and you have a trade agreement. Every system that the route passes on the way to a subsidiary adds to its luxury and dust income, so the more distance a route must cross the more profitable it is. Trade routes can only go over star-lanes and wormholes, they can't free-travel. This means building companies/subsidiaries in isolated systems with no possible connection is worthless.
Jeremiah Wood
Forgot to mention trading ships. On the economy screen there's a tab that shows you your trading companies. On this screen you purchase 2 different types of trading ships to increase their income, either dust or luxuries. It also shows you how close you are to unlocking another trade company slot
Should give you a decent understanding of it, if not a complete one.
Alexander Rodriguez
Don't forget the important things this holiday season, anons.
Parker Rivera
Ohhhhh. I guess it's not that big of a mystery after all. Thanks, anons.
Dominic Brown
If you don't take advantage of the auto enacted law (which are quite strong for a few parties), it's a wasted law slot. I'd also say that inherently a faction like Unfallen or Vodyani plays differently to the norm because they can't expand in a standard way.
Grayson Diaz
How do I play Distant Worlds: Universe?
also how is 'They are Billions'?
Joseph Gomez
>also how is 'They are Billions'? It's nice but still unbalanced. The game is basically about figuring out the most optimal build to survive the hordes, then turtling in he most optimal manner according to the terrain to survive the end game. It's interesting if you like figuring out build orders and the sort, but not so interesting if you dislike one early mistake fucking you up majorly later in the game.
Jonathan Flores
hmm just as I thought. Seems more like competitive Starcraft than comfy zombie apocalypse settlement building. Ah well the wait for that kind of game goes on.
Jace Murphy
I mean, it's sort of comfy at lower difficulties right now, but you should really wait for the devs to sort out the balance a bit more. I'd suggest don't buy yet but keep on radar.
Hudson Morales
>comfy zombie apocalypse He.
Dylan Nguyen
Like you're playing Aurora but your autism is not as bad today
Camden Bailey
If you want comfy survival management, you could try Rimworld.
Jayden Nguyen
>play ES2 like it's still the first game >don't bother trying to influence politics, way too hard and complex, just go with the flow >don't have the will to manage my dozens of racial groups, just let them multiply as they wish >don't understand how trade works, just build trade companies and hope it works out Anyone else do the same?
John Butler
What's the most woke Stellaris build and why is it Determined Exterminators?
Jason Ward
most woke is uninstall wizard
Robert Sanders
>civ 6 start biases are still broken >civ 6 is still broken >it will always be broken
Benjamin Williams
>ignoring senate politics, diplomacy, and population management that's half of the fun of es2, user; amplitude even said so in an early interview (whereas in EL the primary new gameplay focus was seasonal change, in ES2 it's population and politics) try out an ecologist game with riftborn visual affinity and make it your goal to never build an extra major faction pop, you'll get a real feel and appreciation for the nuances of population and politics
Ian Torres
>that's half of the fun of es2, user; I know I'm missing out but it's too hard for a brainlet like me. >tfw trying to get Militarist faction to fuck off >tfw trying to get the best population for each planet
Owen Turner
any overhaul mod for stellaris that increases individual ships strength and lowers the cap, and buffs/expands strikecraft? something to lower the fleets numbers and increase the importance of each ship or I should look for another space game altogether
the big boards migh as well be subreddits now with their current poblation, outside of bad fame and anonymity Veeky Forums isn't very different from other social pages with the shitty quality it has today
Angel Johnson
It has been common knowledge for a long time that he was doing that.
Jose Bell
I dislike the population management personally. I want at least system-wide automated population management. It's too costly to handle if you don't get ahead of it, and too unwieldy to properly handle if playing with a timer.
Jeremiah Watson
>anonymity You realise that it alters social dynamics radically. right? One of the big reasons behind why reddit is shit is karmawhores who are out for attention and idiotic karma system as a whole that promotes the same shit over and over again, with facebooks it's echo chambers it's algorithms enforce. In Veeky Forums's case the only things that meaningfully affect quality of Veeky Forums are the people involved and filters you yourself chose to impose. Despite all the newfags that flood Veeky Forums, it remains a fundamentally superior platform for discussion by virtue of that very anonimity.
That would also be the reason why people hate discord/chat/avatar/trip fags so much, as they violate the unwritten rules and change the dynamics of the conversation.
Try pressing space bar and zooming out, you fucking idiot.
John Torres
There's some mod made by russians that doubles the naval capacity price of each ship class. I don't know if it changes anything else though.
Stellaris honestly went full retard with the number of ships you build. They could reduce it by 4x and still have huge fights.
Also having now played stellaris and ES2 back to back: >Stellaris has a better combat system, even in the shitty boring state that its in right now >Endless Space 2 does pretty much everything else but scale better >They're both still shallow as fuck
Endless space needs a better political system, like what modders have tried turning stellaris' into but lack the game mechanics that ES2 has; Stellaris is the reverse and needs those game mechanics ES2 has. ES2 has political decisions and diplomacy that actually have effects that you want to see and use. Stellaris has better vassalization, political control, and better reasons to get into fights.
Basically if Stellaris and ES2 had become conjoined twins it could've been a really good game.
I'm hoping that the next installment of 4x games will finally get rid of the retarded "build thousands of buildings and improvements" """gameplay""". It's just filler not anything fun. I don't even know how you could make that fun.
Cameron Butler
Veeky Forums's mostly undermined by bots and paid corporate shills and it's a problem that hiro has no intention of addressing
Nicholas Campbell
Nothing in the pastebin, what is a good youtuber I can learn the game from. Tried the in-game tutorial and it's just so lackluster so...
What's a good tutorial on youtube for stellaris.
Ryan Cook
>bots and paid corporate shills Problems present and much more egregious on every other platform.
Not to say that Veeky Forums is a paradise, we have our share of bait, trolls and other degeneracy that, while amusing, detracts from discussion, but to say that it's anything like reddit is insane.
Colton Watson
>There's some mod made by russians that doubles the naval capacity price of each ship class. yeah also found similar mods that increa build time and maintenance cost, and buff ships, but trying to use them broke the AI, everyone just kept building and ended poor as fuck, funny for a jew overlord run, but it was too far from my initial objective that was the combat asked here because maybe there was some big overhaul mod by some nip/chink that I couldn't find, but looks like there is nothing >you can name your ships and assign admirals oh cool >but they will never mather individualy and miss themself in a giant blob >and you will never have something similar to formations fuck you
Kayden Bailey
>start biases are still broken
What's broken?
Isaac Hughes
bit rude desu
Angel Jackson
I actually got formations working in stellaris using this mod that adds new AI computer shit.
idk what it's called and I can't be assed to look it up but you can disable the default AI and use the new presets that introduce flanking behaviour, charging, firing from a set distance like artillery, etc.
With this mod, what I do is: Put corvettes on default behaviour (charge into battle) Destroyers armed with L guns firing kinetic artillery from 100 range Cruisers on flanking behaviour at 40 distance so they circle the enemy fleet
If I add battleships they are either: Artillery that sits with the destroyers Carriers with small guns that fly in with the corvettes
I might change it up so the battleships flank and the cruisers jump into the melee with the corvettes (should be default behaviour for them) In this way my destroyers stay out of the fight and snipe and live longer (unless I jump into an enemy fleet at range 0...)
It's actual tactics that were sorely missing from the base game.
Julian Rodriguez
tried that one, the range was fucked for most weapons
Brandon Gray
r8 my multi culti state
Xavier Cook
That was easy. Waited for the wraith(blue) to enter a blue star and hit it with a moderate sized fleet.
Christopher Campbell
Fine out of ten I guess?
Jace Kelly
>Stagnant Ascendancy murders my my Grand Marshal as soon as he signs our surrender That's cold. Imma gonna bop them one once I build my fleet up.
Justin Nelson
What do you call games with a gui like aurora4x ? Hoping i can find more of them even if theyre not 4x
Samuel Morris
4X games with a shit UI
Ethan Baker
Lucas Myers
Grand strategy is a term often used to describe games that have 4x features but go more in depth with them. The only well known Space /gsg/ other than Aurora is Distant Worlds.
Josiah Scott
We mourn the late Gand Marshal, but his successor is just what we needed. He is a Champion of the People, which will help offset the unrest due to the lost war. Also he is a good Investor, which will finally push the Commonwealth of Man into the black and economic independence from our xeno neighbors.
Benjamin Flores
Yeah, nope. Not getting into the water ever again. Seriously, how are you supposed to defeat such bullshit, prepare 5+ doomstacks and hope it's enough to bum-rush it?
Jaxon Adams
Even guardians are mostly harmless in the water.
Luis Peterson
One well equipped Lvl 5 fleet is all you need. Preferably with an Mrgawr admiral.
The issue is that you need to overpower that thing in a very real way. Meaning your encounter with it should leave your fleet at least 80% combat effective, And that requires a healthy investment of strategics.
Alternative is utilising two fleets to attack it twisce on the same turn.
Whichever tactic you use you need an 8 slot army to do it reliably.
Justin Lee
Has anyone here ever used Chemical Bliss?
Justin James
>civ 2 is too simple, combat not particularly fantastic especially in how hard it is to crack a city for most of the game >civ 3 has doomstacks and instant travel railroads, runs like shit on large maps regardless of specs, and has pollution >combat is arguably worse than 2's but only because of how unreliable it is discounting doomstacks >also really imbalanced nations >civ V is too dissimilar and reliable to a fault >civ VI is Civilization Revolution with siege towers
I have just never been able to get into Civ IV no matter how many times I try. I wish there was a game like 3 with a stronger handle on economy and without that pollution crap that makes the late game unbearable.
Julian King
Do what I did, conquer them and then genemod them with nerve stapling and Mineral production enhancements and turn them into your dedicated slave labor caste.
Ryder Gomez
What game is this?
Parker Lopez
>nerve stapling >not keeping them capable of emotion, but gene-modding them to be stupid, weak, slow-breeding, fleeting, nonadaptive wretches that you keep completely educated of their rich past while you force them to labor away for you you are not worthy of the power of genetic manipulation endless legend, that monstrosity is the centerpiece late-game event of the tempest expansion it has a fuckload of health and defense, deals insane damage, has seven tentacles helping it, travels as fast as it wants, all of its parts come back to life if you don't kill it all in one battle, and it heals to full at the end of each turn the worst thing is that it levels up
Ian Carter
>the worst thing is that it levels up Nah, the worst thing is that fucker, tentacles included, is considered a submersible.
Brandon Lee
are all lights on a ship supposed to represent windows?, because if they are the ones at the bottom look fucking stupid or is this just some weird design style stellaris has?
Ryder Cooper
Go around. It won't chase you far.
Jacob Foster
>game where people just creates stupid named space empires and roleplays to spend time >decide to balance it to the 2-3 fucks that care about the pvp brilliant, fucking brilliant go keep posting your shitty blorg memes thinking they are funny you stupid fucks
Connor Ross
Jonathan Barnes
How does your dream 4X game look like /civ4xg/
Sebastian Fisher
>women drivers
Jose Cox
An accurate representation of Manhattan except the lane markings should be worn away completely.
Elijah Sanchez
Brandon Powell
I hate traffic simulators.
Gavin Gutierrez
>>civ 3 has doomstacks and instant travel railroads, runs like shit on large maps regardless of specs >runs like shit on large maps regardless of specs uhh what I have not once in my life had lag in 3
Josiah Mitchell
They never actually simulate traffic is the problem
Matthew Morales
the difference is that Veeky Forums can identify them
Kevin Phillips
Worth it. At least in Veeky Forums, you can disagree with the group. In reddit, if you try to disagree, you're immediately buried in downvotes. And that means all your posts are suddenly getting downvoted.
Oliver King
Automate things you don't want to focus on, control the things you do want to yourself.
You misspelled Driven Assimilators
John Morgan
They are Billions is too early access to recommend. It could turn into a very solid defense oriented RTS, but as is it takes a couple hours to figure out how to win, and then you have nothing to do.
Gavin Myers
I am referring to each turn taking about 20 seconds to load once you reach the late game on a huge map with lots of AI. Not lag.
Hudson Williams
This is pretty cool, even though it's just as engaging as an EU3 battle. Wish more things like this were as flashy.
Jayden Garcia
Also, I have a system with Mabros only, if I build a colony ship in that system, will it be Imperials or Mavros that colonize the planet I bring the ship to?
Adrian Morgan
>"Dug-in" >Actually out in the open
Easton Torres
>reavers Is this Serenity 2.0?
Jackson Rivera
As cheesy as some of the writing in the Endless universe is, it doesn't make me want to put a fucking gun in my mouth, so no.
Grayson Young
>Serenity made you want to put a gun in your mouth Wow look at how cool you are, literally wanting to kill yourself over a movie.
Owen Anderson
Loses some of it's charm when you learn it's optimal to have 100% tank/air armies.
Justin King
I find They Are Billions incredibly frustrating. It's the kind of game where you're always trying to expand because you're lacking on ressources, and then a horde comes from the South so you focus on it, but once it's dealt with, you notice that a few infected have sneaked in because your rangers are too stupid to shoot them and it grows into a giant mess.
And it's unforgiving, an error in early game can cost you the entire game.
Henry Gonzalez
>system with no imperials >imperials take over the system somehow Well now.
Looks quite nice. The dynamic cover system is interesting.
Connor Cruz
Game starts you on snow more often than not, or adjacent to another empire's settler
Jaxon Russell
It's not "somehow", it's due to the immigration mechanic. If adjacent systems have a lot of imperials, they'll migrate over to your new system if it has higher approval, which it most likely will since overpopulation will not have kicked in yet. And then they'll just multiply the normal way.
Jayden Perez
It was a system in bumfuck nowhere though, closest system with Imperials was 6-7 systems away.
Jose Green
Trade routes are extremely simple user. I can understand not wanting to bother with the rest but there really is no reason to not optimize trade routes when it only takes about 10 seconds.
>build your trade HQs in a cluster on one end of the empire >build your subsidiaries in a cluster on the other end
That's literally it. All you have to do is determine the two most distant systems that still have a hyperlane/wormhole connection and issue the build orders.
Oliver Adams
Civ 4 also has doomstacks though.
Jaxson Flores
All the whiners about muh pirates in ES2 obviously never played SoaSE.
Jordan Bailey
the pirates got nerfed to shit anyway not sure how many people even know about the preview build
Dominic Walker
The size of the fleets is not problem if it was a rare occurrence for a fleet to focus all it's fire on one ship. This and the fact that ships can fire from every angle even when there are allies in the way makes fleets and ships way to effecient at destroying the other.
Sebastian Baker
This. Stellaris could really use a combat width mechanic to account for this. Even though "space is infinite", ships will still block each others line of fire more often than not, especially if there's a lot of them.
Levi Sullivan
They are adding combat width to armies at least
Gavin Mitchell
The battles of Legend of the Galactic Heroes are based on line battles of land armies during the 18th century. Even these styles of battles would make wars far more interesting and offer some sort of tactical and strategic planning,