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>failed to get christmas Arulu >failed to get DAO Who else quitting?
Robert Garcia
More Draph lolis.
Logan Williams
This is canon
Isaiah Allen
I'm a Virasexual.
Carter Baker
>finish sparking >have to Torchblast all my good new SSRs to 80 or 100 >want to take a nap instead
Colton King
GOD PLEASE ALL I WANT IS OLIVIA OR LUCIFER PLEASE. I got earlier only 2x and 5x from the gacha roulette and now when there's a banner I fucking want they give me 1x shits
Jayden Howard
Is Veight good now?
>tfw dagger spec in the sword/fist element
Dominic Roberts
So what's the verdict on DAO? Is she core/worth replacing any of the top tier dark attackers?
Justin Richardson
She's junk and she doesn't want (You) anyway.
John Harris
Dark Agielba variation where Ardora dies when?
Luis Robinson
Free 10 rolls for everyone During the shitty rate ups we will give you 50 rolls per day. You will only get 1 SSR total from over 90 rolls and it will be some shit character you'll never play During legfest/grandefest you will get 10 rolls and 0 SSR.
Enjoy. -kmr probably.
Jonathan Sanchez
What about captain's vagina?
Bentley Russell
if I rolled alexiel, do I just make a basic yugu grid and select yugu as the support summon? or is alex/alex a thing?
Jack Bailey
Just got done with my first ever spark, I'm pretty satisfied
Aaron Torres
She's not awful but she feels underpowered compared to all the other limiteds this year
Henry Perez
So the roadmap for a Zoi newfag is Omega Celeste's Claws -> ??? what's afterward for a f2p?
Jackson Hernandez
discount orchid
Matthew Jones
It's not over yet.
Leo Evans
>she doesn't want (You) anyway. Good, she can now have a proper character arc beyond wanting to suck Gran's dick.
Aiden Walker
> Not saving for the very first Void SSR, Sandalphon
Charles Myers
just use all the gold moons u got on books instead ez
Anthony Powell
>10 draw again >get 9r 1 sr >roll my 23k crystals >nothing but rares srs and sturm(who I don't even like) Not not even mad or disappointed.
Jose Hernandez
Gilga 3/6 964885A6 2 Berserker, 1 Spartan
John Garcia
He loses stacks a lot less I've noticed, not just because of the +1 to the hits required but he also applies dodge on ougi and doesn't lose the buff afterwards, which makes him better. He's still not in anyway core but he's been improved a lot a worse six.
Charles Watson
alex - tez is pretty good alex -alex for off element i guess
Jack Hughes
This is my haul so far as a newfag. >Drang, Izmir, Yngwie, Charlotta, Orchid, Azazel, Narmaya, Anthuria, Societte Drang and Orchid are my favorites but I don't know much about the rest.
William Peterson
did you farm 5 xeno vohu harps? if yes, you can probably run double earth shiva
Liam James
Is there any info about doggo? Still torn between dumping everything into flashfest and going for Drang, Lucio or Azazel, or waiting until legfes and going for doggo, Rackam or Eugen.
Or the third option, waiting until the anniversary and hoping for more free rolls.
Gavin Perez
I managed to beat the eternals but now I can't fucking beat song. Please help. She's the most 5*ed character so surely a bunch of you have done it.
Hudson Powell
Sorry but the new element will be called Mechanized
Jose Johnson
It's over for me, don't worry.
Camden Roberts
How much would you pay for an account with S. Diantha, DAO, and Lucifer with some other assorted SSRs.
Andrew James
I have a spark to look forward to in March with anniversary rolls, I'm ok for now.
Carter Rivera
>drang and orchid are my faves hope you like a badly written generic jrpg storyline
Christopher Morgan
Has it ever happened that a grand character got a 5 *?
Anthony Mitchell
As f2p, you want:
- 4 FLB claws + 2 olden cortanas or 5 claws + 1 olden cortana / 1 Atma weapon - 1 Baha weapon - 2 EX weapons
You can start whaling when you get Hades Summon - Spark for black knight's weapon and buy gislas.
Jordan Hill
>get christmas Arulu >get wind Lancelot >get grand vira today Pretty good haul considering my roulette spins have been mostly 10's with one 20 and a 30. Saving all my crystals for last chance zodiac cock.
Dylan Carter
Remember, brat predicted DAO over a year ago. Give your respects.
Kayden Hill
no notable summons? 5-10 dollars
Leo Baker
$0 Kill yourself, SEAnigger.
Justin Long
>main gets 10 >alt gets 100
Brayden Morris
She's cute as hell and I got her for free
Julian Watson
>proper character arc >GBF LMFAO
stupid cuck
Dylan Cook
Yes, he doesn't lose his buff after ougi and he needs two hits to lose it at all. Invest in hostility down emp and he's a non limited Orchid
Anthony Johnson
Olden Cortanas from DAO raid Qilin weapons/Xeno katana when their respective events rerun
Charles Jenkins
i miss brat bros...
Samuel Robinson
>92 rolls >only get Predator and Owen FUCK THIS SHITTY PAY TO WIN GAME
Evan Wood
But I am
Josiah Kelly
>when SRs hit way harder than SSRs
Carson Garcia
Who else /mindofsteel/ here?
Aiden Adams
They're both elemental I don't know why alex - alex wouldn't be better than alex - tez in any situation.
Justin Rodriguez
>rob character being playable who would have thought
Dylan Powell
is the archangel stuff I get in raids useful or can I use it as fodder?
Asher Rogers
>want dog >already have a strong water lineup >magnashitter she's so cute bros but can i really justify it
Xavier Howard
I can't even get her to 1/3 health.
Adam White
Just follow her Twitter and join her raids!
Nobody else
Sebastian Kelly
>no hype on aoidos
Justin Johnson
Go for it. I'm the same but that didn't stop me from ticketing Yuel even though I didn't really need her.
Tyler Anderson
Kys, discord trannies
Camden Davis
Captain's vagina belonging to the whole crew doesn't sound as hot. I mean what can the other female crew members do with a vagina? Not much.
At least with a captain's dick the males of the crew can actually use it.
Justin Gonzalez
today's gonna be a good day
Wyatt Powell
Cameron Reed
>each successive spark gives less characters and is less satisfying than the last Ah so this is life? Can't wait until this is all over next month.
Camden Ramirez
Fuck off.
Lincoln Morris
>having to justify getting a cutie Come on user, you know you're better than that.
Ethan Perez
>been playing for 3 months >only today I found out Siero is a girl I don't know how to feel about this
Jason Butler
SSR Cummies fucking when?
Aaron Bailey
How many Athena swords do I want for an Agni grid?
Hudson Morgan
alright my dudes, I'm gonna do it. you guys are right
Landon Johnson
Anyone want an account?
Isaiah Ward
I saw spark handsomely paid that after 300 rolls had found only 3 or 4 SSRs. Rng can be a bitch.
Nolan Butler
There are dozens of instances of people saying they want DAO before Brat you fucking dicksucking beta orbiter
Daniel Wilson
Aaron Reyes
Wait, if Apollo has bad eye sight, why doesn't she wear glasses when she is older?
Charles Reed
where are the cuteposters bros, this general is ugly without them
Jackson Wood
Sandalphon will be a Free SSR in the part 2 event
Thomas Mitchell
Brandon Adams
How many SSRs did you guys get and are you happy with your haul? I got 12 new chars and althoughI didn't get any of the characters I actually wanted, I'm happy with my rolls. Hopefully I'll be able to get Altair too.
Jaxson Harris
How much would an account with varuna,titan,bahamut lucifer and zoi be worth?
Levi Clark
I want to pump an entire truckload of my baby batter into that ass.
Carter Thomas
>azazel 9.5
Josiah Bennett
Is Yaia most fuckable draph
Asher Cox
Skill CDs are too long and not even that impactful, her only merit is that she benefits from atma sword in an element where your best characters are sword prof
Connor Baker
>Azazel >9.5 If you ever needed a clue that this tier list is a joke, here you go.
Nicholas Gutierrez
I'll have 7/7 arcarum tickets tomorrow so I'm forced to play it once more this week, but I capped pendants. What did you guys do? Buy an extra ticket limit?
Asher Clark
Jonathan Russell
>free ssr outside a collab
Easton Peterson
Tfw want to spark Zoi but afraid of the crushing disappointment of the rolls before the spark. I don't want to roll anymore
Carson Richardson
>two days of grandefes >two 10-draws >not even a bronze moon
Jordan Johnson
Dark Luci will be Zoey tier.
Connor Sanders
>hitting for 4 million damage >not 9.5
Cameron Robinson
Has KMR released a single flash/legfest limited this year that was actually core?
Kayden Reed
Ahahaha what if we make all the new characters we release garbage haha
Austin Thompson
>they make tier list based on gbfg shitposts no wonder it's so shit
Levi Cruz
It's pretty fair considering her CDs. Azazel isn't that bad.