/fgog/ - Fate/Grand Order General

Previous New Year's stream on Dec 31st, 9 PM JST

>Part 2 prologue
>timed missions, the next unlocks on the 31st
>rewards are 2 CEs and 30 quartz

>New Year Campaign
>Retweets for limited *4 CE and QP.
>Guaranteed paid gacha
More details in NEWS.

>Monthly items: Deadly Poison Stinger, Magic Cerebrospinal Fluid, Dragon Fang


>Farming Guide


>Mega Pastebin

>TLs Pastebins

>Friendlist Spreadsheet (last reset: November 29)
View list docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1FSN1kmzso2itgjWzaGfysZ5WhEjiL5EcyjGr4k6DffA

>Materials, experience and event AP simulators

>NP Comparison

>Alternate Servant/CE DB

Other urls found in this thread:




Hugs for CUTEST curry!


>fujokeks STILL in denial

>Kiyo scanned

Bless. exhentai.org/g/1161892/35b9e63389/

Xth for laser beam guaranteed to blow your mind

are other people really not allowed to upload better scans of doujins that LWND upload first?

Nobu a CUTE!

Post more Wada mode.
I'm addicted.

why red eye?

>無論、親しい友ですとも。再び共闘することができ、嬉しく思います……が、それはそれとして、何度戦っても私が必ず勝ち ます。ええ。


>Semi and Amakusa relationship was more interesting that Sieg and Jeanne
The fact theirs was nothing special to begin with makes it even worst.


Can Kojiro(True) be a grand saber?

What does this post mean? I see it a lot, but I don't understand it.

I've seen people upload better scans before, but it probably discourages people from doing so just like if a TL group uploads something first people are discouraged from uploading alternative translations

Aside from chinks most of this shit is done either through commissions or people tearing up their own copies


Proto is a throwback to Nasu's chuuniest days.

Am I ready for NY gacha bBROS

>he doesn't know Queen


Where did her hand spikes go?

Happy New Year /fgog/.

What the fuck
How does one get 115 of those


We need more king Hassan



full scans for new mats and artbook where?

wait till you see
Oh no no no no

But fujos like her

This scene was so much better than the crap at the end with Sieg and Jeanne. It was simple and conveyed how they think about each other.




Careful Shirou! Artoria’s beloved giant-slaying surrogate brother will enter the Gacha soon. His name sounds like “K” because his life was basically a Kafka novel: The Seneschal!

Thank you user.

Why does Japan keep lewding my daughters?

>115 blank saint graphs

Can we get along now?

Need to change to text for it to be F/GO shitposting

thanke user

Close yourself dumb book.

>Lancelot needed no less than three stat boosts and a melee range swordbeam to keep up with Numeral Gawain and defeat regular Gawain

Hello little one, come in, we have books, tea and candies here.

Are you okay with this?

Because I don't mind it.

I was under the impression that his name sounds like "K" because he KEKS everyone. Good thing that's not the case.

They are cute together.

I don't care about Semiramis and Amakuso deserves someone who loves him so sure.

>As it is, I will definitely win no matter how many times we fight. Yes.

>Semi made it onto one of the racecars
Why though.

Where are you hiding your servants?

>Implying the dog isnt another of my cumdumps.

I only care about Semimeme for her ears, so I don't particularly feel very strongly about it either way.
Semi sodomizing Amakuso with her handspike doujins when?

The non-canon nipples bother me.

I can't help but think of that one fanfic when people talk about closing books.
>With unexpected force coming from a young child, he snapped the book shut with the hand holding it. The sound as the pages unexpectedly crash together is echoes thorough out the library as he squeezed the covers tightly between his fingers. If one tried, one would have heard the voice of a girl shrieking out in glorious release. It was only due to his grip that the book hadn't flown off as it shook and rattled as if possessed.
Jesus Christ.

Eveything was better than Jeanne/Sieg. Achilles/Atalanta, Semi/Shirou, and Mordred with her Master were more likable and sympathetic than Sieg/Jeanne.

In my sleevies


No, it's already been reserved by Ado Edem

Is mega still alive or is it just not loading for me?

Semi got cucked by Dantes and Daiz though? Amakusa wants the D

Gawain needs Numeral Buff to be relevant,without it Lancelot just steamrolls

As if the nip artists know what the shitposters talk about here.

He's just too cute.

Are there pictures of the whole material book yet?

Better relationship than Sieg and Jeanne

If you read this, you will roll the paid gacha and get a duplicate

You can't undo this curse

Please stop the bullying

More like without it Lancelot still retains all of his buffs since they aren't conditional and is capable of besting Gawain with their help, because otherwise his stats get Achilles'd

Well, in spite of Kay’s rotten luck in general, he eventually married a princess, sided three children, and pointedly did not die with the other knights during that horrid final battle.

He who laughs last...

How many ssr do you have, user?

Lancelot needs three mommy buffs to be relevant, without all three Gawain steamrolls.

Jokes on you, i'm not falling for the scam that is the last 2 paid gacha

He fucking abandoned Britain before Camlann, gathering his shit and running away. In some stories he gets killed by Lucius, which I wouldn't mind.

How does the cast of the last anime you watched/last game you played compare to Fate in terms of powerlevels?

Only good Fate fanfic.

Dumb mud is cute
How the fuck can he go from this to a heartless rock though

Jokes on you, I was going to get a dupe anyways

I honestly want a duplicate of Illya.

Superman solos it

Only 5. All those saint graphs came from Seibah dupes

Jokes on you, I don't have a credit card so I can't buy paid quartz.

fujos are S E E T H I N G

>pressing the hand of your loved one to your cheek
That's pretty damned real

I can't roll the paid gacha

Exactly. Kept his life and his sanity in spite of friend and foe alike conspiring to take both away from him.

No bros, how could this be? DW killed Fgo with it's week of nothing!

They look so cute together.

Reminder that Arondight is only A rank, lower than both Excalibur and Galatine

Superman would be fucking raped by many things in TM, even borderline joke shit like Gae Bolg, because he has no resistance to magic abd it affects him normally.


I knew the shitposters were ESLs.

wtf moving to gb now

Oh so that's Kay.

>The way he tries to raise his hand and semi catches it
Fuck, I'm having nice feelings

Nah without them Lancelot just beats the shit out of him, since he's far more skilled

>you will never find a wife as devoted as Semi-sama
why even live bros?