/svg/ - Shadowverse General

Should I invest on 3 moonbunnies?

>when you don't remember to play around mist of extinction

>make a take 2 deck
>consider getting cards for dealing with bahamut
>remember bahamut is not in take 2 anymore
at least take 2 is free

Jesus Christ, look at this fucking slut.

>got meme'd on by wolflokiphant

>Investing in a classic legendary that never saw common play when there's an even better, new, legendary with an extremely similar role that is played in a top rotation deck right now


You guys told me Sword sucked in Rotation. Fuck you. I keep running into them now and losing.

Fucking Mars
Fucking Arthur
Fucking Walfrid
Fuck that better Floral bitch.

Fucking whoever is using Castle in the Sky. Fucking Lancer.

Honestcraft my ass.

How do you work with Catha? I cannot find a turn to fit her in.

Hi there, time traveler.
How's next expansion shaping up to be?

>literally complaining about memes in the sky