/haniho/ - Alicesoft/Rance General

Alicesoft/Rance General #709
Last Thread: Last Thread of the Year Edition

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Previous Version of FAQ: pastebin.com/U2AD8UHK
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>Useful Links
Wiki: alicesoft.wikia.com/wiki/AliceSoftWiki:Main_Page
Alicesoft Image Booru: haniho.booru.org/
Rance Game Translation Chart:
Rance World Notes (Translated): mega.nz/#!nRESUJYZ!ZqoypfshkozVBFpeFGI3Oi5xBtU22SjnrnfjIo2SUGY

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>Recently Released
Beat Valkyrie Ixseal - sukebei.nyaa.si/view/2332124
Steve[Monster] SR Mod - mega.nz/#!hBQi0BYL!BVWiYErNVlf1Bfrx55LdW64Ck01Z7J8_99roVxHW7Mc
DARKNESSHERO SR Rance Mod - mega.nz/#F!VloWzD6B!trEkYLMKASDXIYsGdLa8jw

>Upcoming Games
Evenicle (English) - Likely Early 2018
Sengoku Rance (English) - After Evenicle
Rance Quest Magnum (English) - Likely 2019

Rance X - 23rd February 2018
Teaser: youtube.com/watch?v=CpMoCuxFIIY
Gameplay Explanation: my.mixtape.moe/wvnjmu.pdf
Rance X Character Roster:
Jpg version that is under 4mb:
Rance X Gallery:

RPG 3- by the Evenicle team (New IP)
Dohna Dohna - by the Rance 03 Team (New IP)
Loli MILF Nukige - by the MILF nukige team
'Heartwarming' VN - by the Atlach Nacha writer

Haniwa Development Studio:

>Upcoming Events
Quiz Project

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Last thread user shilled an artist friend who may be able to make a good drawing.

I am interested. If you have good ideas please post them. I am open for all.

I was thinking lewds, since we have less fan art of that, but good non-lewd ideas may be good too.

I do need contact details of her though.

Kichikuou Rance Sill fucking a Ham Bambara.

What kind of lewd do you have in mind?

POV K-Kamilla sex

Kamilla and Shotablis.

Rance raping Lexington

The growing temptation to find a cheaper alternative to draw sexy Silky baseball.

>Last Thread of the Year
This makes me sad for some reason.

Cessna and Wayoso sleeping on each of Rance's thighs.

noted, though if there was an unofficial translation im guessing they would issue take downs and stuff for 01, 03, IX

huh that seems pretty reasonable, definitely not what i was expecting

Is Kayblis having loving sex with Kamilla worth 100$?

Mostly lewds involving girls not in X/not likely to have a scene in X

Silky trying to entertain a 3 year old Rance with baseball but sucking at it, while Hornet watches and laugh.

Suzume and Athena terrorizing Dark Rance while Rance laughs in the background. Lewd optional. Entitled "Attack of the House Bitches"

Which girls aren't in X?

01 shop girls, any who died, beautiful Gele (outside of flashbacks)

Gele going to be in user.

kayblis doesn't deserve happiness

Too hard to draw, I think.

So so far I've got:
Cessna and Wasoyo sleeping on Rance's thighs
Silky attempting to entertain baby Rance with baseball
Suzume and Athena 2.0 terrorizing Dark Rance

Kamilla POV
Kamilla fucking shotablis
Kamilla fucking Kayblis
Silky sexy baseball
Rance and Lexington
Kichikuou Sill and Ham Bambara
Suzume and Athena 2.0 terrorizing Dark Rance

Kamilla seems to be the most popular.
Nobody interested in Millie, or Gele.

Won't Kayblis have a scene with Kamilla in X already?

>Won't Kayblis have a scene with Kamilla in X already?
She suicided in KR, no reason to think she wouldn't do so again

What if she can't? She's weakened once already by him and Rance can rape her in KR too

>Nobody interested in Millie
I'm interested in Millie. Loving consensual sex (the only way Rance could have sex with her again)

Rance fucking Kayblis and then sending double peace NTR photos to Kayblis

>Rance fucking Kayblis

w-whoops meant Kamilla obviously

He said outside of flashbacks hanny.

>Rance fucking Kayblis
Pay for this

Anything Suzume

As user wrote in if you are willing to scout talent and manage, you can get a much better rate. But then you are working

Does Rance want to blackmail Kayblis?

Rance doesn't even know Kayblis.

That's what I mean. Gele will very likely be in the game, flashback aside.

So, user who's willing to spend the money here.
I was thinking, considering Kamilla is a popular mention what if we had an image of Kamilla undressing herself on cam and shots on the sides of Rance and Kayblis loving it.

>very likely
I'm so sorry about your mental deficiency user.

We will see who will laugh last

"It's so dissappointing that Gele wasn't in X after all. Fuck you Alicesoft."-(You), in 2 months.

Might be better to get lewds of Kamilla if we're going that far.

Sounds OOC as fuck.

Point taken, but I wanna move to a consensus. I was just trying to do so.

>2 months

I'm sorry for thinking you knew japanese since you talk about what's "likely". I guess you're more retarded than I thought.

How about Kamilla being fucked and giving into the dick like the breeding sow she was born to be?

Just some lewd is fine. She barely has any fan art.

That's not me, user. Although the other user probably thinks the game will be delayed, which I don't,see you in about 20 days when she is revealed on the next update.

I think its better delayed. Much better than releasing a game full of bugs, no?



I wish Rance had more kissing

that's gross. i bet you like cunnilingus too you sick fuck

I wish Kamilla had a loving sex with Rance

She already did.

wait for the demon king ending in X where she'll have a 3P scene at the end with rance and hornet

I wish Rocky had a loving sex with a measuring stick

I mainly just like the scenes with more intimate sex than Rance's usual get in get out. So like Kimchi's final scene in VI or the Shizuka scenes in IX

So what's the consensus?
Gele being shown the power of Rance's cock?

K-Kamilla is always a safe bet on /haniho/

Katsuie and Kaiju princess

Everyone forget about Omachi it seems.

Who know there'll be no scene again. We have obtained enlightenment through Nakadashi and Dragon Queen pussy.

Princess confirmed for X when? Don't tell me the new Horus queen will replace her.

You know she will user. When is the last time KP showed up in a rance game? How many years has it been? When will you give up hope?

Half of Maria's scenes go straight for the feels. I get the sense TADA really regrets not being able to make her the main heroine.

Kamilla's looking the most likely.
Just to be safe, I'll poll

I'll check back tomorrow for the results. I gotta go sleep.

Even when X comes out I won't give up hope that they'll patch shit in like they have for other games.

>Dont you dare say that. As long as we believe there is still hope


user if you overuse memes it stops being funny and it becomes idiotic.

Will mangagamer ever pick it up

At least in the last 5+ years they haven't delayed a release date. Which means they have been good at predicting how much time is needed for them to properly debugg a game before release.

You've never experienced the pure sex that is a double-penetrating unkempt curtsy

Hopefully only after its' better cousin

Which one, Tsumashibori?


Lia aggressively dominating Poron

Even if they patch a few things in as usual, chances for the otherworldly kaijus is slim.

>tfw the only vote for suzume

I was gonna say Oyako Rankan, but I haven't played that one, Should I? Is that one more like Hokenshitsu?

To be honest, I find it good even though I havent played it.

It's basically the same concept as Tsumamigui really

All I care about is there impregnation where it doesnt just happen from the NTRer from a certain scene at the end of their scenes. I liked how the schoolkids could impregnate Kotone early

saya's scenes are hotter especially when all the worst guys are after her, even the fucking butler who acts like he's wholesome

They're all pretty fucking good, All of it.

Black Ririko has the best.

Saya's the one that always stood out to me because she has a scene where you can see Mamoru running through condom after condom as they pile up and when you finally go bareback you impregnate her in one shot if she's ovulating at the time

Are there still any translators left, who didn't abandon /haniho/, the place that got them a translator career?
There are some pretty interesting games left untranslated.

If anything we chased them out. Except Aru but I'd rather he never came back.

Why were they chased out?
And why do you hate Aru, user?

I want him to come back so we can bully him. I wasn't here for when he was around but now we have all these great memes. It's a shame we can't use them on him. I wonder if he has expressed any emotions when shown my memes

Expressing character isn't his strong suit.

Rance getting to fuck Millie.

Ludo is around but he doesn't translated Alicesoft games.
Aru and Maria left to never come back.

It still astounds me that Ludo managed to go professional.

Aru wasn't really chased out only Maria was, but he's kind of a dick who never got along with us that well, so he just left after the MG drama.

Yes you should.

Ludo is here.

It actually gives me a lot of hope for my personal life. Ludo reminded me a lot of myself which is why I never expected VI out of him


Lucky you. I'm more of an Aten person, and as far as I know he's still a fuck up so I think the best I can hope for is succeeding in learning japanese.

He has more twitter followers than most other translators on the scene as well. He's done an impressive job of cultivating an image.

I'm pretty sure that's because SciADV is huge. Or at least Steins;Gate is huge even though i prefer Chaos;Head.

He's distanced himself from sciadv in recent years though. He even cut the "reading" part out of his username and publicly denounced 5pb.