Name a more brutal war culture

Name a more brutal war culture.





(Neo?) Assyrians flaying their victims alive.

Why Prussia

Unashamedly from Wikipedia:

The carvings show that the actual flaying process might begin at various places on the body, such as at the crus (lower leg), the thighs, or the buttocks.

In their royal edicts, the Neo-Assyrian kings seem to gloat over the terrible fate they imposed upon their captives, and that flaying seems, in particular, to be the fate meted out to rebel leaders. Jung provides some examples of this triumphant rhetoric, here are some from Ashurnasirpal II:

I have made a pillar facing the city gate, and have flayed all the rebel leaders; I have clad the pillar in the flayed skins. I let the leaders of the conquered cities be flayed, and clad the city walls with their skins. The captives I have killed by the sword and flung on the dung heap, the little boys and girls were burnt.


Holy shit.

Aztecs were fucking metal. Jesus christ

Atrocity propaganda invented by the Spanish after the fact to justify their genocide of the Aztec culture and people.

>genocide of Aztec people
They actually ennobled Aztec upper class into the Spanish aristocracy. As for the commoners, they didn't really genocide them, they fucked them.

Surprisingly enough, they had some really good poetry:

Where are you going? Where are you going?
To war, to the sacred water.
There our mother, Flying Obsidian,
dyes men, on the battlefield.

The dust rises
on the pool of flame,
the heart of the god of sun is wounded.

Oh Mactlacueye, oh Macuil Malinalli!
War is like a flower.
You are going to hold it in your hands.

Heart, have no fright.
There on the battlefield
I cannot wait to die
by the blade of sharp obsidian.
Our hearts want nothing but a war death.
You who are in the struggle:
I am anxious for a death
from sharp obsidian.
Our hearts want nothing but a war death.

Sacred crazy flowers,
flowers of bonfires,
our only ornament,
war flowers.

>Holocaust propaganda invented by the Jews after the fact to justify their genocide of the German culture and people.

Pretty much how you sound.

>"Alright, listen Mr. Pope, these people are kinda burtal, we need to go all 4th Crusade on their asses and "convert" them for their own good, look at all these terrible things they do! btw, Alvar misbehaved, break him at the wheel, take pieces of his flesh out with hot red iron, cut his ears, nose, and hands out and then burn him alive."

Alvar was a cunt though.

well yeah germany is getting drowned in rapefugees brought in by leftist (jewish) politics, there will be no more german culture or german people in 30 years

The funny thing about Aztecs and Assyrians is that they had wars in which literally they fought everyone in the region they were being assholes in.

Like the list of Assyrian/Aztec Battles are always them vs. a bunch of allied forces.

The Germans of their time.

>mfw 11th grade years ago spanish teacher who is white complains about female virigin sacrifices in old mexico.
>mfw she doesn't know what the flower wars are
>mfw when she says they were savages compared to old world cultures(not to mention african, middle eastern, and european cultures)
>mfw she doesn't know that children and female sacrifices were dying out around the 1400's in leiu of slaves

Aztec culture is gross and they killed a lot of people for their religion however they were not savages who killed their own children and women for their gods on a whim. It was old tradition and the "parent's consent" is them being dead, orphans were sacrificed.


nice strawman idiot.
the romans also made up that the carthaginians sacraficed kids, am i a holocaust denier now?

> the romans also made up that the carthaginians sacraficed kids
They actually did it, archeologist dug up a huge cemeteries with burnt infant bones in Carthage and other Punic sites.

China got pretty brutal at points.

Captured armies were frequently buried alive. Histories record 100,000+ buried alive in some battles, probably apocryphal but 10,000+ is believable.

During the Tuoba conquest of Northern China they depopulated entire regions, again you wonder how much the accounts can be believed but,

"They would cast babies into the air, catching them on spears, and then twisting and spinning the spears to make the cries louder"

War culture? North Caucasians. Especially the Nort-East-Caucasians.

And the source was a fucking Bible website,,,

The Aztects did so to appease their gods, though. The Assyrian did it to sate their own lust and to strike fear into their subjects.

What civilization does that soldier pepe belong to, fellow Veeky Forumstorian?

I'd say that's an Iberian mercenary in Hannibal's army. He's holding falcata and the dead one is wearing Italian-style rectangular plate of armor.

Ah. Thankyou for clearing that up, fellow Veeky Forumstorian.

How was your Thanksgiving by the way?

The only thing close to Thanksgiving we have here is Black Friday sales.

That's a shame really. Where are you from, exactly?

Metal is melodramatic music that teenage girls listen to when they get dumped. Is that really the word you want to use for hardcore?

The Evil Empire.


But that's me.

The other one.

So, you're Russian? Interesting. I wonder why you have good English skills.

>extraction of the heart
>extraction of the heart
>extraction of the heart
>extraction of the heart
>extraction of the heart
why is this such a repeating theme?

I guess it had religious significance.
You can feel the thing through your chest and it throbbing faster if you are in love or fear, also its a vital organ, so it must be the most important and noble thing to sacrifiece!


And now they are accusing Christians for burying fake bones?

And now the Christians are claiming the devil buried fake dinosaur bones?


United States of America

No wonder the Spanish btfo them

Keep guessing, m8.

>I will never be British

Kill me

Why in the world would you want to be British


our history is the only thing to be proud of now, friend, that and Nige

>Muh xuatletlixcuautexuatlecuacan
Aztec truly were a shit tier "civilisation", Mayans and Incans are where it's at

"Remember that you are an Englishman, and have consequently won first prize in the lottery of life.", No, not you ;_;

Wow what an original opinion


>The Aztects did so to appease their gods, though. The Assyrian did it to sate their own lust and to strike fear into their subjects.

One does it to appease false gods and the other does it to prevent rebellion and further bloodshed.

Why are you on the Aztecs side?

>Both the Aztecs and the Assyrian did it to sate their own lust and to strike fear into their subjects and vassals.

Aztecs were indeed the few and just the elite, an invader one btw.

That was pretty damn awesome.

Wow, had no idea, thank you. OP here, and yeah, this. The Aztecs were sav af but it seems like most of what they did was due to social pressure from religion. The Assyrians did it just to do it, to conquer and strike fear and just be ass holes about it.

War culture, sure, but more brutal than Assyrians? I dunno man.

Triple dubs, must be true

Assyrians vs Aztecs would be awesome

Don't forget the Dzungar Genocide

That would be awesome haha

Aztecs would get annihilated, due to the inferiority of their obsidian weapons against Assyrian Iron weaponry and Chariots.

Not sure if Aztec cities were walled, but siege engines too.

Hell, even earlier with bronze weaponry.


I was waiting for someone to say this. They are the only people I can think of even close.



I don't know anything about the huns.

>Child cemetery
>Y so many children buried here.
>They sacrifice.
>This is totally not because of high mortality rates among Children due to illnesses or whatnot

It's cool, neither does anyone else.

Lasalle died too soon.

From what I read (not a Christian website) is there were marking of cutting on the bones as well as charring.

Triple dubs followed by triple dubs

The Minoans did human sacrifices as well but they weren't a war culture.
The Huns and Mongols were brutal, not as barbaric as

>tfw your ancestors were absolute madmen
How do I awaken my inner savage?

Drug trade I guess.

Good heavens, just look at the time.


>The Minoans did human sacrifices as well but they weren't a war culture.

I believe we don't have enough evidence to conclude that they actually did it.

Move to Detroit

it would be an interesting fight though

Japan when it began to aggressively expand.

Under Hideyoshi or under Hirohito?

not an argument

I was thinking Hirohito, but I'm no expert on Japanese history and don't really know anything about Hideyoshi.

Them having 16 months seems like icing on the sacrificial cake

t. Montezuma

Merkel is center-right you dumb mong
>final destruction of Germany

Tribal warfare seems pretty brutal by definition. It seems as if a civilization has as a basic trait that it introduces more stability. Is that correct?

Kleitarchos (3rd century BC) mentioned they did
Plato / Psuedo-Plato mentions they did it in his Minos.

There goes that excuse, faggo.

Pretty sure the Assyrians weren't exactly tribal. Neither were the Aztecs, really.

You are correct that tribal warfare tends to be very brutal though.

Prussia was just militaristic, it wasn't hardcore brutal.

You must eat raw a still-bumping heart

The Caroleans were fucking brutal.

No that's what I am saying, that the Assyrians and the Aztecs weren't the most brutal war culture because they were civilizations, not tribes.

Truly the worst in the Ancient Near East

Infant mortality was high in ancient world, those were probably just dead infants buried together.

>rome sacks carthage
>burns the whole city down
>surprised there are burnt infants