Previous Thread: >[News] Check FateGO.USA on facebook for preliminary announcements and Campaign Milestones
>Saber Wars facebook campaign Either 10,000 likes or 2,000 shares will grant us 3 Saint Quartz 2018-01-04~01-18 3:59 UTC
>Returning Master Login Bonus! If you haven't logged in since September, log in now for a total of 10 tickets and 16 golden fruits, you lazy piece of shit
>London Chapter Released 3 new Mystic Codes and 5 new interlewds
>London Pickup Summon Period 2017-12-19 8:00 - 2018-01-04 3:59 UTC Servants on rate-up: 5* Mordred 4* Frankenstein 3* Henry Jekyll & Hyde, Paracelsus von Hohenheim & Charles Babbage
>London Pickup 2 Summon 2017-12-26 4:00 - 2018-01-04 3:59 UTC 5* Nikola Tesla 4* Altria Pendragon Lancer (Alter)
I know Mordred would kill me. That's why I can treat her like a King, my love is platonic.
Hudson Nguyen
>already have a good assassin >she's also not my waifu >still want to roll though I wish the game gave you more quartz, it's such torture to sit on it for months and months because you need to accumulate hundreds for a decent chance
Elijah Gray
karna to become my irl bf
Bentley Gonzalez
Juan Morales
>that mash in the background Even in the fucking CEs she wants to butt in
Joseph Thompson
Mason Hill
remove merlin
Evan Murphy
add more merlin
Ayden Stewart
“Bro, why aren’t you wearing his any pants?!”
Jose Bailey
That's hell you are walking into /alter/
Ryan Ward
Benjamin James
as many culainnfaces as saberfaces
Julian Campbell
Austin Miller
Gavin Johnson
>reading Strange Fake >none of the new Servants are in FGO yet
Fucking when?
Levi Morgan
Why is Lily assisting in the genocide of her people?
Grayson Diaz
>Most willing to ride your dick >D'eon says they love (You) immediately >No bond required Slow the fuck down D'eon jesus christ
Isaac Thomas
What is the connection between the fox archer and apples?
Ryder Parker
An eternal life alongside my Queen.
Lucas Martin
Julian Rogers
How hard is it to get welfares at np5 during the event? Everyone says they're guaranteed but you still have to farm for them
Angel Jenkins
>who want loyal, gentle wives but absolutely would want to be ravaged by them in bed there are people who don't want that?
Jace Martin
Actually, I just love real life Samurai and Feet, that's why I grailed my Okita.
Brandon Evans
Terrible assassin, should be bullied and disposed of.
Landon Ward
>Wonder where the fuck Ereshkigal is.
Ryan Johnson
No bulli
Oliver Fisher
Why is Nobu insane? Explain.
Nicholas Evans
For my next 4 rolls to give me SSRs
Hudson Sanders
that's both stheno, isn't it?
Luke Brown
Not that hard, you just have to keep going Got my Santa Alter with a team of underleveled servants (and good support)
Ian Fisher
How soon until Saber Wars: The Last Brit with Old Man Caster Artoria drinking sea sloth milk while feeling sorry for herself on some random island?
Jeremiah Moore
More Illya
Carson Gomez
Did you vote for her?
Jaxson Murphy
I would actually open my wallet for the first time and become a whale if zealot assassin becomes available in this shitty gacha.
Caleb Perez
Hunter Morgan
If you take the events even halfway serious you should manage to NP5 them. For better or worse, Lily doesn't require shop exclusive items to ascend.
Bentley Hughes
Didn't Narita make a deal with Nasu that they wouldn't be summonable until he finished the damn thing?
Jose Ward
>ywn hold her hands stake included
Ayden Reed
I always wonder how many people looking at this picture realise that.
Bentley Butler
>Like both Anne and Mary. >Doujins for them are practically non-existent despite the fact they're tailor made for them.
Lincoln Wright
Give an unregistered spirit origin for every 100 quartz spent without a 5* drop. Doing a 10 roll and getting nothing but a bunch of 3* garbage and a 4* CE is the game basically spitting in your face.
Nathaniel Hernandez
John Long
give me MHX
Lincoln Jenkins
More Bitcoins and Ripple
Ethan Carter
Jing Ke is a girl? What the fuck she's so ugly though
James Green
You'd think they'd put them in FGO to cross promote for book sales.
Thomas Stewart
>That or a Jojofag who thinks she a badass What?
Connor Miller
>said the worst avenger
Dylan Taylor
Saber is mai waifu and I only take her in her purest form.
Levi Edwards
What? Stheno is always permanently smugface. That's definitely Euryale. Am I being baited?
Noah Harris
Same artist as Nightingale.
Anthony Peterson
I wish for NP5 MHX with my free quartz.
Hunter Anderson
Enkidu is already available in JP
Joshua Butler
Elijah Mitchell
>tfw found 3 great covers and doujin samples of them on pixiv >those doujins never got scanned
Joshua Rivera
Went to check and it actually is Euryale. She doesn't have the flowers on her headband until the 2nd ascension
Jacob Moore
Wyatt Sanders
She goes ORAORA as Ruler.
William Martin
Enkidu isn't a SF original though
Logan Barnes
i caught a flu this sucks
Camden Thompson
The worst avenger is Angry Manjew though.
Jack Butler
Why is Kiyo designated for being a monstergirl waifu, but not Elisabeth who is way more of a monstergirl?
Easton Thomas
I wish he'd done those for more
Tyler Evans
>Your waifu doesn't have a chart made to insult you for liking her feelsbadman
Lincoln Jones
Got anything for Nurse, NEET, or Too moe?
Asher Carter
Connor Perry
how do those stakes work anyway? they are fucking massive, you'd have to remove a lot of bones and tendons to fit them through her hand like that
Jaxon Thompson
I'd appreciate it if she turned off her lance in my room
Lincoln Jackson
Soon finally will get a Saber Lily and my protagonist could had fun with her and Alter
John Williams
A swift blade to the neck oughta fix that
Justin Rodriguez
How bad would a team of all Avengers be? Angry Manjew, Horta, Gorgon, Hessian Lobo, and Dantes.
I'm guessing shit?
Ayden Butler
feel better user
Lincoln Baker
useable, just for harder content might need to be creative
Jayden Martin
Don't make me call Mozart
James Scott
>he doesn't have Lily KEK
Hudson Gomez
>get to bond 5 >get no cool bond line, just her being melancholic about dissolving something the fuck, literally a brick of personality
Jaxon Bennett
All Avenger team is like All Berserker team except they take less damage I think
Julian Gutierrez
Sebastian Morris
Jannufag, can confirm
Kevin Rogers
It's a crime they took her ZR away
Gabriel Wright
Oh my
Bentley Rivera
Can confirm
Matthew Cooper
Bentley Russell
>still no NY paid gacha news
Cameron Morris
Brandon Richardson
I don't know, I only know I want Jeanne Alter.
Nathan Rivera
>December 30 >no new year event announcements >no free quartz >no tickets
This is it bros, its all over
Adam Green
>Medea's interlude gave me 3 gears five more for Okita!
Juan Reyes
Christopher Cooper
True. But on the other hand, bare feet.
I figured. Sounds like it might be fun, but Dantes would probably soak up a lot of quartz better saved for Jeannu.
Jayden Taylor
Same. Too lethargic to do anything. Get well soon user. /blog
Brayden Powell
>No wonder she wants to fucking die O am I laughing
Benjamin Martin
Just give it up it isn't happening. We're just going to have saber wars.
Jordan Johnson
Yeah, that's true. Here is my account qese25fr fuckna69