Friendly reminder that the Doki Doki Literature Club General - /ddlc/ does NOT condone any of the following:
- Underage Drinking - Self Harm - Suicide and Suicide Attempts - Substance Abuse (Any) - Waifu Wars - Waifu Bullying - Heating Water For Your Tea On The Microwave (Please buy a[n electric] kettle) - Not Doing Your Best To Be The user Your Waifu Would Like - Staying Up Late
And, finally, you are encouraged to try/cry and exercise both your body with a healthy walk around the block or a flight of stairs in your daily commute and your creativity by writing texts of any kind.
Colton Lee
Natsuki a CUTE!
Wyatt Campbell
Post: >Your doki >Last book you read
Oliver Carter Towards thee I roll, thou all-destroying but unconquering whale; to the last I grapple with thee; from hell's heart I stab at thee; for hate's sake I spit my last breath at thee.
Gabriel Miller
I'd inject some muons into her fusion chamber if you know what I mean.
Liam Bennett
Kevin Robinson
Hey buddy, I think you’re lost. For Honor General is down the catalog
Jace Davis
>monika >lovecraft complete collection
Lincoln Lee
Auf der Heide blüht ein kleines Blümelein und das heißt: Monika! Heiß von hunderttausend kleinen Bienelein wird umschwärmt Monika!
Alexander Gutierrez
Now that's how I like my girl Sayori!
Charles Wood
>ywn play through a good Sonic game with your childhood girlfriend Sayori fucking kill me now
Evan Wright
Every day I imagine a future where I can be with you
Grayson Powell
Monika Occultic Nine
Jaxson Cox
There are no good Sonic games
Chase Johnson
>Natsuki >The Familiar: Vol. 5
Henry Wood
Aaron Russell
what can you buy with a dollarsuki
Logan Campbell
>tfw forgot to type mine >mfw you did it for me
Blake Price
>Your doki but she is prejudiced against a group you're in
Gabriel Hughes
>ywn listen to sonic OSTs with your doki
Nathan Price
>Monika >Johnny Got His Gun
Benjamin Adams
>Natsuki >only read manga
Dylan Reyes
I can only imagine Natsuki will think at least one anime/manga I like is shit.
Jeremiah Ramirez
Sayori's grades start to slip! She's called into the principal's office! They tell her she'll get expelled soon! Unless she agrees to participate in a new study! They say the study is to see if different types of uniforms can change a student's performance! She agrees, desperate to stay in school with her friends! They tell her she'll get her new uniform tomorrow! She shows up the next day! All the other kids participating are unboxing new and unique styles! She opens up hers! It's empty! She's the control group! She will attend classes naked! She will go to clubs naked! She will participate in after-school activities naked! She will walk to and from school naked! She wants to withdraw but they tell her she'll be expelled if she does! Sayori strips naked! All the other students are staring at her! She tries to cover up but the school tells her not to! Sayori gets escorted to her next class to make sure she doesn't skip! She walks in and everybody's jaws drop! They try not to stare but can't help it! She slunks to the back of the class and takes a seat! The teacher calls on her to stand at the front of the class! He makes her explain why she's naked! She can barely speak from embarrassment! When she walks back to her desk somebody spanks her! She turns around to see who did it but everybody is playing dumb! The teacher tells her to stop fooling around and have a seat! She tries to stay after class a bit! Sayori wants to avoid the crowded hallways, so she's late on purpose! But it's too late! Word has spread around the entire school! Hundreds of students are crowded around the door, waiting on her to leave! Sayori tries to walk to the clubroom but people are blocking her way! She ask to ask them to move, but they say they won't unless she moves her hands! They also tell her to spread her legs! Sayori almost cries, but obeys their commands! The entire school inspecting Sayori's cute boobs! Everybody can see her tiny pussy! Sayori!
Jacob Evans
Monika but instead of being a sociopath she’s actually pretty chill about the whole self-aware AI thing
Samuel Ward
Yuri. Just begun reading Cyrano de Bergerac.
Hunter Smith
>sonic games >good lol
Daniel Peterson
I was more thinking race/disability/etc
Nathaniel Cruz
>Listening to the Unleashed OST with Monika I think she'd like it's OST.
Julian Nelson
Calypso, I wish for the ability to grant my own wishes without them going wrong!
Jason Fisher
Moneyka Say€ ¥uri Nat$uki
Matthew Collins
Isaac Ramirez
Always love reading these
Blake Sanders
Yuri Halfway through Storm of Swords Recently read Wee Free Men at a friend's request
Dylan Diaz
horrible feel
Ian Brown
First time writing a story, go easy on me.
>Sayori goes back home to her cheap dingy apartment >She opens the door and passes by the garbage bags littered on the small entrance >"Ah... It's leaking and staining the Tatami mats, the landlord gonna be pissed". >She quickly tries to cover it and look for a tissue, but it's pointless, the liquid is too much, it's getting everywhere >Sayori gives up and just leaves it be, she washes her hands on the kitchen sink with plates that she's forgotten to clean >Sayori sighs, she walks up and places her M1911 on the table, sits on the bed and looks at the old decrepit T.V. >"Where's the remote?" >She looks to her side, carefully moving the garbage so she doesn't get her hands dirty again >"Ahhh whatever", she stands up again and manually turns on the it on with the buttons >The T.V. fills to life and produces that unmistakable sound that those old CRT models make >"Static huh, guess I got to hit it again..." >SLAM >The grain distorts a bit, but still no signal >SLAM >For a brief moment You could make out two people but quickly turns to static again >SLAM >Finally it works, it's still grainy but Sayori can make out two people talking >Sayori sits again on her bed and gets lost in though >Hollywood always portrayed Assassins as these super human people with Special Forces training like CIA, Navy Seal or some bullshit >They've painted them as having lavish, aesthetic and modern houses with expensive furniture and paintings >Accompanied by Top of the line weapons that would even make the Military envious >Oh, and let's not forget the super secret door that unlocks Your armory >"What a fucking joke.", Sayori thinks to herself >"It's nothing like that, guns for hire are usually desperate people... really desperate souls..." >"The pay is horrible, the danger constant and You have to live in constant fear about the SWAT bursting down Your door." >"$10000 for a head? More like $500..." >"Wait... what?"
Oliver Mitchell
Sayori Biography of John Monash by Roland Perry, fucker was a chad beyond all comparison. Hired a guy, fucks his wife, he catches them but decides to try and keep is job and tells him not to do it again. Monash then proceeds to have an affair with her for just shy of a year.
Jose Garcia
nah, nigga aint happening.
Grayson Murphy
>SayEuro >Yenuir >NatDollaruki
Matthew Allen
Fuck off Calypso
Aiden Hughes
Jackson Wright
M¤neyka ₧ayori 円uri Nats¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢¢i
Christian Carter
>Something has caught Sayori's attention, she sits up straight and feels a cold wind blowing through her arms >It's... the T.V. >The T.V. said something "user, You've been experiencing great success haven't You? In just a few years, You've already been casted in more than a dozen productions, how doe You deal with all that stress?" >"I could barely make out the people because of the image quality, but that person... I definitely know him..." -- Sayori thinks to herself. "Well Sakura, it's definitely been a challenge ever since..." >There's no doubt about it, it is him, why? Why is the past suddenly coming back to haunt me?. "As expected from the rising star, such a well thought response!" >No, no, no. Please no. I've wanted to forget about for so long, I wanted to leave the pain behind... Please stop... " user, I'm sure there's a lot of gossip circulating around Your love live but recently there's been images circulating online with You being intimate with a beautiful woman, care to comment?" >"What? user has girlfriend? No... that's just not possible... is it her? "Haha, well I suppose it's a good time as any to announce it, You see, I've been in a relationship since I was in Highschool..." >"I don't want to listen to this... just get out of my fucking head!" -- Sayori barely mutter the words while slamming her hand against the wall. "She's been my girlfriend ever since I joined the Literature club from my school" --The camera zooms closer to user >"SHUT THE FUCK UP, NO, FUCKING SHUT YOUR MOUTH!" --Sayori shouts at the T.V with all her might "And I think it's about time that I should ask the question..." >Sayori throws the table to her side, goes down and her knees and gingerly places her hands on the sides of the T.V while puts her teary-eyed face closer to the screen. "Monika..." >"No user, please... don't do this to me..." --Sayori barely utters the words as she struggles breathing from her convulsed gasps and whimpers." "... will you marry me?"
Owen Jackson
>Yuri >re-reading Use of Weapons atm, read Albion's Seed previously, would recommend both
Hudson Adams
Well, what would you consider “good” sonic games?
Austin Thomas
>wake up sweating to death >snowing so cant go outside and kill time >Can finally watch that new episode of Blend-S >Blend-S has no new episodes because it's over now Not my day, but how is your day going?
Joshua Williams
Monika's butt!!
Ayden Green
in my face
Grayson Adams
Hello, hello, everyone! Having a nice afternoon? I hope you are... Well, even if you're not, you're always welcome here in my poetry club, so come in, come in!
Word of the thread is "remnant"! Alternatives are 'orb' and 'lush'.
Ummm... SO! Poetry! Yes, poetry! Write a poem! What kind of poem? Well, that's up to you! Write whatever your heart desires! Poor out your soul! Let me feel your blazing emotion! I believe in you! Ahaha... Anyways, yes, please write a poem with one of the above words. Have fun everyone! I'm looking forward to seeing your poems!
Killing is the sweetest thing there is. Monika!
Jace Ward
I want to kill Monika! I want to ravage her dead body! I want to spit on her and shat on her!
Brandon Kelly
Your doki but she is a werewolf
Josiah Kelly
I got some art for another thread part way done, but that's about it
Wyatt Rodriguez
>breasts > ass
(you) me all you want, you know it's true
Aiden Gonzalez
>2 >CD >3 and Knuckles >Colors >Generations >Mania Most of the other games are at least fun, if flawed, with obvious exceptions like 06 and Boom
Justin Morris
not that user but i thought sonic adventure was good when i played it years ago
Jordan Ward
but shes also incredibly territorial, protective and loyal to you
Christopher King
fuck off
Nolan Brown
your dokii is real now but she's into black dudes, what do?
>enhanced werewolf senses make her more sensitive and aroused by your cock stink
Easton Turner
What if Dokis are real and we're not?
Jeremiah Ward
She has really bad judgement...
Elijah Moore
the last book i read had multiple stories , the most memorable ones were about a lonely chick who fakes being kidnapped so she can get famous in the local press because she wanted attention in her lonely boring life
the other one was about some maid chick who gets hired at a big family and she becomes jealous of the power and happiness of the lord of the house and wants to seduce him to teach him a lesson ,but ends up falling in love with him and being miserable , even after they fuck she stays miserable , pretty happy stories right
Samuel Flores
what if sonic is real?
Xavier Reed
She may have other problems than depression after all
Dylan Butler
Feel relieved
Daniel Ramirez
fuck off, sonicfag
Austin Morris
Perfect tits are slightly better than a perfect ass but a decent ass is necessary whereas flat chest or mediocre boobs are acceptable imo. Its about balance.
Dylan Perez
Owen Gomez
Eh I guess I'll upload what I have for the Doki Doki Mafia Club so far. I'm still torn on if I should have the story stay linear and you work with all the girls or branching and you can choose who to work with specifically. Branching would obviously take longer but could open up more doors.
Keep in mind this is still very rough I really didn't touch it up yet because I've been feeling very writers block and down so yeah. Any feedback is appreciated as always
>Monika >pic related Pls no bully me if I have shit taste in books (I can’t even tell if I have shit taste I just assume I have shit taste with everything), I’m trying to get into reading and I have no idea what things to read this book looked interesting so I decided to buy it.
James Peterson
Wonder if she'll settle for arabs
Hudson Rivera
Bentley Brooks
I'd rather enjoy these thighs of hers.
Jose Hill
Jose Rogers
your doki is real but shes in love with Sonic now what do
Austin Brooks
>Natsuki >Steel Ball Run
Grayson Gutierrez
Love my beautiful wife Yuri and watch her get stretched by huge black dicks.
Austin Rogers
Jacob Ortiz
monikba, buyt xhse poopires on youtyr fzace
Brody Brooks
Fucking kill her
Nathan Lee
Learn to run real fast
Oliver Morgan
Stuck in a rut perched on a loose end Into madness, did the thread descend The same brand of stale, with little new The same tactics I'd seen and I'd knew But circumstance was not kind that day I came here to wipe it all away But it pursued, I became entrenched A thirst for justice emerged, unquenched On that day something had to go right "Maybe that day was after a fight" That was my first fought, I have it one Since the thread's harmony was long gone Greentexts and all sorts of spiteful shit Scattergun approach, just had to hit and it was a momentary high but it left quickly and I asked why did I just throw her under the bus? Did I have nothing else to discuss? Guilt set in, I tried to at least write Something wholesome, something warm and bright. But instead of ideas, just bad news No farm visits, no choose to refuse. I didn't start it but I gave it fuel Prolonged it, being needlessly cruel I don't think my doki's proud of me Honestly she really shouldn't be She didn't want that kind of glory Should've persisted with that story As much as I love /ddlc/ You shouldn't have to put up with me I'm sorry for being an impatient dumbfuck
James Brown
Mein neger.
Austin Walker
Colton Smith
Elijah Green
Anything but food!
Isaac Sanchez
Monika but she makes you cum with every part of her body
Grayson Flores
>The camera switches from the stage to inside the set >You can see Monika wearing a brightly colored sweater and a skirt surrounded by stage equipment >Tears roll across her face, she covers her mouth and her knees buckle "Yes, user... Yes!" >user stands up from his chair and walks up to Monika, all the while the camera following his slow but steady walking >As he approaches Monika he locks with her, suddenly he drops to one knee and grabs something from his pocket >Monika tears and sobbing is clearly audible, it's clear that she's with filled with genuine happiness >user reveals a small but ornate box, he slowly opens it and reveals a bright, gleaming ring >Monika jumps in front of user, with him almost dropping the ring screaming "YES! YES! YES!" >The crowd, almost as on cue, applauds loudly, You can hear even a few whistling and a single man yelling "KISS HER" >Slowly but surely, more and more follow his lead and soon enough the whole studio is chanting "KISS HER" >user looks at Monika, she smiles as if telling him that they have to obey their whims >They give in, with Monika taking the lead and taking user by surprise, she initiates the kiss >The crowd is even louder than before, cheering them on "Well there You have it folks, user answers those rumor and gossip with a marriage proposal, this is Sakura Ta-..." >Sayori can't hear them talking anymore, she only hears her shorts gasps as she tries to control her sobbing and the continuous white noise of the TV >She slumps her forehead on the screen and stares at the filthy Tatami floor she's been tolerating >"It's just not fair... after everything I've done... I've always tried be at Your side and this is how You repay me? You're too cruel user..." --She whispers, as if trying to tell user through the screen
Benjamin Sanchez
>2 >CD >Colors >Good
Easton Johnson
>Purple One >The Economics and Ethics of Private Property