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I love my wife

Wow you guys are autistic with OPs

>Oliver GHB
>takes place in the PoR chapter where the bandit takes the priests hostage
>entire map is just infantry/mounted healers
>all have a healthy mix of dazzling/wrathful staff, obnoxious bulk, tons of debuffs and some even have pain + savage blow


Post that Catria image

When is ourguy getting an alt?

Kill yourself

Cum inside Cumilla!

Getting Celica into the top ten cyl!

Main guy/gal?

>says the autist who spams early threads.

Imagine being so pathetic you post in the same page on the same board on the same general the same thing for 18 hours a day all of the year.

Imagine having no life or friends outside of a discord group and a mongolian water painting general about a chicanese png casini slot anime tiddies casino.

Imagine being hated by your own family.

Imagine being TharjaAnon.


Getting Glade into the top ten cyl!!

Literally the only thing I will be rolling for on the NY banner, based onee-san saving me from having to build Caeda or Palla

Okay, but why does ISIS hate Hoshido so much? Not giving them alts while all the other Royals do is one thing. But then there's going out of the way to call the banner Hoshidan New Year's, but only having one Hoshido character on it with not only two of the others being neutral, but also one from fucking Nohr.

Girls with short hair are innately better than any long-haired roastie.

give her wo dao and go kill One


New Game Modes that don't require stamina and are more fun than AA please ISIS!!

I certainly hope you mean Cecilia. You aren't a Redditor, are you user?

why are you so autistic about posting first?
pot meet kettle

Isis loves characters that make them money

>Not loving both


pot meet kettle.
stupid beaner, trump should deport you.

Good luck, pal, Celica's not ACTUALLY popular. You want popular, look at Kagero, who is guaranteed to get an alt despite always ranking lower in polls than Hinoka, who will never get an alt due to unpopularity. /feg/'s always good at gauging these things.

I wanna be kind and patient with Katarina as she's rejoining the army just to lure her into an abusive married relationship with me involving mindbreak and reverse ntr


why is my free priscilla wearing weird clothes?
and where's her horse?

This is literally me except the second line should end after six words.


Why don't they draw her face like this all the time? It's much better than downs syndrome Camilla on her other 2 versions.

You are implying that this will be the last seasonal banner.

They'll get alternates next year.

You haven't even played Cecilia's game, Raul.

Why would it be in the hostage map instead of in Serenes or Oliver's villa? Otherwise it sounds like a pain in the ass so I say y

xD, a fellow man of taste, my nigga! *raises spork* Peter Griffin when!?


I got a free +Spd/-Res Mia, what do I do with this speed demon?

delete this post you bully

>said autist also got into a fit when threads were early months ago

Give flashing blade to your fastest unit.

I hate Soleil

>This was never committed to the gene pool in the /feg/ universe
it should be a crime

The enemy!

>the seething unnamed continent of Hinokucks

At least Hoshitofags can sympathise with oldFE fans now

Because it's a different artist. Her usual artist was too busy drawing more OCs to make a new Cumilla alt, I guess.

She looks 5 years younger in this NY art wtf

because hoshito outside of tacoman is not popular

No I meant Celica delusional spic

Not really. It's just hard to miss the cognitive dissonance on display. Especially when waifufags reach the point of insisting that what is unambiguously Azura's silhouette is actually Kagero.

>P-please give me relevance
Trip back on.

>can sympathise

Hoshido royals will get alts

Grandpacuck characters won't

fuck are these nightmare maps supposed to be impossible without top tier min maxed turbo whale units?

i'm using 4 5 stars lvl 40s on their base builds. one of them being blyn and a ninian which i'm sure are supposed to be good units and still i can barely scratch any enemies


I don't know why people want to argue about it but guys, you gotta understand that Guard really is pretty awesome

What future units will redefine the tank meta?

That’s not going to work here

why shes so lewd?

>complain about early threads while making early posts in the early threads
>only stop when you start getting your posts deleted
And people wonder why raul gets hated

>Roy and Ike have more alts than lobster and honkers
>lyn has more alts than taco and sakura
the state of Hoshito right now

Ryoma polled higher than Xander.

It's cool and all but it's not really 20k feathers cool.

>Nightmare maps
You mean infernal? Just use horses.

sonya taught her

It is. Wish it came fully unlocked on a 4*, but still helped me clearing this BHB

>40/40 DEF/RES
>Weapon has innate Wary Fighter

but i just have blyn

Ryoma is as popular as Xander. Sakura is more popular than both the older brothers. Only Hinoka is unpopular.

Xander only gets so many alts because someone there has him as their husbando desu

>Hoshido Banner / event
>A third of the units arent even from Hoshido
Are the japs self loathing?

Beachtime Armored Azura in a bikimi

So how did you beat Infernal R&L? That Troubadour is making my life impossible.

Unless you have some really good buffers and infantry units, you are gonna have a hard time beating infernal without meme buffs whether they be armor flier or cav.

Swimsuit Nephenee

Guess the next gauntlet theme.

Cavs made it easy.

Klein, Olwen, Inigo and Black Knight

he's fucking invincible

2 dancers and dazzling gravity genny

I had a cool run where I trapped the healer and bullied him. I tried to do it again and screen capture but I couldn't reproduce the results.

bring your own healer
all that non-lethal post combat damage is pretty nice for rehab


nohr vs hoshido to symbolize the curbstomping they've been given

A lot of trial and error. I hate how this games AI makes such illogical choices like Lucius attacking my BIke for non lethal damage when my other units are well within range sitting at 1 hp.

Once I learned those little nuances I just positioned myself to take advantage of them.

Yeah, you're definitely right about that.

If arena scoring wasn't an issue I'd just say use guard 2.

Oh nice, I guess I might as well get started trying the BHB
It really should come on a 4 star though

Sakura will be on the second Bride banner

>what could have been

Of course you faggots pick the worse OP
Gas yourselves


Fuck off fag.

I don't have enough orbs for that.

>Roy kills Raven and Galeforces out
>Bait the troub with ursula
>Buff Cecilia and BLyn

Remember when all of hoshito lost to some literally who pegasus knight


He'll get an alt

IS pissed off their Jap Hoshido fans

Jewtube dislikes don't lie

I am rolling a free Azura on the NY banner.


Should I roll for Azura if I have PA

Not them but no

No you're not.