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Previous thread:

glad you could make it, arthas

Alliance players are being cringe again...

Why are horde players so cringe?


Why are mortal races so cringe?

glad you could make it, OP

>links to the wrong last thread

Warning: You've entered a no-fly zone and are about to be dismounted!

Dwarf girls are for porking.

I want a nelf wife



>filter "cringe" and only "cringe"
>thread quality fucking skyrockets


god I hate the wow tradechat meme where the guy says "why can I see it if it's invincible?"


take your meds

I hate that it actually worked. People were saying trolly shit so I threw it out there and people actually responded.
I didn't know what to do it was stupid.

I wish I had a Valarjar Stormwing

the guy spamming "retard" is a canadian

is there a list of what those followers show up as to other players? you know, like warlocks have black harvest invokers, though I'm sure it's a named character

>wield Thunderfury
>wield Thunderfury



>assassination is top but bottom at the same time

truly the thinking man spec.

It's only top because this fucking game is bugged and basically anyone that's rerolling right now is fucking retarded

I hate it because I always fall for it and respond "it's invisible not invicible", the soccer mom, not funny answer, see?


Care to explain bro?

Dumb tranny

>make new character
>"wow this class is fun. I'll main this when I get to 110 and start raiding on it"
>get to 110
>get bored of class

tldr You can snapshot deadly poison if you use it from stealth

Guys I think Pezado is kill

Post more like these

I assume blizz is too busy on vacation to fix this.


Easiest raid in a long time /wowg/

Every spec is viable, and in the right gear can pull good numbers. Ignore idiots posting parses and play your favorite spec. You can easily pull 1.5m single target or higher as any spec and that's enough to clear heroic antorus.

>but what about mythic

Fuck mythic, and check out ya boy asmongold's new video as to why mythic is shit.

Where's runeheal? I haven't seen any of my greentexts getting posted


hi assmongoloid

Today i said fuck you to my tank anxiety and decided to tank Kil'Jaedan on my Brewmaster Monk, and it was really fun :D it even gave me the courage to make my own group to start doing the Balance of Power questline which i've put on hold for so long because just the thought of doing mythics made scared me, but it went super smooth and now i've got my first Mythic Keystone (Lower Kara +2) which i'm gonna try and gather the courage to do tomorrow
It was just LFR Kil'Jaedan and it was only a regular mythic but for someone who barely can tank heroics because of my anxiety it was one of the best moments i've had in WoW.

This probably sounds super pathetic to most of you but for me it was a great achievement and i just really wanted to share it. So to the people out there with the same anxiety problems like me i just want to say, try to gather the courage to do it! trust me, you won't regret it.


>Can't even change spec to assa and abuse the bug while I can because the fucking shoulders still didn't drop for me

Dk or ele shaman for my next alt?

And now that this boring ass pasta is posted it is the perfect time to go to bed.

Post pics of dead hordies.

You're as bad as the faggots that managed to defend that mannoroth trinket on arcane mages

>anime poster is this into blue vs red
umm sweaty take a break sometimes...

dk is three times more fun

How many of you faggots here actually RP?

Talking about serious RP, not Goldshire tier crap

I'm not the anime poster you horde faggot. Here's your (you).

Take your meds

Me. I'm part of a serious RP guild. Why are you asking?

I tried to rp without a guild but stopped after weeks of not finding enyone else that tried

Unholy DK's aoe > Ele's aoe

'nuff said


>Someone at blizz thought that making vanish a battle cry and tying it to a legendary was a good idea

If feint wasn't so good I'd regret rolling this class.



Asking to see if it's worth posting any RP stories or not in the future

>outlaw middle of the pack but the lowest minimum and highest maximum of all specs

This is what should happen to every invader of your planet

alright, ty guys



I did but I haven't since MoP. Once I'm back in the saddle I might try to get an RP guild going for us on the Alliance side. Or just throw my lot in with Clover Club but I don't know about them just yet.

I mean, Rogues can't get any worse right? They'll be better in BfA.


What would you like to see? Higher numbers? Each spec is different from the other at the moment.

What server would you make the Alliance guild on if you did decide on that?

Afaik most specs will remain the same in BfA, save for Demonology who even Blizz didn't like how it turned out and hopefully Outlaw too

>They'll be better in BfA.
I want to see rogue players without their artifacts that fix their energy starvation


Elf ears are for ____

Cease this cringe posting immediately, I've done nothing wrong
I really don't see any reason not to pick Moon Guard. Largest alliance RP population is there and they're killing the RPPVP servers anyway.

Sad how part of Ass Rogue's rotation is auto-attacking while waiting for Energy

>Enhancement shaman #2 after Fury Warrior and not counting GlitchRogue
How? What Legendaries and build?

Assassination has 25% waiting time on ST sims
Only spec that is above it is feral with 31% or something



Check herodamage yourself


By not posting leather mogs for a shaman related post WRYYYYYYYYY

>the absolute state of this thread



Rock bear is probably the coolest artifact appearance in legion. It's a bit wide using it but still.

That's the good stuff. Now hit me, daddy.

>Wearing leather
Draenei don't have a leather wearing class.

Ha, now that I have a website I don't have to ask anymore. You've given me more than I asked for!

jävla svenne

>What are monks
Believe it or not, the pic is leather armor.

>Draenei don't have a leather wearing class.

Gentle rubbing

Wow I wish unholy wasnt just a shitty pet class. That mage tower skin looks amazing.

>belf lock
>mfw having 5 different interrupt spells that I can't keep track of

>Draenei don't have a leather wearing class.
Every race has a class in every armor type.

I'm Moonguard, but you mentioned Clover Club so I wasn't sure if you were considering WrA which apparently has a decent Alliance pop still? I'm not sure what the scene is like.

The idea of ganking Clover Club is kind of appealing.


>Draenei monks
Huh, so that is an option. I have never seen a draenei monk so I honestly forgot.
And I rolled a monk literally just to see if anyone was in the Order Hall. No draenei

>And I rolled a monk literally just to see if anyone was in the Order Hall