League of Legends General - /lolg/

ori edition



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I want to look EXACTLY like Cho'Gath.

xth for my wife Syndra

Cutest huggers!

Trying again:
>new years eve and i am alone
>currently on a personal performance low

Is anyone here who wants to play with me? I am on EUW and it would make me very happy if anybody could just play some games with me and have fun. I don't want to be completely alone for new years eve:)
IGN: Maxîmum Carnage


xth for looking EXACTLY like Sona!

Someone post the other version of this pic please

Can someone post that Sejuani Lissandra Ashe ass shot art where they're holding each other, I NEED it

have you ever received unsolicited (and personalized specifically for you) lewd from a summoner before? how did you feel about it?

I would but I'm not EUW

no :(


cute and lewdposting revived!

what League girl(s) would you want to live with? Who would be in charge?

>tfw no autistic gf

>not wanting to be Koggles so you could snuggle up to others

>what League girl(s) would you want to live with?
which ones would be likely to casually walk around the house naked or in very little clothing?

I'd like to live with Ahri!
I imagine she would be

she has the cutest outfits!
I want her to teach me to be her flat-chested little sister!

>gf is better than me at league
>she cant play supports or top lane
>can play everything else better
do i end it now or get good at mid lane


me again. how to get better at support? when do you give up on your adc? When should I roam, when shouldn't I?

That`s a shame, but I hope you will have a nice day:)

>Tfw you will never be the girl you want to be

>I will never share an apartment with Tristana, Nami and Shyvana

Just kill me now will you.

Ahri, because tails mostly. I loved brushing my gfs hair for her, and she mine. It was a very cathartic process, so I bet it'd be very enjoyable to brush one of her tails while the others cuddle me

almost definitely. although from my perspective that doesn't sound so bad

That goes for most girls, too.

does cleanse remove zoe sleep shit?

Its old but it taught me how to support in plat+

Only after the sleep kicks in, do it too early and you'll look stupid

id be in charge, Id keep her on a leash literally

xth for Cute Ashe

>Tfw no cute young white hair gf to spend the last day of the year toghter Edition

Pic related. She would very clearly be in charge

>first pick top
>literally doesn't matter what i pick, i'm always counterpicked, counterbuilt AND counter-summonerspell'd even if it means the guy has to pick some shit he never played before
I don't know whether it's good or bad that people go to such lengths to cuck me in lane.

Is Swain rework the next big update?

I know right, sadness.

Will Swain x LB be replaced by Vlad x Swain?

would that make her an aware kitten?

>Ignite Jayce

You had it coming


No, Swain has suggestive lines towards LeBlanc from the podcast that Riot took down. In fact one of the rioters recently even made a chart of League's relationships and Vlad wasn't even listed as a friend for Swain

>taking tp

>jayce player
>bitching about counterpicks
hey faggot some (all) of us are sick of you countering everyone in top lane. mind not bitching?

>taking tp

i aint no bitch, chef

when you get out of bronze 1 tp actually becomes pretty usefull

I'd rather be laning against Jayce than any of the cancerous tanks and mages.

>jayce picker bitching about others cucking him

This vid is okay, but his ADC is on the ball. Braindead ADCs not following up or helping when you zone it's an uphill climb. Yeah Aphromoo is way better than me, but this vid is like a perfect storm and he only had about half to do with it. The first fight he acted like he scripted it but he got lucky as fuck.

>No, Swain has suggestive lines towards LeBlanc
What sort of lines

id rather see jayce play without lethality

Would you love you waifu unconditionally?

Vladfag here, that's because she didn't remember the Sion video

>jungler feeds your lane not once but twice
>its camille
>suddenly 1k true damage every trade


even more

Which waifu has the cutest hairy pussy?

>didn't remeber
then vlad isn'st even important to swain's story

I want to CURE Vi of her homosexuality!

Post Swain art

I would but I have played like 1 bot game and 1 arurf in the last 6 years. Doubt I could play with you if you're plat.

She's not been let in on the lore yet.

more like which waifu has the cutest hair pussy

vladfag here i wont get a trip but ill constantly post annoying bullshit so i can be identified easily i'm beneficial to the thread


>tfw no pool party Vayne with her bush peeking out

No, one of the rioters working on the noxus lore update was like we are working more on blood mage role on noxus than vlad himself. Reminder Cass (for some reason) was listed as a friend for Swain over Vlad lmao.

If swain's insult or comment to Azir isn't good that will be the one thing that disappoints me about this rework. I can think of plenty of good ones:

"An emperor who charges head first into battle...so barbaric."
"This...shuffling is so...barbaric."

>peeking bush

>This vid is okay, but his ADC is on the ball. Braindead ADCs not following up or helping when you zone it's an uphill climb. Yeah Aphromoo is way better than me, but this vid is like a perfect storm and he only had about half to do with it.
Why do you act like you know what a good adc does and what a perfect game looks like your bronze for a reason.
>Braindead ADCs not following up or helping when you zone it's an uphill climb.
If your adc does not help just pick brand and kill them yourself.
>The first fight he acted like he scripted it but he got lucky as fuck.
It was actually not luck thats what you call calculated.

Because she's a du Coteau's daughter.

That Rioter said basically worldbuilding is doing blood mages, individual champ lore team is doing individual champ lores.

You do realize Swain looks into people's mind or hearts now and he will see and mention something Azir is hiding from the others, right?

does this is even a question ?

Still the fact that none of the rioters even reply back or say really stupid nonsensical answer when you ask about Vlad's role in Swain's story is telling. Its pretty obvious that he has a very minor role. Perhaps not for Noxus as a whole but Swain's story yes.

Also what the fuck? In Cass's lore its not even plied that she knows Swain

I wonder if Ascended could shake it off? Ah well, still I'd be disappointed if it wasn't good.

Only when he takes their soul. Swain's taunt would be something else

I wish i was a girl

I've never seen lamb pussy and artists rarely focus on it. I think it's safe to say it's not very cute.

no bulge

He is the major suspect for her dad's death.

Honestly my guess is Vlad writer doesn't attend the boards. I'm guessing either Burch or bobo. His short lore was more creative than expected so I have hope.

But why is she listed as a friend instead of an acquaintance?

>the vlad writer doesn't even attend the board

Yes, he does. In fact he gave a very detailed timeline of Zed and Jhin recently. He is also Jhin's writer.


I just hope they will have a decent actor voicing him. Somebody like Charles Dance.

How many years before they realise stealth just doesnt work in this game?

>"An emperor who charges head first into battle...so barbaric."
>"This...shuffling is so...barbaric."

That wouldn't be very fitting for a general whose main strategy is "get in the middle of the enemy team and lifesteal fast enough that they can't kill me".

>post yfw Swain is 2 lesbians on a /u/ poster body working for the darkin Beatrice-sama

Swain voice should be rough like it is now
Well they are reworking him for that reason

Sorry, but thats too much of a break for me. I would like to have somebody that plays normals and actively plays the game, but I dont care about the rank, just want to have some fun

Fuck knows why a friend. Ask Canastus lol.

True, bobo is on the boards but Burch isn't. But Bobo doesn't show up very often.

So do you know for sure it's Bobo then?

>Well they are reworking him for that reason
Yeah, but what they decided to do was completely drop the tactician theme so it's still fitting for him to just bruteforce everyone rather than completely change his kit so he's not just bruteforcing everyone.

Camille will get more (justified) nerfs.

Screencap this

Beatice is a demon not a darkin. No, they are not the same thing
Yes, I'm sure.

They're reworking him so that isn't it anymore.

I just thought of another one:

"Between the two of us...you're the real birdbrain here."

>not using the photoshopped "fuck talon" one

I got you


He could throw something like
>all the powers of ascension and yet you are still weak
against any of the ascended

Because the tactician theme was stupid. Swain is still a mastermind

How do you know? I was suspecting it but could easily be Burch.

Best girl.
Best smile.
Best wife.

Because he said it himself?

Link aah

I still assume the fact that they decided to change his theme rather than his kit means he's still keeping either the ult entirely or at least getting a similar version of it. Why would they just forget the tactician theme because it doesn't fit his kit then completely change his kit.

He is definitely not going to be a drain tank. Riot already said that. In fact one of Swain's playtesters said Swain works way better mid than top now.