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First for kitties.

3rd for kick Nirah from the crew

no edition edition

>looks so good
>sounds so shit

Pfister Comet SR or Neon?

I'm on the crew and I never talked to them, how do we talk? if it's via discord then fuck that gay ass shit

has anyone fixed 1st person to not be so aids? it doesnt play right and just dissapoints me

Well do you want a RWD sports car or a 4-door electric sports sedan
Personally I'm getting the Comet unless I end up not liking it as much as the Comet I have

Why either or? They're not too comparable.

What’s the best way to do Pacific Standard these days? Does the kuruma trick not work anymore?

why kick nirah?was in a session with him dude seems bretty alright

cute lizer

Happens so many times, it's not even funny.

>Mild chub when the FMJ released
>Try it out
>It has the same engine sound as the bifta
>this supercar shares its library with a goddamn go-kart

The same library as the kuruma, monroe, casco, and god knows what else. I have been playing this for far too long and I am equally too autistic to deal with it anymore.

>tfw menumaggot sharkcard salesmen keep fugging up my gameplay experience

how can we complain about this officially to R*

have a friend get a heli from the hospital and land it on the roof of a nearby building with roof access and have everyone go onto the roof and get into the heli

>5 year old game
>still has infinite "loading" screens 33% of the time

fucking HONESTLY

If I'm playing on character that is linked with a steam account can I transfer that character to another gta copy, steam or not, or is it stuck with that particular steam account forever?

I want to join the PC Crew.
SC name: Olafian
request has been sent too.

Are there any mods to enable online-only cars in SP, or do I have to go script-kiddy on the multiplayer in order to drive my carfu?

literally download any trainer

XA-21 sounds better and looks better too

Somebody should figure out a way to glitch money during loading screens, that shit would be fixed in a week.

>Non removable chrome engine cover
>Doesn't match with actual chrome paint
>Doesn't match with any of the metal paints

Really ruins the aesthetic.



>Setting up trainer
>Decide to get other mods while I'm at it
>Realistic driving doesn't work on latest version
Fug. Anyway to downgrade the steam version or am I gonna have to deal with arcade physics until the guy updates?

yeah, sadly.

the front end is so bland though, but at least the back is perfect.

Akula is fucking shit or I'm using it wrong

>if youre trying to fight with it
yeah youre using it wrong.

it's a flying gankmobile

If you're not always in stealth mode, aside from popping out to punk people, you're doing it wrong.

I'm in stealth mode and rockets still kill me

obviously you fuckingretard.
people can still lock onto you in stealth mode.
it's all about getting one kill and then fucking off and coming back when they arent paying attention.
if you try to get 2 kills you will just get rekt by welfare launcher

Did they stealth buff cops? They're hitting my fucking earlobe when I'm behind cover from a mile away with a 9mm

That was a deadgen feature.

legacy code

That's the power of hitscan.


why don't you have a wedge?

Because I ditched it at the bunker when I launched the sale.
The MOC cab is faster, more durable, and bullies traffic just as well.

Are there any working money glitches? I have no money as a level 15, and I'm not going to spend the rest of break grinding.

>Been just using MOC cab for haulin'
>Dumb shitters coming around in their choppers trying to blow me up
>Make sure the freight gets there on time always

Shit's comfy.

se7ensins forums is always the answer

Well, the only downside about MOC cab, are horribly bad brakes.
Even without the trailer, it's a real pain, to stop that thing.

>Only level 15
>Already begging for money glitches

>when you complete that doomsday finale

Xa21 and visione are basically bennies cars they're so detailed and we'll made, with so many deliveries. It's weird that the autarch and sc1 are so bland and copy paste handling_wise.

I really get the feeling that there's two teams working on the cars now or something
Like look at the Riata, Kamacho, and Savestra vs. the SC1, Revolter, and 190z, for example
Some cars just strike me as having more attention put into them

There's one on pc where completing a sale while disconnected causes the client to send multiple requests for money, which rock star grants as legit after a minute or two when you recconnect. One ie sale gets you 700k.

Some guy just turned all our heads into air hockey tables, and it exploded me out of my car

The fact that the MOC is so hard to stop is part of what makes it so great.

Probably the same team. I think mainly they just got sick of making expensive cars that people buy once, drive for 5 seconds into a bennies and never see again. Dubious, Virgo classic, Nero non customs where are they? Now they just go straight to lsc. Upgrading is stupid, just make cars that stand on their own on occasion. Bennies cars are still coming, they just don't go to bennies anymore

That's pretty crafty of you.

Applying for PC Crew

Blacklisted. No phat people allowed.

Open your profile

Realistic driving was just a handling.meta file. You can open that up in openiv and just copy paste it yourself. Obviously you won't have anything to overwrite new vehicles with.

>hosting a setup on normal difficulty
>level 152 joins and complains that it's not set to hard
>he dies twice to random npcs and then quits

why is it always like this?

Why would you ever put living quarters into your MOC?


When you get the Avenger and its built in workshops

This happens 99 times out of 100 to me too.

>can only wear the butler jacket with shiny leather-like suit pants, other black suit pants either don't really match or don't allow this particular jacket
>the 2 or 3 black suit pants that somewhat go with the butler vest don't work with spats
Whoever designed this whole clothing system should eat the bullet.

Where is the hype for Red Dead 2?

So what are the best "Super" class cars?

Everyone knows the main campaign will be 8 hours and all the development will be put towards GTA online 2, sorry I mean Red Dead 2 online.

pretty good, carlos

yeah but its a complete waste of money isnt it? the fuck you gonna do with living quarters

vagner, zentorno, xa-21 jaguar, re-7b, autarch

every one of them except the zentorno are very very difficult to drive. the zentorno is still much harder to drive than normal cars

I seriously don't understand why rockstar is so autistic about what goes with what when it comes to clothes due to autistic fear of clipping issues, yet they allow clipping issues in everywhere else.

If you want to be able to use it in passive mode I guess, doesn't the command centre option disable passive mode when in the MOC? Other than some sort of RP reason that's the only one I can think of.

if you have an avenger, the best setup for MoC is

PV storage, living quarters, command center

Clothing is terrible as fuck on a female character than male by a huge margin. A lot of the shit looks terrible and makes you look weirdly fat compared to when its on a guy.

yo what attachment is this shit?

Slashers is just garbage honestly. I would have preferred if there wasn't thermal vision.

Explosive rounds for the heavy sniper

isn't the explosive a more orange one?

It looks yellow to me

Doesn't it bother you how most of the clothing added since Executives & Other Criminals and all the clothing since Finance & Felony were just resized male clothing? It's a bunch of lazy jewery.

Why is he so perfect?

you're right, I mixed it up, they're explosive, incendiary are orange.

It bothers me when it looks terrible so yes.

Though they eventually did add some good skinny jeans that looked good on females and some good shoes/boots, theyve added a ton of bullshit but theres also some good stuff.

I prefer my C-criminals to be uncaptured

I just don't know why only females can wear turtlenecks with the new tactical jackets.

how do you change your favorite motorcycle?

just ride a different one more often?

ive read here that its completely random. The obvious guess would be to just ride one for a long time until it becomes your favorite

the mechanics is a bit tricky
it's not the "motorcycle you rode the most in total" but "the motorcycle (you own) you rode for the longest time without a break"
so If you drove motorcycle A for 5 hours straight, and then motorcycles B and C alternatively 1h each for 20, 50 even 100 hours your favorite one is still A. And if you want D to become one just ride it for 5:01h without touching any other

I hope that made sense

Agent 14 is a treasure and one of the few genuine friends our mutes have, outside of each other.

>without a break"
should be "without using any other motorcycle you own", not break, you can get off it as much as you wan't just don't touch any other bike you own
taken from the streets are fine

The tracker is Consecutive, not cumulative; It only tracks the last bike you've used. So let's say you spent ten minutes on a Sanchez, then ten minutes on an Akuma before spending another ten minutes on a Sanchez. Your time spent on the Sanchez would still be ten minutes instead of twenty since the Akuma overwrote the previous tracker.

Snow is back, FYI.

Stop trying to trick me.

Come see for yourself.


State that the snow is only active on PC for now crafty, you misleading piece of shit.

how can i get snow?


>find new session
>snow is on
sorry for assuming you were getting tricky then