League of Legends General /lolg/

previous No bully edition

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xth for my wife Syndra

Vi and Caitlyn are the best couple and lovers!!!!!!

Best guy!


>0/1/16 Lux support
Fuck you Riot.

Bully people who don't actively talk about playing the game. Post your waifus, but attach them to meaningful posts. Going otherwise belongs here .

So who else unironically likes the new rune system?

friday well spent

buffs soon boys!

f-- see me after class, kid

>there are subhumans in this thread
>who have been banned because they can't stop themselves from sperging out in a video game

Ugly shit tier waifu
Shit tier mage

xth for looking EXACTLY like Sona!

>fag who promised to crossdress still hasn't delivered
fucking liar i hope you die tomorrow

It's not even that, it's that they can't stop themselves from posting about how mad they are in chat like anyone cares. You can rage and tilt all you want, just keep it on your side of the monitor and all will be well.

>wanting some fat gross faggot to cross dress
Get real, the posters in this thread are legitimately ugly as sin

Alright here's top quality /r/swainmains insight:

>Swain made a pact with a demon
>That demon is most likely Beatrice or Beatrice is a messenger of said demon
>Swain collects souls to feed said demon and access his ult

These things have a 90% chance of being canon.

better than playing with my friend who meme picks nunu jungle and fiddlesticks support and we surrender at 20 because of him

go to the appropriate board then retard why the fuck are you looking for cross dressers in a league general

That's wrong and rude.

his hair style wont be as memorable

I’m madly in love wit Leblanc. She’s just so perfect in every fucking way.

I swear to fuck Swain better not have some annoying minigame built into his kit

Waifus by themselves are game related.

he's going to be an edgelord now isnt he

except that part about her fucking old men

Vi is a very underrated waifu and needs some love
Post some Vi pics to show that you appreciate best jungler and waifu

>assasin still allowed to exist

sure is fun to play adc with teemo supp into a 9/1 zed

i love league of legends so fucking much!

Also, Swain will often discuss other champions with Beatrice in-game and his demonic powers will give him insight behind enemy lines and into his enemies nightmares and dreams.

>he's going to be an edgelord now isnt he

i unironically like the new mastery system, yes. i think it gives them better, more effectful knobs to turn, but of course tweaks need to be made because things are wonky in the preseason atm like they are every preseason.

>urgot will have more fun bitching at swain now
my dick

Riot has fucked the support role so much that people now prefer to pick whatever the fuck else as """"supports""" rather than glorified scarecrows and ambulances.

Many reworks are needed

are you trying to imply hes an edgelord now
because he isnt
especially not compared to the current roster with champions like xayah, kayn and talon in it.

and the thing is if you have a janna supp or some shit the zed is fucking useless but if you get a troll supp then its just gg

fucking coinflip game dude

My waifu ain't related to this game tho so you are wrong.

I quit playing soraka/sona/Janna.
Manmode nautalis/Malphite/Leona.
What did the adc die? Not my fault the little bitch got caught out when my entire kit is CC and I literally spoonfed you the easy kill

Graves a best
Draven is third

>on my promos
>support hovers zed
>"dude what the fuck?"
>"i dont have any support champions"
>"then why the hell play ranked?"
>"what do you mean?"
>*grabs the gasoline*

Draven #1!
Graves #2!
Draven a best!!!

TF a best

He made a pact with a demon or a darkin? And what the fuck is the difference?

Is the theory that the demons are the 7 deadly sins true? Would it be the demon of pride? Or wrath? We FMA now???

Btw it was me (vladfag) who posted this image first

I contribute for fucks sake

>because he isnt
>red eyes
>sasuke collar
>raven motif (the edgiest birb along with crows)
>leader of edge: the country
>makes pacts with demons and shit
yeah nah he's an edgelord
>the early bird guts the worm

>I'm a gold 1 adc main (g5 in flex)
>playing with similar elo friends in 5stack normals for fun
>D1 Zed stomps my mid laner
>I manage to win lane before he can take his fed fat ass down there
>he hounds me relentlessly in every fight for the first 35 minutes
>nothing me or my team can do to stop me from dying besides my GA active every 4 minutes
No clue why he stopped diving me to instead kill our Jayce but it literally won us the game.

Shit taste in husbandos
Ezreal and Kayn a best

TF is a rapist
>Claims husbandos
>but names girl champs

if you aren't playing this game for the wives then you shouldn't be playing this garbage game

Demons aren't seven deadly sins. Riot doesn't want that.

Darkin aren't demons, they're more like extradimensional aliens.

You can make pacts with demons but Darkin don't work that way.

this, name some male champs first
Draven a BEST

>Ezreal and Kayn
are pretty much girls

Take your polygamy back to Sweden, Muhammad.

At least neither of them are criminal scum ;)

>Complain about someone not being a standard hurr durr real man

Hypocrisy is real

t. low test

But but, supports are garbage-tier brainlets looking for welfare MMR who don't contribute anything to the game and are bottom-tier. How can this be? :^)

Pls don't bully my husbandos

I'm gonna play two more days

if I still have a 75% losing bot lane rate then i'm done for good

fuck this game for making bot lane inting the deciding factor in the game.

>being so gay even fags call you a gayfag
>and then cries about it
also that's not what hypocrisy is. the reddit buzzword you're looking for is "gatekeeping".

A female with functioning ovaries who would never get near infertile rotting meat :)

I am not gay
I am not that fag


>A female with functioning ovaries who would never get near infertile rotting meat :)
what was meant here??

I try my hardest to provide a safe laning phase and I focus on early SS purchase too.

Timing and movement are key and I'm happy we might get chat on LoL so I may coordinate better with my duo premades.

Time and time again I warn my ADCs to make a safer pathing which means no no passing by the tribush after a leash on blue side and also the riverbush after leash on redside.

And if they won't listen to me I then start Q instead of my E and reveal, more often than I would like, that we'd be cheesed.

I feel mentally drained after playing her and I like it

Do you miss old renekton?


xth for reintroducing slavery of demihumans.

Just like I miss old Taric

I miss original ryze

i want to hatefuck a creampie into her and make rakan clean it up i hate these two faggots so fucking much

defend this lolbabs

>Swain needs to collect something to trnasform
Gee, where have I heard this before.

Who would that law include beyond the obvious two sluts? Nid's not strictly vastayan but you could make the case in court I guess. Zyra? Cass? Janna? Soraka? Yordles? Sona?


I miss the bouncer crocodile from another planet who was so mad at his cunt librarian brother for not switching posts with him that he literally teleported himself to another planet and/or reality to hunt him down after Summoners from the Institute of War transported him to Valoran.

nice hacks maderfaker?

I was the one who told them this. So you can quote me on it, yours truly a d2g trash

Botrk/cleaver lucian or reaver/crit? I see all pros going the cleaver build but it feels awful building it. It scales off so hard late game and i dont se the apeal with that trash build.

Someone enlightem me

ONLY non-Humans.

I'm not sure on yordles because I'm not a yordlefag.

>enemy team lands a single piece of CC on a fed Yi
>wow so broken!!!

just end yourself

just main bot then if they're so bad

bet you couldn't do better

>I see all pros going the cleaver build
>It scales off so hard late game
The higher you go the shorter game lengths are. If you're low-elo you might as well go Crit because nobody below Plat knows how to close a game before 40 minutes.

>Trying to remain on-topic on lolgen
LITERALLY go to reddit if you want to discuss the actual game without waifu spam.

Cass is no longer entirely human
Janna's a goddess.
Zyra's a plant.
Soraka's a goddess.
Sona's a cow vastayan

>no argument
swain edgelords btfo

Ie/statikkshiv Lucian

>play league but its not fun
>nut but its not pleasurable
>eat but its not filling me up
>love but its only imaginary
>live but be dead inside

By this argument almost every adc should go botrk, and then trinity for max early and midgame dps

Darkin used to be a decent take on a race now they are just misunderstood trash. Same old shit. Don't bother, don't think about it, it doesn't really make any sense so just wait for the Darkin female and the Darkin betrayer.

This being said I haven't read the stories they released around new Varus but he gets insight for Shurima from Swain so for anybody interested you can go check it out for yourself.


>nut but its not pleasurable
watch more degenerate porn.
>eat but its not filling me up
eat more food
>love but its only imaginary
all feelings are only imaginary. if you feel it's real :)
>play league but its not fun
got nothing

>play league but its not fun

boy do I know this feel
I feel like I play just to prove you can still get diamond with trynd

its not going well, he is actually close to being troll pick tier

The cdr from essence reaver feels better to get asap rarher than ie imo

>Darkin female
8=D is :)

>have problems
>don't try to solve them
>dramatize over your pathetic existence

So that's what them intelligent people do?

>spend most of your time on a cantonese choir board next to people chanting a chorus of selfloathing and hate
>surprised at the endless downward spiral
idk what to tell you my dude. I'm just here to shitpost, not playing league made me a much happier person.

also depression is real, don't seek help here.

Triforce is the ULTIMATE luxury item. Yes you could technically build it on almost every champion in the game, but you don't because of how freakishly expensive it is.

Also bork is only good on Boss Nigga because double-shot from passive, the only other ADC's who build it are on-hit abusers (unless enemy team has 3 4k+ Tanks or some weird shit).

>old darkin: race of demon weapons relishing in war
>new darkin: race of interdimensional invasive species of sentient weapons that were drawn to Runeterra by their use of magic where they were fought back and sealed away by an ancient Ionian queen wielding Varus himself and the 5 left in Runeterra are just the remnants of an ancient, forgotten war

They're basically the same but better. Although kind of taking up the old Void niche before that too was changed.

Playing with a toxic bard felt bad but refreshing

what the fuck does someone have to do to get a S+ on twitch?